PIMD-Research: 7th Roundtable Meeting

Contact person is Dr. Jenny Wilder, jenny.wilder@mdh.se Jenny Wilder is a CHILD-member and a researcher at Mälardalen University.
23rd - 25th of September Mälardalen University and Swedish Family Care
Competence Center will host the 7th International Roundtable Meeting of
the IASSID-Special Interest Research Group on Persons with Profound
Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities (SIRG-PIMD).
SIRG-PIMD is an interest research group under the International
Association IASSID.The Roundtable Meeting is a researchers meeting for
discussion, exchange of views, and exchange of research results and
research queries. It is a great opportunity to exchange ideas with other
researchers in your field, to hear about the newest research in the
field and to network.

The early career researcher meeting will be at 22nd of September in the afternoon and the 23rd of September in the morning. This meeting will be hosted by Stephy Colla (Belgium). The program of the early career researcher meeting will partly be adjusted to the wishes of the participants. Therefore, a detailed program will follow after registration.
The preliminary program of the round table of the SIRG- PIMD includes the following topics:
1. Social Participation
2. Education
3. Early Development
Are you willing to give an oral or written (poster) presentation related to one of the described topics, please indicate so in the registration form.
Abstracts for poster and oral presentations (between 200 and 300 words in the English language) must include the following headings: Introduction, Objective, Method, Results, and Discussion/Conclusion. Please indicate if the format will be oral or written (poster).
Deadline for abstract submission is August 16th, 2015. Authors will be informed about acceptance within a reasonable period of time after August 16th.
Oral presentations must be around 15 minutes long followed by topics for discussion.
Each poster will be exhibited during the round table at Wednesday and Thursday. Authors will be able to introduce their poster during the session for 5 minutes.
Poster size must be 90x120cm (vertical format).
The costs of the Roundtable
The costs of the conference will be 200 euro (including lunch on Thursday, a social program on Thursday including a conference dinner and take away lunch on Friday). Participation in the Early Career Researchers Meeting is free of charge.
Registration will be open from April to August 16th. Register here
Contact person is Dr. Jenny Wilder, jenny.wilder@mdh.se
Jenny Wilder is a CHILD-member and a researcher at Mälardalen University.
We look forward to seeing you in Västerås!