CHILD-project granted 560 000 SEK from STINT

The Swedish researcher Karina Huus at Jönköping University and the South African researcher Shakila Dada from the South African partner University of Pretoria, both received an equal amount for the joint project Participation for children with disability.

The Swedish side of the project will receive approximately 563 000 SEK by The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, STINT, and the South African partner will be granted an equal amount by the South African National Research Foundation, NRF.

The interest in this year’s round at STINT was considerable with 104 applications where of only 10 were granted, the competition was tough.

The main focus of this granted project is participation in everyday activities for children with disabilities within a child rights perspective. The funding enables cooperation between the researchers in the participating countries. The researchers are currently both independently involved in research related to participation of children with disabilities in everyday activities in their respective countries. This project aims to extend on this work in a collaborative way in order to measure the extent and nature of the participation of children with disabilities in everyday activities. In this research participation is operationalized in terms of an individual’s attendance, that is ‘being there,’ measured as frequency of attending an activity, as well as the degree of engagement while attending everyday activities at school, home and in the community.

For more information, contact Karina Huus

Shakila Dada

Karina Huus
