Paola Sartoretto

Assistant Professor of Media and Communications
Department of Communication and Behavioral Sciences , School of Education and Communication
Associate Professor of Media and Communications
Programme Manager of Sustainable Communication

Paola Sartoretto completed a doctoral degree in Media and Communication in 2015 at Karlstad University in Sweden and has been a post-doctoral fellow at the Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies at Stockholm University between 2018 and 2020. She has been conducting research on the interplay between collective organisation, social mobilisation and communication, focusing on the appropriation of digital media by activists and social movements and, recently, on digital media and the construction of collective memory among activist collectives. Sartoretto has also been teaching and supervising at Swedish Universities since 2009, with extensive experience teaching courses in research methods, Global Media Studies, Media Activism, Communication and Social Change, and Latin American Studies.

Recent publications

Jeppesen, S., & Sartoretto, P. (2020). Media Activist Research Ethics. Palgrave McMillan

Sartoretto, P., & Custódio, L. (2019). The production of knowledge in Brazilian social movement families. Journal of Alternative & Community Media, 4(2), 60-73.

Uppal, C., Sartoretto, P., & Cheruiyot, D. (2019). The case for communication rights: A rights-based approach to media development. Global Media and Communication, 15(3), 323-343.

Lindell, J., & Sartoretto, P. (2018). Young people, class and the news: Distinction, socialization and moral sentiments. Journalism Studies, 19(14), 2042-2061.

Sartoretto, P. (2016). The Circumstantial Media Activist: An Analysis of the Relation between Media and Political Representation. Javnost-The Public, 23(3), 273-289.


Jeppesen, S., Sartoretto, P. (2023). Cartographies of Resistance: Counter-Data Mapping as the New Frontier of Digital Media Activism Media and Communication, 11(1), 150-162. More information
Lundström, M., Sartoretto, P. (2022). The temporal nexus of collective memory mediation: print and digital media in Brazil’s Landless Movement 1984-2019 Social Movement Studies, 21(4), 453-468. More information
Suzina, A., Sartoretto, P. (2021). Dossiê: Pensamento comunicacional latino-americano - desafios e perspectivas da des-ocidentalização no Sul Global, Volume II: Romper as fronteiras do conhecimento [Introduction: Special Issue: Latin American Communication Theory - de-westernisation challenges and perspectives in the Global South - Volume II - Breaking the Borders of Knowledge] Comunicação, Mídia e Consumo, 18(52), 192-196. More information
Cerqueira da Conceição, E., Gomes de Moura, L., Freitas, C., Sartoretto, P. (2020). Our collective narrative was being constructed in the film production: A conversation at the crossroads between militants, media production and research [Nuestra narrativa colectiva se estaba construyendo en la producción cinematográfica: Una conversación en la encrucijada entre los militantes, la producción mediática y la investigación] Commons. Revista de Comunicación y Ciudadanía Digital, 9(2), 186-210. More information
Sartoretto, P. (2020). O lugar da cidadania no capitalismo comunicativo [Where is the citizen in communicative capitalism?] Revista de Comunicação Dialógica, 60-77. More information
Sartoretto, P., Lundström, M. (2019). Memória coletiva e mobilização em um tempo atemporal Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicacion, 32(8), 108-117. More information

Book chapter

Sartoretto, P. (2024). Pedagogies of resistance: Social movements and the construction of communicative knowledge in Brazil. In: Srividya Ramasubramanian & Omotayo O. Banjo (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Media and Social Justice (pp. 241 -247). More information
Löfgren, I., Sartoretto, P., Rosa, A. (2023). Das práticas à circulaçãode sentidos: olhares sobre amidiatização do processo eleitoralna Suécia e no Brasil [From practices to meaning circulation: insights about mediatization of elections in Sweden and Brazil]. In: A. Weschenfelder, A. F. Neto & V. Borelli (Ed.), Midiatização, pandemia e eleições: Disputas e transformações nas discursividades contemporâneas (pp. 347 -372). Campina Grande, Paraíba: Eduepb More information
Sartoretto, P. (2023). Communidade na pós-globalização: promessas e dívidas da revolução digital [Community in post-global times: promises and failures of the digital revolution]. In: L. Bulcão & C. H. Ribeiro dos Santos (Ed.), Espíritos utópicos: a regeneração do comum [Utopian Spirits - Regenerating the Commons] (pp. 225 -232). São Roque: Gênio Editorial More information
Sartoretto, P., Caffagni, L. (2022). Da Representação Cultural à Mudança Estrutural: O Problema da Comunicação Indígena no Brasil [From cultural representation to structural change: challenges in Indigenous communication in Brazil]. In: L. Milhomens (Ed.), Comunicação, questão Indígena emovimentos sociais: Reflexões Necessárias (pp. 39 -62). Manaus, AM: EDUA - Editora da Universidade Federal do Amazonas More information
Jeppesen, S., Sartoretto, P. (2020). Introduction: Mapping questions of power and ethics in media activist research practices. In: S. Jeppesen & P. Sartoretto (Ed.), Media activist research ethics: Global approaches to negotiating power in social justice research (pp. 1 -24). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Sartoretto, P., Custódio, L. (2020). Dealing with ethical dilemmas in activist research on social movement media. In: S. Jeppesen & P. Sartoretto (Ed.), Media activist research ethics: Global approaches to negotiating power in social justice research (pp. 51 -66). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Custódio, L., Sartoretto, P. (2020). Counter-Hegemonic Media Production from Urban and Rural Margins in Brazil. In: Ximena Orchard, Sara Garcia Santamaria, Julieta Brambila & Jairo Lugo-Ocando (Ed.), Media and Governance in Latin America: Toward a Plurality of Voices (pp. 203 -223). More information


Sartoretto, P. (2019). Naomi Schiller,  Challenging the State: Community Media and Popular Politics in Venezuela. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2018 [Book review]. More information

Conference paper

Wappelhorst, A., Till, A., Sartoretto, P. (2024). One bicycle at a time – An autoethnography of the communicative potential of spatial practices. The 16th NESS – Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference, 3-6 June 2024, Turku, Finland. More information
Sartoretto, P., Kalinina, E. (2023). Communicative solidarity – networked resistance to neoliberalism in urban spaces. Geomedia Conference - Digital Geographies of Hope, 20-22 September 2023, Tampere, Finland. More information
Sartoretto, P., Jeppesen, S. (2023). Smart Cities: A critical communication for social change intervention. Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, IAMCR 2023, 9-13 July 2023, Lyon, France. More information
Sartoretto, P., Martins, L. (2023). Indigenous Cartographies in the Covid19 Pandemic. Conference of the International Communication Association, Toronto, Canada, 25-30 May 2023. More information
Sartoretto, P., Caffagni, L. (2021). Indigenous Communication in Brazil - between community representation and structural change. International Communication Association 71st Conference, 27-31 May 2021. More information
Sartoretto, P., Lundström, M. (2020). The Temporal Nexus of Mediated Collective Memory Construction. 70th Annual ICA Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 21-25 May 2020, Virtual Conference. More information


(2024). The Planalto riots: Making and unmaking a failed coup in Brazil. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures More information
(2021). Pensamento comunicacional latino-americano – desafios e perspectivas da des-ocidentalização no Sul Global [Special Issue Latin-American communicational thought - de-westernisation challenges and perspectives in the Global South]. More information
(2020). Media activist research ethics: Global approaches to negotiating power in social justice research. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan More information