Emelie Pettersson

Department of Nursing , School of Health and Welfare
Doctoral Student
Research School of Health and Welfare , School of Health and Welfare

Emelie Pettersson is a nurse anesthetist and a PhD-student in disability research. Caring for children with autism in a high tecnology environment is the titel of her project. The overall aim is to reduce anxiety in children in autism in procedures in anesthesia and radiografic department. Emelie is also a part in the PmP-project (picture my participation), a collaboration between Sweden and South Africa, about children and participation. 

Emelie  is a member of the interdisciplinary research environment CHILD at Jönköping University and she is also a member in the Institute for Disability Science, which is a collaboration between Jönköping University, Linköping University and Örebro University.