Two new books from LeaDMe researchers

Virtual Sites as Learning Spaces

Critical Issues on Languaging Research in Changing Eduscapes

Editors: Bagga-Gupta, Sangeeta, Messina Dahlberg, Giulia, Lindberg, Ylva (Eds.)

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This volume fills a gap in the literature between the domains of Communication Studies and Educational Sciences across physical-virtual spaces as they intersect in the 21st century. The chapters focus on “languaging” - communicative practices in the making - and its intersection with analogue and virtual learning spaces, bringing together studies that highlight the constant movement between analogue-virtual dimensions that continuously re-shape participants' identity positionings.

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Emergent Practices and Material Conditions in Learning and Teaching with Technologies

Editors: Cerratto Pargman, Teresa, Jahnke, Isa (Eds.)

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This book explores the complexities of interacting with digital technologies in the everyday flow of practices in schools, museums, and the home. In particular, the authors pay attention to the material conditions of such practices via the exploration of media discourses on information and communication technologies in the classroom; the ongoing digitization of the school; the use of video chat for language learning; the instantiation of CrossActionSpaces in an urban science classrooms; the development of symbolic technologies such as the Carbon Footprint Calculator; the design of apps and virtual museums for learning science; the use of text message tools for collaborative learning in teacher education and the design, implementation, and evaluation of Augmented Reality apps in outdoor learning.

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