Content updated 2019-03-13

Accreditation of your courses

The completion of the course transfer will only be done once you have returned from your studies abroad, all courses have been approved on Intapps, and a copy of your transcript of records (grades) from your host university has been sent to the International Office at Jönköping Universityl. You need to check with the partner university how to order the transcript to be sent to us.

When we have received your transcript, we will mark that in the MOA workflow, you then see it has arrived.

You need to check MOA (Intapps for students studying abroad during fall 2023 and earlier) and ensure that all courses are updated and approved. All details including course names and codes must be correct and exactly the same as what is on the transcript. If there are any unanswered questions the accreditation process will stop.

The course name and number of credits will be transferred to ladok, the grades will not. A passed grade at the partner university is a passed grade at JU.

The original transcript of records, in the cases we receive one, more and more are digital, is yours and can be picked up at Service Center.