Henrik Hansson

Affiliated researcher
Affiliated researchers , School of Education and Communication


Mårtensson, P., Runesson Kempe, U., Hansson, H. (2024). Practicing variation theory beyond learning study International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 13(5), 49-60. More information
Hansson, H. (2019). Betydelsen av att variera innehållsliga aspekter för yngre elevers lärande av platsvärde [The importance of varying aspects of the content for younger students learning of place value] Forskning om undervisning och lärande, 7(3), 48-74. More information
Mårtensson, P., Hansson, H. (2018). Challenging teachers' ideas about what students need to learn: Teachers' collaborative work in subject didactic groups International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 7(2), 98-110. More information

Conference paper

Hansson, H. (2017). Keyfactors to promote a sustainable culture of an adaptive form of Lesson/Learning study in Sweden and what the keyfactors implies to leadership. World Association of Lesson Study (WALS) International Conference 2017, November 24-26, Nagoya, Japan. More information

Licentiate thesis

Hansson, H. (2021). Variationsteorin i praktiken: Vad en lärandeteori kan bidra med till lärares undervisning (Licentiate thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication). More information