Events in English
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Council of Undergraduate and Master Education (CUME)

4 september - 4 september

13:15 - 16:00

Kontakta Helena Holmström

<p><a href="">For more information about CUME click here</a></p><p>Please contact Helena Holmstr&ouml;m ( if you have any questions</p>
4 september - 4 september
13:15 - 16:00


Kontakta Helena Holmström


Council of Undergraduate and Master Education (CUME)

For more information about CUME click here

Please contact Helena Holmström ( if you have any questions

Arrangör: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics

Council of Undergraduate and Master Education (CUME)

4 september - 4 september

13:15 - 16:00

Kontakta Helena Holmström

<p><a href="">For more information about CUME click here</a></p><p>Please contact Helena Holmstr&ouml;m ( if you have any questions</p>
4 september - 4 september
13:15 - 16:00


Kontakta Helena Holmström


Council of Undergraduate and Master Education (CUME)

For more information about CUME click here

Please contact Helena Holmström ( if you have any questions

Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School

Online seminar hosted by the Data Methods Initiative and MMTC presented by Ulrich Matter

4 september - 4 september

13:15 - 14:45

Online - contact for zoom link

<p>&nbsp;</p><p>Ulrich Matter: Search Engines, Online News, and Political Polarization</p><p><a target="_blank" href="">Ulrich</a> is Assistant Professor at the University of St. Gallen, working on topics related to web technologies, data science, quantitative political economics, and online media economics. He is the author of the book &quot;<a target="_blank" href="">Big Data Analytics: A Guide to Data Science Practitioners Making the Transition to Big Data</a>&quot;.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Abstract of the the paper: Algorithmic personalization of information provision has been widely debated, with concerns that it may lead to segregation and political polarization. This study aims to investigate the impact of web search personalization on political polarization, focusing on online news and Google&#39;s search engine. We designed two experiments using 300 US-based synthetic web users, or &quot;bots,&quot; with a human-like appearance and randomized individual characteristics, who were active for a 12-month period. Our findings reveal that web search personalization indeed intensifies informational segregation between users with liberal and conservative political preferences, as well as between users with varying privacy settings. However, our results suggest that the likelihood of an increased polarization due to personalized search results is nevertheless low.</p><p>Find out more here&nbsp;</p>
4 september - 4 september
13:15 - 14:45


Online - contact for zoom link


Online seminar hosted by the Data Methods Initiative and MMTC presented by Ulrich Matter


Ulrich Matter: Search Engines, Online News, and Political Polarization

Ulrich is Assistant Professor at the University of St. Gallen, working on topics related to web technologies, data science, quantitative political economics, and online media economics. He is the author of the book "Big Data Analytics: A Guide to Data Science Practitioners Making the Transition to Big Data".


Abstract of the the paper: Algorithmic personalization of information provision has been widely debated, with concerns that it may lead to segregation and political polarization. This study aims to investigate the impact of web search personalization on political polarization, focusing on online news and Google's search engine. We designed two experiments using 300 US-based synthetic web users, or "bots," with a human-like appearance and randomized individual characteristics, who were active for a 12-month period. Our findings reveal that web search personalization indeed intensifies informational segregation between users with liberal and conservative political preferences, as well as between users with varying privacy settings. However, our results suggest that the likelihood of an increased polarization due to personalized search results is nevertheless low.

Find out more here

Arrangör: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Välkommen till Arash Habibis disputation!

6 september - 6 september

10:00 - 12:00

B1014, JIBS

<p><strong>Arash Habibi </strong>will defend his<strong> </strong>doctoral thesis in Economics&nbsp;at a public defence&nbsp;on Friday, <strong>6st of September 2024 at 10.00 am</strong> in B1014 at JIBS.</p><p>The title of Arash&rsquo;s thesis is &nbsp;<strong><em>&ldquo;International Trade, Global Value Chains and Sustainable Development&rdquo;</em></strong></p><p>Faculty examiner/opponent:&nbsp;Associate Professor Michael Johannes Koch, Aarhus University, Denmark&nbsp;</p><p>Members of the Examining Committee:&nbsp;Professor Anne Neumann, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,&nbsp;Professor Ugur Soytas, Technical University of Denmark,&nbsp;Professor Robert Lundmark, Lulea Technical University.</p><p>Reserve member of the committee: Senior Associate Professor Azzurra Morreale, JIBS</p><p>Chairperson at the defence:&nbsp;Professor Paul Nystedt</p><p>Principal supervisor:&nbsp;Professor Andreas Stephan, Linnaeus University/JIBS</p><p>Deputy supervisor:&nbsp;Professor Scott Hacker, JIBS</p>
6 september - 6 september
10:00 - 12:00


B1014, JIBS


Välkommen till Arash Habibis disputation!

Arash Habibi will defend his doctoral thesis in Economics at a public defence on Friday, 6st of September 2024 at 10.00 am in B1014 at JIBS.

The title of Arash’s thesis is  “International Trade, Global Value Chains and Sustainable Development”

Faculty examiner/opponent: Associate Professor Michael Johannes Koch, Aarhus University, Denmark 

Members of the Examining Committee: Professor Anne Neumann, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Professor Ugur Soytas, Technical University of Denmark, Professor Robert Lundmark, Lulea Technical University.

Reserve member of the committee: Senior Associate Professor Azzurra Morreale, JIBS

Chairperson at the defence: Professor Paul Nystedt

Principal supervisor: Professor Andreas Stephan, Linnaeus University/JIBS

Deputy supervisor: Professor Scott Hacker, JIBS

Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School

CCD international seminar: What do we still call a masterpiece? A statistical conclusion on the role of the canon

6 september - 6 september

10:30 - 12:00


<p>Voica Pu?ca?iu PhD, is a lecturer in Modern and Contemporary Art History at Babe?-Bolyai University. In her research she focuses on a sociological approach to art as well as on collective memory and methods of Digital Art History. The theme of this seminar started from a survey over what people call a &lsquo;masterpiece&rsquo;. The over 200 respondents were fine art and art history students and scholars from two Cluj-Napoca universities and they were all asked to name 3 to 5 works of art which they would consider masterpieces. The artworks could belong to any style or medium of the visual arts. Expanding and challenging the cannon is &ndash; at least in theory &ndash; a common practice (Hessel, 2022; Danto, 1995Broude &amp; Gerrard, 1996; etc. ) and it is, more often than not the declaration of most lecturers interviewed during this survey. And yet the canon provides structure and safety (Langfeld, 2018) and is both a form of cultural memory (Assmann, 2010) and a generator of further collective memories. The results of this survey further prove, that at least in using the term &lsquo;masterpiece&rsquo; the classical art historical cannon was being upheld as the range of artworks mentioned is particularly limited.<br /><br />Zoom:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p>
6 september - 6 september
10:30 - 12:00




CCD international seminar: What do we still call a masterpiece? A statistical conclusion on the role of the canon

Voica Pu?ca?iu PhD, is a lecturer in Modern and Contemporary Art History at Babe?-Bolyai University. In her research she focuses on a sociological approach to art as well as on collective memory and methods of Digital Art History. The theme of this seminar started from a survey over what people call a ‘masterpiece’. The over 200 respondents were fine art and art history students and scholars from two Cluj-Napoca universities and they were all asked to name 3 to 5 works of art which they would consider masterpieces. The artworks could belong to any style or medium of the visual arts. Expanding and challenging the cannon is – at least in theory – a common practice (Hessel, 2022; Danto, 1995Broude & Gerrard, 1996; etc. ) and it is, more often than not the declaration of most lecturers interviewed during this survey. And yet the canon provides structure and safety (Langfeld, 2018) and is both a form of cultural memory (Assmann, 2010) and a generator of further collective memories. The results of this survey further prove, that at least in using the term ‘masterpiece’ the classical art historical cannon was being upheld as the range of artworks mentioned is particularly limited.


Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

Doktorandseminarium - Perspectives on research in and between cultures and languages

6 september - 6 september

12:05 - 13:00

Hc229 och Zoom

<p>&Aring;sa Nilsson Dahlstr&ouml;m, universitetslektor i Globala studier p&aring; HLK, presenterar och diskuterar under rubriken &ldquo;Perspectives on research in and between cultures and languages.&rdquo;<br /><br />Seminariet kommer att genomf&ouml;ras p&aring; engelska p&aring; plats i&nbsp;Hc229 och via Zoom.<br />Zoom-l&auml;nk:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p>
6 september - 6 september
12:05 - 13:00


Hc229 och Zoom


Doktorandseminarium - Perspectives on research in and between cultures and languages

Åsa Nilsson Dahlström, universitetslektor i Globala studier på HLK, presenterar och diskuterar under rubriken “Perspectives on research in and between cultures and languages.”

Seminariet kommer att genomföras på engelska på plats i Hc229 och via Zoom.

Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

Lärarutbildningskonferens för Grundlärarprogrammet och Ämneslärarprogrammet

9 september - 9 september

10:15 - 12:00


<p>L&auml;rarutbildningskonferens f&ouml;r Grundl&auml;rarprogrammet och &Auml;mnesl&auml;rarprogrammet</p>
9 september - 9 september
10:15 - 12:00




Lärarutbildningskonferens för Grundlärarprogrammet och Ämneslärarprogrammet

Lärarutbildningskonferens för Grundlärarprogrammet och Ämneslärarprogrammet

Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

Personalmöte 3, Hälsohögskolan

11 september - 11 september

09:00 - 12:00

<p>Varmt v&auml;lkomna till personalm&ouml;te!</p><p>Program och m&ouml;tesl&auml;nk kommer vid senare tillf&auml;lle.&nbsp;</p>
11 september - 11 september
09:00 - 12:00




Personalmöte 3, Hälsohögskolan

Varmt välkomna till personalmöte!

Program och möteslänk kommer vid senare tillfälle. 

Arrangör: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics

Personalmöte 3, Hälsohögskolan

11 september - 11 september

09:00 - 12:00

<p>Varmt v&auml;lkomna till personalm&ouml;te!</p><p>Program och m&ouml;tesl&auml;nk kommer vid senare tillf&auml;lle.</p>
11 september - 11 september
09:00 - 12:00




Personalmöte 3, Hälsohögskolan

Varmt välkomna till personalmöte!

Program och möteslänk kommer vid senare tillfälle.

Arrangör: Hälsohögskolan

Disputation - Dinesh Sundaram

12 september - 12 september

10:00 - 13:00

E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

<p><strong>Avhandlingens titel:</strong>&nbsp;<em>Gas Evolution and Transport in Foundry Sands</em><br /><strong>Respondent:</strong>&nbsp;Dinesh Sundaram<br /><strong>Forskarutbildnings&auml;mne:&nbsp;</strong>Material och tillverkningsprocesser<br /><strong>Opponent:&nbsp;</strong>Professor Michal Szucki,&nbsp;Technische Universit&auml;t Bergakademie Freiberg, Tyskland<br /><strong>Huvudhandledare:&nbsp;</strong>Professor Attila Di&oacute;szegi, JTH<br /><br />V&auml;lkomna till disputationen!</p>
12 september - 12 september
10:00 - 13:00


E1405 (Gjuterisalen)


Disputation - Dinesh Sundaram

Avhandlingens titel: Gas Evolution and Transport in Foundry Sands
Respondent: Dinesh Sundaram
Forskarutbildningsämne: Material och tillverkningsprocesser
Opponent: Professor Michal Szucki, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Tyskland
Huvudhandledare: Professor Attila Diószegi, JTH

Välkomna till disputationen!

Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan

Välkommen på Talha Omers disputation

13 september - 13 september

10:00 - 12:00

B1014, JIBS

<p><strong>Talha Omer </strong>will defend his<strong> </strong>doctoral thesis in Statistics&nbsp;at a public defence&nbsp;on Friday, <strong>13st of September 2024 at 10.00 am</strong> in B1014 at JIBS.</p><p>The title of Talha&rsquo;s thesis is &nbsp;<strong><em>&ldquo;Shrinkage estimation methods for mixed data sampling regression and heterogeneous autoregressive models&rdquo;</em></strong></p><p>Faculty examiner/opponent:&nbsp;Professor Dalibor Stevanovic, Universit&eacute; du Qu&eacute;bec &agrave; Montr&eacute;al, Canada&nbsp;</p><p>Members of the Examining Committee:&nbsp;Professor Johan Lyhagen, Uppsala University,&nbsp;Associate Professor Rickard Sandberg, Stockholm School of Economics,&nbsp;Associate Professor Yushu Li, University of Bergen, Norway.</p><p>Reserve member of the committee: Senior Associate Professor Azzurra Morreale, JIBS</p><p>Chairperson at the defence:&nbsp;Professor Scott Hacker, JIBS</p><p>Principal supervisor:&nbsp;Professor P&auml;r Sj&ouml;lander, JIBS</p><p>Deputy supervisors:&nbsp;Professor Kristofer M&aring;nsson, JIBS and Professor B.M Golan Kibria, Florida International University</p>
13 september - 13 september
10:00 - 12:00


B1014, JIBS


Välkommen på Talha Omers disputation

Talha Omer will defend his doctoral thesis in Statistics at a public defence on Friday, 13st of September 2024 at 10.00 am in B1014 at JIBS.

The title of Talha’s thesis is  “Shrinkage estimation methods for mixed data sampling regression and heterogeneous autoregressive models”

Faculty examiner/opponent: Professor Dalibor Stevanovic, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada 

Members of the Examining Committee: Professor Johan Lyhagen, Uppsala University, Associate Professor Rickard Sandberg, Stockholm School of Economics, Associate Professor Yushu Li, University of Bergen, Norway.

Reserve member of the committee: Senior Associate Professor Azzurra Morreale, JIBS

Chairperson at the defence: Professor Scott Hacker, JIBS

Principal supervisor: Professor Pär Sjölander, JIBS

Deputy supervisors: Professor Kristofer Månsson, JIBS and Professor B.M Golan Kibria, Florida International University

Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School

Slutseminarium - Charlotte Öhman

13 september - 13 september

13:00 - 15:00


<p>V&auml;lkomna p&aring; Charlotte &Ouml;hmans slutseminarium i pedagogik!<br /><br /><strong>Titel:</strong><br />V&aring;rdnadshavares delaktighet i f&ouml;rskolan - en del av f&ouml;rskolans demokratiska uppdrag<br /><br /><strong>Sammanfattning:</strong><br />Avhandlingsprojektets &ouml;vergripande syfte &auml;r att unders&ouml;ka&nbsp;v&aring;rdnadshavares delaktighet i f&ouml;rskolan&nbsp;och d&auml;rigenom bidra med kunskap om f&ouml;rskolan som en m&ouml;tesplats mellan individ och samh&auml;lle. Dessutom syftar avhandlingen till att unders&ouml;ka v&aring;rdnadshavares delaktighet relaterat till f&ouml;rskoll&auml;raruppdraget.</p>
13 september - 13 september
13:00 - 15:00




Slutseminarium - Charlotte Öhman

Välkomna på Charlotte Öhmans slutseminarium i pedagogik!

Vårdnadshavares delaktighet i förskolan - en del av förskolans demokratiska uppdrag

Avhandlingsprojektets övergripande syfte är att undersöka vårdnadshavares delaktighet i förskolan och därigenom bidra med kunskap om förskolan som en mötesplats mellan individ och samhälle. Dessutom syftar avhandlingen till att undersöka vårdnadshavares delaktighet relaterat till förskolläraruppdraget.

Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

Professorsintroduktion Thomas Winman

16 september - 16 september

15:00 - 16:30

Hb221 samt plan 4

<p>Thomas Winman, ny professor i pedagogik vid HLK,&nbsp;presenterar sin forskning.<br />Efterf&ouml;ljande samtal och fr&aring;gestund ledd av moderator&nbsp;samt mingel med l&auml;ttare f&ouml;rt&auml;ring.</p>
16 september - 16 september
15:00 - 16:30


Hb221 samt plan 4


Professorsintroduktion Thomas Winman

Thomas Winman, ny professor i pedagogik vid HLK, presenterar sin forskning.
Efterföljande samtal och frågestund ledd av moderator samt mingel med lättare förtäring.

Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

Forskningsmöte för disputerade forskare

17 september - 17 september

15:00 - 16:30


<p>Syfte med m&ouml;tet &auml;r kartl&auml;gga p&aring;g&aring;ende ans&ouml;kningar inom forskningsmilj&ouml;n J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping Academy for Improvement of Health and Welfare. Har du en ans&ouml;kan p&aring; g&aring;ng, presentera g&auml;rna arbetet under m&ouml;tet (kortfattat). Detta m&ouml;te &auml;r p&aring; svenska och f&ouml;ljs upp under seminariet den 19 nov.</p><p>Vi ses h&auml;r:</p>
17 september - 17 september
15:00 - 16:30




Forskningsmöte för disputerade forskare

Syfte med mötet är kartlägga pågående ansökningar inom forskningsmiljön Jönköping Academy for Improvement of Health and Welfare. Har du en ansökan på gång, presentera gärna arbetet under mötet (kortfattat). Detta möte är på svenska och följs upp under seminariet den 19 nov.

Vi ses här:

Arrangör: The Jönköping Academy

Digital nätverksträff för forskning - Centrum för odontologi och oral hälsa

18 september - 18 september



<p>V&aring;ra m&ouml;ten &auml;r till f&ouml;r att tr&auml;ffas och diskutera aktuell forskning. Inneh&aring;ll kan vara presentationer g&auml;llande p&aring;g&aring;ende forskningsprojekt, nya projektid&eacute;er och metoder. Har du en id&eacute; om n&aring;got som du vill diskutera eller presentera, kontakta Malin Stensson,&nbsp;<a href=""></a>. Du beh&ouml;ver inte vara aktiv inom omr&aring;det oral h&auml;lsa/odontologi f&ouml;r att medverka, alla &auml;r v&auml;lkomna och tv&auml;rvetenskapliga samarbeten uppmuntras!&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Den 18 september&nbsp;s&aring; kommer tv&aring; forskare med koppling&nbsp;till COO att presentera delar av sina forskningsomr&aring;den. F&ouml;rst ut &auml;r Henrik Berlin fr&aring;n Malm&ouml; Universitet, Henrik &auml;r specialist inom barntandv&aring;rd och forskar om sm&auml;rta hos barn. v&aring;r andra presentat&ouml;r &auml;r Maria Bankvall som har en l&aring;ng erfarenhet av forsknin om orala slemhinnef&ouml;r&auml;ndringar.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Zoom-l&auml;nk till n&auml;tverkstr&auml;ffen:&nbsp;</p>
18 september - 18 september




Digital nätverksträff för forskning - Centrum för odontologi och oral hälsa

Våra möten är till för att träffas och diskutera aktuell forskning. Innehåll kan vara presentationer gällande pågående forskningsprojekt, nya projektidéer och metoder. Har du en idé om något som du vill diskutera eller presentera, kontakta Malin Stensson, Du behöver inte vara aktiv inom området oral hälsa/odontologi för att medverka, alla är välkomna och tvärvetenskapliga samarbeten uppmuntras! 


Den 18 september så kommer två forskare med koppling till COO att presentera delar av sina forskningsområden. Först ut är Henrik Berlin från Malmö Universitet, Henrik är specialist inom barntandvård och forskar om smärta hos barn. vår andra presentatör är Maria Bankvall som har en lång erfarenhet av forsknin om orala slemhinneförändringar.


Zoom-länk till nätverksträffen:

Arrangör: Centrum för odontologi och oral hälsa

Disputation - Rahel Kebede

20 september - 20 september

09:00 - 12:00

E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

<p><strong>Avhandlingens titel:&nbsp;</strong><em>Ontology and Knowledge Graph-Based Data Management for Sustainable Buildings: A Case of Digital Product Passport to Enable Circular Economy&nbsp; in the Built Environment</em><br /><strong>Respondent:</strong>&nbsp;Rahel Kebede<br /><strong>Forskarutbildnings&auml;mne:</strong>&nbsp;Maskinkonstruktion<br /><strong>Opponent:</strong>&nbsp;Associate Professor Pieter Pauwels, Eindhoven University of Technology, Nederl&auml;nderna<br /><strong>Huvudhandledare: </strong>Associate&nbsp;Professor Peter Johansson, JTH, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University</p><p>V&auml;lkomna till disputationen!</p>
20 september - 20 september
09:00 - 12:00


E1405 (Gjuterisalen)


Disputation - Rahel Kebede

Avhandlingens titel: Ontology and Knowledge Graph-Based Data Management for Sustainable Buildings: A Case of Digital Product Passport to Enable Circular Economy  in the Built Environment
Respondent: Rahel Kebede
Forskarutbildningsämne: Maskinkonstruktion
Opponent: Associate Professor Pieter Pauwels, Eindhoven University of Technology, Nederländerna
Huvudhandledare: Associate Professor Peter Johansson, JTH, Jönköping University

Välkomna till disputationen!

Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan

CCD international seminar: The Development of Schoolscapes as a Focus within Linguistic Landscape Research

20 september - 20 september

10:30 - 12:00


<p>Roswita Dressler is an educational linguistic who examines pre-service and in-service teachers&rsquo; understandings of second language teaching and learning. Since many second language teachers in Canada entered teacher education not initially intending to be second language teachers, how they come to understand their role and the pedagogy involved draws on their linguistic identity, the ways in which second language teachers are educated and how second languages are seen in the Canadian context. This has international implications as Canada is often turned to as a leader in second language education based on the history of the world-renowned French Immersion program. Dr. Dressler is an Associate Professor in the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary.<br /><br />This talk examines the development of schoolscapes as a focus within linguistic landscape research. Drawing upon her own work (e.g., Dressler, 2015; Dressler &amp; Hult, 2024; Liu &amp; Dressler, forthcoming) as well as the work of others (e.g., Bir&oacute;, 2017; Brown, 2012; Szab&oacute;, 2015), Dr. Dressler provides an overview of schoolscapes research and two turns: one pedagogical; one exterior. The focus on pedagogical interventions has received considerable attention (Gorter &amp; Cenoz, 2024), whereas the exteriors of schoolscapes are underrepresented (see Cormier, 2020; Symes, 2020). However, the latter holds promise for highlighting how schoolscapes live within and are sometimes in contrast to, the linguistic landscapes around them. Drawing upon nexus analysis (Scollon &amp; Scollon, 2014), Dr. Dressler highlights how schoolscapes are environments populated by specific individuals, functioning according to specific routines, and home to unique discourses. Their unique positioning within neighbourhoods sheds light on their contributions to the ecology of languages in neighbourhoods.<br /><br />Zoom:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p>
20 september - 20 september
10:30 - 12:00




CCD international seminar: The Development of Schoolscapes as a Focus within Linguistic Landscape Research

Roswita Dressler is an educational linguistic who examines pre-service and in-service teachers’ understandings of second language teaching and learning. Since many second language teachers in Canada entered teacher education not initially intending to be second language teachers, how they come to understand their role and the pedagogy involved draws on their linguistic identity, the ways in which second language teachers are educated and how second languages are seen in the Canadian context. This has international implications as Canada is often turned to as a leader in second language education based on the history of the world-renowned French Immersion program. Dr. Dressler is an Associate Professor in the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary.

This talk examines the development of schoolscapes as a focus within linguistic landscape research. Drawing upon her own work (e.g., Dressler, 2015; Dressler & Hult, 2024; Liu & Dressler, forthcoming) as well as the work of others (e.g., Biró, 2017; Brown, 2012; Szabó, 2015), Dr. Dressler provides an overview of schoolscapes research and two turns: one pedagogical; one exterior. The focus on pedagogical interventions has received considerable attention (Gorter & Cenoz, 2024), whereas the exteriors of schoolscapes are underrepresented (see Cormier, 2020; Symes, 2020). However, the latter holds promise for highlighting how schoolscapes live within and are sometimes in contrast to, the linguistic landscapes around them. Drawing upon nexus analysis (Scollon & Scollon, 2014), Dr. Dressler highlights how schoolscapes are environments populated by specific individuals, functioning according to specific routines, and home to unique discourses. Their unique positioning within neighbourhoods sheds light on their contributions to the ecology of languages in neighbourhoods.


Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

Utbildningsråd kandidat och master

24 september - 24 september

13:00 - 15:00


24 september - 24 september
13:00 - 15:00




Utbildningsråd kandidat och master


Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation