
Slutseminarium - Frida Åström

16 Juni 2023 - 16 Juni 2023

13:00 - 15:00

Ha208 och Zoom

16 juni 2023 - 16 juni 2023
13:00 - 15:00


Ha208 och Zoom

Slutseminarium - Frida Åström

Välkomna på Frida Åströms slutseminarium i handikappvetenskap!

Everyday life in preschool - Swedish and international approaches

Participation can be considered an outcome of inclusion in Early Childhood Education and Care. Assessing child participation, i.e.  “being there and being engaged while being there”  is  one way of identifying children who might not benefit from their everyday life in preschool. The meaning of child participation varies with contexts. Knowledge about the characteristics and practices of ECEC as an everyday environment for young children is important to understand the meaning of child participation in ECEC, and an important step in understanding the impact of ECEC on child participation and related outcomes. In an international perspective, knowledge about ECEC practices can also help to identify common characteristics of ECEC across countries, as well as more context specific aspects. The overall aim is to describe what everyday life in ECEC can look like in Sweden, Portugal, and the U.S., highlighting similarities and differences. A special focus is placed on Swedish preschool settings, and an exploration of the participation of individual children in Swedish preschool free play. Another focus is on measuring child-engagement.


Meeting ID: 625 5443 4209
Passcode: 374307


Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation
Senast uppdaterad: 2023-06-07 07:14