Charlotta Mellander

Professor nationalekonomi
Nationalekonomi , Jönköping International Business School
Ekonomie Doktor

Charlotta Mellander är en av landets främsta experter på städer, kreativitet och regional utveckling. Hon har även varit tongivande i debatten om klyftan mellan stad och land. 

Tillsammans med professor Richard Florida har Charlotta Mellander varit med och utvecklat och publicerat teorier kring den kreativa klassen och städer där de vill bo. Teorierna berör såväl företag som regioner, som strävar efter att attrahera kreativa individer. Forskningen berör också kompetensförsörjning och flyttmönster mellan regioner. 

I sina föredrag tar hon ett bredare grepp på regional utveckling och kopplar samman ekonomi, entreprenörskap och innovationer med mjukare värden som öppenhet, tolerans och lycka.

Charlotta Mellander är en mycket efterfrågad talare både i Sverige och internationellt. Hon har bland annat föreläst internationellt för FN, EU-kommissionen och företag som IBM, men också nationellt för svenska företag och kommuner. 


Credit, K., Kekezi, O., Mellander, C., Florida, R. (2024). Third places, the connective fibre of cities and high-tech entrepreneurship Regional studies. More information
Wixe, S., Lobo, J., Mellander, C., Bettencourt, L. (2024). Evidence of COVID-19 fatalities in Swedish neighborhoods from a full population study Scientific Reports, 14(1). More information
He, R., Rickardsson, J., Mellander, C. (2024). Geography, age, and wellbeing following the COVID-19 shock The annals of regional science. More information
Mellander, C., Klaesson, J., Lobo, J., Wixe, S. (2023). COVID-19 vaccination rates and neighbourhoods: evidence from Sweden Regional studies. More information
Klaesson, J., Lobo, J., Mellander, C. (2023). Social interactions and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: Evidence from a full population study in Sweden PLOS ONE, 18(11). More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2022). The geography of COVID-19 in Sweden The annals of regional science, 68, 125-150. More information
Bjerke, L., Mellander, C. (2022). Mover stayer winner loser: A study of income effects from rural migration Cities, 130(November). More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., King, K. (2022). Power couples, cities, and wages Environment and planning A, 54(6), 1236-1255. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., King, K. (2021). Housing costs, self-employment, and fertility Population, Space and Place, 27(3). More information
Rickardsson, J., Mellander, C., Bjerke, L. (2021). The Stockholm Syndrome: the view of the capital by the “Places Left Behind” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 14(3), 601-617. More information
Strumsky, D., Lobo, J., Mellander, C. (2021). As different as night and day: Scaling analysis of Swedish urban areas and regional labor markets Environment and planning B: Urban analytics and city science, 48(2), 231-247. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2020). Technology, talent and economic segregation in cities Applied Geography, 116. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2020). Technology, talent and economic segregation in cities Applied Geography, 116. More information
Lobo, J., Mellander, C. (2020). Let’s stick together: Labor market effects from immigrant neighborhood clustering Environment and planning A, 52(5), 953-980. More information
Adler, P., Florida, R., King, K., Mellander, C. (2019). The city and high-tech startups: The spatial organization of Schumpeterian entrepreneurship Cities, 87(April), 121-130. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2019). The geography of the global super-rich Cities, 88, 112-124. More information
Kekezi, O., Mellander, C. (2018). Geography and consumption of local media Journal of Media Economics, 31(3-4), 96-116. More information
Mellander, C., Florida, R., Rentfrow, P., Potter, J. (2018). The geography of music preferences Journal of Cultural Economics, 42(4), 593-618. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2018). The geography of economic segregation Social Sciences, 7(8). More information
Shutters, S. Lobo, J. Muneepeerakul, R. Strumsky, D. Mellander, C. Brachert, M. , ... Bettencourt L. (2018). Urban occupational structures as information networks: The effect on network density of increasing number of occupations PLOS ONE, 13(5). More information
Bjerke, L., Mellander, C. (2017). Moving home again? Never! The locational choices of graduates in Sweden The annals of regional science, 59(3), 707-729. More information
Mellander, C., Stolarick, K., Lobo, J. (2017). Distinguishing neighbourhood and workplace network effects on individual income: Evidence from Sweden Regional studies, 51(11), 1652-1664. More information
Florida, R., Adler, P., Mellander, C. (2017). The city as innovation machine Regional studies, 51(1), 86-96. More information
Backman, M., Mellander, C., Gabe, T. (2016). Effects of human Capital on the growth and survival of Swedish businesses Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 46(1), 22-38. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., Stolarick, K. (2016). Human capital in cities and suburbs The annals of regional science, 57(1), 91-123. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2016). The geography of inequality: Difference and determinants of wage and income inequality across US metros Regional studies, 50(1), 79-92. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2016). Rise of the startup city: The changing geography of the venture capital financed innovation California Management Review, 59(1), 14-38. More information
Roos, J., Mellander, C., Danielsson, E. (2016). Solving for X:: Turning Academic Research Into Public Engagement BizEd. More information
Mellander, C., Florida, R., Martin, R., Pogue, M. (2015). Creativity, Clusters and the Competitive Advantage of Cities Competitiveness Review, 25(5), 482-496. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., Holgersson, T. (2015). Up in the air: The role of airports for regional economic development The annals of regional science, 54(1), 197-214. More information
Mellander, C., Lobo, J., Stolarick, K., Matheson, Z. (2015). Night-time light data: A good proxy measure for economic activity? PLOS ONE, 10(10), 1-18. More information
Lobo, J., Mellander, C., Stolarick, K., Strumsky, D. (2014). The Inventive, the Educated and the Creative: How Do They Affect Metropolitan Productivity? Industry and Innovation, 21(2), 155-177. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., Rentfrow, P. (2013). The Happiness of Cities Regional studies, 47(4), 613-627. More information
Gabe, T., Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2013). The Creative Class and the crisis Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 6(2), 37-53. More information
Klaesson, J., Mellander, C., Öner, Ö. (2012). In search of services in the market place: A probability of presence approach for retail services in Sweden Innovative Marketing, 8(3), 47-60. More information
Mellander, C., Florida, R., Rentfrow, J. (2012). The Creative Class, Post-Industrialism and the Happiness of Nations Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 5(1), 31-43. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., Qian, H. (2012). China’s Development Disconnect Environment and planning A, 44(3), 628-648. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., Stolarick, K., Ross, A. (2012). Cities, skills and wages Journal of Economic Geography, 12(2), 355-377. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., Stolarick, K. (2012). Geographies of scope: an empirical analysis of entertainment, 1970-2000 Journal of Economic Geography, 12(1), 183-204. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., Gulden, T. (2012). Global Metropolis: Assessing Economic Activity in Urban Centers Based on Nighttime Satellite Images Professional Geographer, 64(2), 178-187. More information
Mellander, C., Pettersson, L., Öner, Ö. (2011). Culture City Journal of Town and City Management, 2(3), 246-262. More information
Mellander, C., Florida, R., Stolarick, K. (2011). Beautiful places: the role of perceived aesthetic beauty in community satisfaction Regional studies, 45(1), 33-48. More information
Mellander, C., Florida, R., Stolarick, K. (2011). Here to stay: the effects of community satisfaction on the decision to stay Spatial Economic Analysis, 6(1), 5-24. More information
Mellander, C., Florida, R., Stolarick, K. (2010). From Music Scenes to Music Clusters: The Economic Geography of Music in the U.S., 1970-2000 Environment and planning A, 42(4), 785-804. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., Stolarick, K. (2010). Talent, Technology and Tolerance in Canadian Regional Development The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien, 54(3), 277-304. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2010). There goes the metro: how and why bohemians, artists and gays affect regional housing values Journal of Economic Geography, 10(2), 167-188. More information
Mellander, C. (2009). Creative and Knowledge Industries: An Occupational Distribution Approach Economic development quarterly, 23(4), 294-305. More information
Rentfrow, J., Mellander, C., Florida, R. (2009). Happy States of America: A state-level analysis of psychological, economic, and social well-being Journal of Research in Personality, 43(6), 1073-1082. More information
Mellander, C., Florida, R., Stolarick, K. (2008). Inside the black box of regional development Journal of Economic Geography, 8(5), 615-649. More information
Mellander, C., Florida, R., Gulden, T. (2008). The rise of the mega-region Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 1(3), 459-476. More information


Comunian, R., England, L., Faggian, A., Mellander, C. (2021). The economics of talent: Human capital, precarity and the creative economy. Cham: Springer More information


Mellander, C. (2008). The Wealth of Urban Regions: On the Location of Creative Individuals and Firms (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping International Business School). More information


Florida, R., Adler, P., King, K., Mellander, C. (2020). The city as startup machine: The urban underpinnings of modern entrepreneurship. In: Iftikhar M., Justice J., Audretsch D (Ed.), Urban Studies and Entrepreneurship (pp. 19 -30). More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2020). The Creative Class and national economic performance. In: Z. Chen, W. M. Bowen, & D. Whittington (Ed.), Development studies in regional science: Essays in honor of Kingsley E. Haynes (pp. 553 -575). Singapore: Springer More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., King, K. (2020). Winner-take-all cities. In: E. L. Glaeser, K. Kourtit & P. Nijkamp (Ed.), Urban empires: cities as global rulers in the new urban world (pp. 40 -54). New York City: Routledge More information
Mellander, C., Bjerke, L. (2017). De ungas flykt till staden. In: Josefina Syssner, Sören Häggroth & Ulf Ramberg (Ed.), Att äga framtiden: Perspektiv på kommunal utveckling (pp. 195 -201). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., Adler, P. (2015). Creativity in the city. In: Candace Jones, Mark Lorenzen, Jonathan Sapsed (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of creative industries (pp. 96 -118). Oxford: Oxford University Press More information
Mellander, C., Florida, R. (2015). The rise of the global creative class. In: Daniele Archibugi & Andrea Filippetti (Ed.), The handbook of global science, technology, and innovation (pp. 313 -342). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2015). Talent, cities and competitiveness. In: David B. Audretsch, Albert N. Link, and Mary Lindenstein Walshok (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of local competitiveness (pp. 34 -53). New York: Oxford University Press More information
Mellander, C., Florida, R. (2014). The Rise of Skills: Human Capital, the Creative Class, and Regional Development. In: Fischer, Manfred M., Nijkamp, Peter (Ed.), Handbook of Regional Science (pp. 317 -329). More information
Mellander, C., Florida, R., Stolarick, K. (2014). Talent, Technology and Tolerance in Canadian Regional Development. In: Charlotta Mellander, Richard Florida, Bjorn Asheim and Meric Gerler (Ed.), The Creative Class Goes GlobalMore information
Mellander, C., Florida, R., Qian, H. (2014). China’s Development Disconnect. In: Charlotta Mellander, Richard Florida, Bjorn Asheim and Meric Gerler (Ed.), The Creative Class Goes GlobalMore information
Mellander, C., Florida, R. (2014). Introduction: The Creative Class Goes Global. In: Charlotta Mellander, Richard Florida, Bjorn Asheim and Meric Gerler (Ed.), The Creative ClassGoes GlobalMore information
Mellander, C., Florida, R. (2014). The Creative Class Around the World. In: Charlotta Mellander,Richard Florida, Bjorn Asheim and Meric Gerler (Ed.), The Creative Class Goes GlobalMore information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., Stolarick, K. (2013). Inside the Black Box of Regional Development: Human capital, the creative class and tolerance. In: Charlotta Mellander, Richard Florida, Bjorn Asheim and Meric Gerler (Ed.), The Creative Class Goes GlobalMore information
Mellander, C., Florida, R. (2013). The Psychogeography of Creativity. In: Peter J. Rentfrow (Ed.), Geographical Psychology: Exploring the Interaction of Environment and BehaviorMore information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., Adler, P. (2011). The Creative Class Paradigm. In: David Emanuel Andersson, Åke E. Andersson, Charlotta Mellander (Ed.), Handbook of Creative Cities (pp. 56 -71). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Andersson, D., Mellander, C. (2011). Analysing Creative Cities. In: David Emanuel Andersson, Åke E. Andersson, Charlotta Mellander (Ed.), Handbook of Creative Cities (pp. 3 -13). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Mellander, C., Palmberg, J. (2010). Household Migration and the Attractiveness in Consumer Service Supply. In: Johansson, Börje, Karlsson, Charlie, and Stough, Roger (Ed.), Entrepreneurship And Regional Development: local processes and global patterns Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar More information
Karlsson, C., Mellander, C., Paulsson, T. (2006). Spatial ICT Clusters in Sweden: An Empirical Method to Identify Necessary Conditions for Existence. In: Entrepreneurship and Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy (pp. 257 -280). New York: Routledge More information
Mellander, C., Palmberg, J. (2006). Household Migration and the Attractiveness in Consumer Service Supply. In: Entrepreneurship and Dynamics in a Knowledge Economy London & New York: Routledge More information
Mellander, C., Adler, P. . The Baltic Sea Regions? : BSR Performance According to the Three T’s of Development. In: Polaris: Navigating Transnational Innovation and Cluster PoliciesMore information


Eriksson, S., Mellander, C. (2006). An emerging logistic cluster: value chain and cluster approach. More information


Florida, R., Mellander, C. . There Goes the Neighborhood: How and Why Bohemians, Artists and Gays Affect Regional Housing Values. More information
Mellander, C. . Introducing a New Technology: The Location and Diffusion Process of ICT. More information
Mellander, C. . Occupational Distribution within Swedish Industries: An Identification and Market Relation Analysis. More information
Mellander, C. . Talent, Technology and Regional Wage Levels in Sweden. More information


Kekezi, O., Mellander, C. (2019). Upplevda effekter av investeringsstöd. More information
Kekezi, O., Mellander, C. (2017). Geography and Media: Does a Local Editorial Office Increase the Consumption of Local News?. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2017). The Geography of Economic Segregation. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2017). Innovation, Skill, and Economic Segregation. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS More information
Rickardsson, J., Mellander, C. (2017). Absolute vs Relative Income and Life Satisfaction. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., Ritchie, I. (2016). The geography of the global super-rich. Toronto: Martin Prosperity Institute, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto More information
Martin, R., Florida, R., Pogue, M., Mellander, C. (2015). Creativity, clusters and the competitive advantage of cities. Toronto: Martin Prosperity Institute More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., King, K. (2015). The Global Creativity Index 2015. Toronto: Martin Prosperity Institute More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2015). Segregated city: The geography of economic segregation in America's metros. Toronto: Martin Prosperity Institute More information
Mellander, C., Alpfält, T. (2012). Kvinnor cch företagsstöd – en kartläggning och analys av sannolikheten att få sin ansökan beviljad. More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., Gulden, T. (2009). Global Metropolis: The Role of Cities and Metropolitan Areas in the Global Economy. Toronto: Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto More information
Mellander, C., Florida, R., Stolarick, K. (2009). That’s Entertainment: Scale and Scope Economies in the Location and Clustering of the Entertainment Economy. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C., Rentfrow, P. (2009). Happy States of America: A state-level analysis of psychological, economic, and social well-being. Toronto: Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto More information
Mellander, C., Florida, R., Stolarick, K. (2009). Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? How and why community satisfaction affect migration decision. More information
Mellander, C., King, K., Stolarick, K. (2009). What You Do, Not Who You Work For: A Comparison of the Occupational and Industry Structures of the United States, Canada and Sweden. Toronto: Martin Prosperity Institute More information
Mellander, C., Florida, R., Stolarick, K. (2009). Beautiful Places: The Role of Perceived Aesthetic Beauty in Community Satisfaction. Toronto: Martin Prosperity Institute More information
Florida, R., Mellander, C. (2009). Skill and Cross-National Economic Performance. Toronto: Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto More information
Mellander, C. (2009). Landskrona: En attraktiv plats att vara och bo på?. More information
Mellander, C., Andersson, M. (2009). Ekonomi, attraktivitet och stadsutveckling. Borlänge: Vägverket More information
Mellander, C. (2008). Occupational Distribution within Swedish Industries: an identification and market relation analysis. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS More information
Karlsson, C., Mellander, C., Paulsson, T. (2004). A Spatial ICT Clusters in Sweden: An Empirical Method to Identify Necessary Conditions for Existence. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS More information


(2013). The Creative Class Goes Global. New York: Routledge More information
(2011). Handbook of Creative Cities. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information