Dan Malm

Senior Lecturer
Department of Nursing , School of Health and Welfare
Associate Professor

Dan Malm´s main research area is qualitative studies of relatives of patients with pacemakers and their life situation. Currently he is involved in quantitative research regarding whether KASAM is able to predict and identify patients with myocardial infarction with low motivation for rehabilitation. Dan Malm is a member of a national research group working on a multi-centred study designed to develop an instrument for investigating “sexual life and married life in men and women suffering a first suspected myocardial infarction".
He is employed part-time by Ryhov Hospital, Medical Department, as a clinical lector performing a continuous survey of patient satisfaction with care and staff´s work satisfaction. To increase and improve the relationship between the student nurses´ theoretical studies and the clinical work he does all he can to promote evidence-based nursing both at the School of Health Sciences and at Ryhov Hospital. He is also involved in a research project at Linköping University regarding the development of a instrument to measure health-related quality of life and well-being in the case of patients suffering from heart arrhythmias.
Among other research projects Dan Malm is involved in "Din Vård" (Your Care) at hospitals in Värnamo, Eksjö and Jönköping, the aim being to change the staff´s working methods in order to increase the time spent with patients. His particular target is to adjust the rounds to make them better from an ethical point of view.  He is also participating in a prevention project assessing all patients >70 years old for risk of fall, pressure sores and malnutrition.