
Start-up meeting for research theme WORK

29 May 2024 - 29 May 2024

13:00 - 15:00


29 May 2024 - 29 May 2024
13:00 - 15:00



Start-up meeting for research theme WORK

At the School of Health and Welfare we have several projects related to the phenomonen work and working life. The projects range widely from e.g., ergonomics for first responders, to work after retirement and the lack or inaccessibility to work, precaious work with a range of target groups and research methods.

We know that we are not alone in this interest in work as a topic, and there may be many at JU who are interested, even those who are not engaged in an on-going project.

We want to gather collegees at JU with an interest in the topic of work and thus be able to get a range of perspectives and the possibility to discuss and enrich the research about work at JU.

We have planned a start-up meeting May 29th, 13.00 to 15.00 at Gd305 (entrance floor, left turn) at the School of Health and Welfare, to discuss and eventually start planning how to proceed.

At the meeting we will have four presentations from researchers at JU, to show some of the present studies. Furthermore, we will share our ideas and perspectives on the phenonomen work.


We have booked Gd305 and want to welcome all who are interested. To plan for fika please register your participation here latest on May 20.

When you register you are welcome to write a few lines about your research and/or interests.

If you have any questions please contact


Best wishes,

Monika Allgurin
Anita Björklund Carlstedt
Pia Bulow
Inger Jansson
Anna Johnsen
Anne-Le Morville
Sofia Wixe

Organizer: School of Health and Welfare
Last updated: 2024-05-17 11:29