Martina Norling defended doctoral thesis
CHILD-member Martina Norling has successfully defended her doctoral thesis Preschool – a social language environment and an arena for emergent literacy processes.
Martina Norling has for several years been a member of the CHILD
research group, employed both at Jönköping University and Mälardalen
University, where the defense took place on the 13th of March.

By focusing on preschool, as an arena for emergent literacy and language learning processes, this thesis put the lens on preschool staff´s approaches and strategies in the social language environment in Swedish preschools. Taking its point of departure in real preschool settings, the overall purpose of this thesis is to develop a greater understanding of this social language environment, with particular emphasis on the quality dimensions of strategies, such as the preschool staff´s sensitivity and approaches in the preschool environment.
Two didactic issues are of special importance to the thesis: preschool staff´s descriptions of what kind of strategies and approaches they use in the social language environment as well as how preschool staff support children’s language learning processes in literacy-related activities.
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