Level: Bachelor
Application period: 2024-10-15 – 2025-01-15
Start date: Autumn 2025
City: Jönköping
Degree: Degree of Bachelor of Science with a major in Informatics specialisation Graphic Design and Web Development
Credits: 180 credits

When applying through the JU Direct Application, the application period is: 2024-10-15 – 2025-05-02

This programme was called "New Media Design". The programme is the same, with a new name.


This programme combines graphic design, programming and web design, with training in both digital marketing and project management. Get skills to design and encode interactive web applications for different devices and platforms with a clear focus on the user experience. Develop your theoretical and practical knowledge for designing graphic material for both printed and digital media.


This degree gives you a good base for various roles such as graphic designer, front-end web developer, UX designer and web strategist. Future workplaces could range from techno- logically advanced production companies to more traditional advertising agencies.


You’ll learn to develop user-friendly and communicative experiences and services to create value for enterprises, society and individual users. You will also gain a good foundation in marketing, entrepreneurship, leadership and communication with a focus on internationalisation and a global working environment.

The programme is conducted at School of Engineering
Credits: 180 credits
Level: Bachelor
Language: English
Rate of study: 100%
City: Jönköping
Place of study: Normal teaching
Start date: Autumn 2025
Requirements: General entry requirements + Mathematics 2a or 2b or 2c, English 6 with required grade passed in the Swedish upper secondary school system or international equivalent.
Application code: HJ-KU018
Degree: Degree of Bachelor of Science with a major in Informatics specialisation Graphic Design and Web Development
Tuition fee: For the first semester: 85000 SEK
Total tuition fee: 510000 SEK

Tuition fees do NOT apply for EU/EEA citizens or exchange students




NB Preliminary list of courses.


Year 1

Fundamentals of Graphic Design, 7.5 credits

Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction, 7.5 credits

Web and User Interface Design, 15 credits

Business Planning and Entrepreneurship, 7.5 credits

User Experience Design, 7.5 credits

Foundations of Programming, 7.5 credits

Visual Communication, 7.5 credits


Year 2

Project Management and Methods, 7.5 credits

Web Development Fundamentals, 7.5 credits

Content Design for New Media, 7.5 credits

Marketing Communication, 7.5 credits

Research Methods in Computer Science and Informatics, 7.5 credits

Trends in Human-Computer Interaction, 7.5 credits

Industrial Placement Course for New Media Design, 15 credits


Year 3

Exchange/optional courses 30 credits

Web Development - Advanced Concepts, 7.5 credits

Visual Lab, 7.5 credits

Final Project Work in Informatics, 15 credits

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