Sofi Fristedt

Head of Department
Institute of Gerontology , School of Health and Welfare

Sofi Fristedt's research focuses on technology and community mobility as a means for active and healthy ageing. Community mobility is an important activity that promotes participation in other activities and community life, which in turn is assumed to promote health and well-being. In her thesis, Sofi studied older people's desired and actual travel opportunities as well as subjective perspectives on community mobility and participation. Finally, factors associated with community mobility at a given point in time and associated with change over 13 years were identified. 

Sofi is also active in a number of projects that focus on developing new technologies with and for an ageing society. She leads the Welfare@home project which explores user perspectives from older people who have home care and their home care workers. These perspectives have rarely been considered in previous research, and the project aims to promote the development and implementation of user-friendly welfare technology in home care.

Sofi is also interested in quality improvement, evidence-based practice (EBP) and evaluation. As part of this interest, she has been involved in the translation of the AusTOMs evaluation instrument for occupational therapists into Swedish.

Key words in the research are: active and healthy ageing, community mobility, technology, digitalisation, digital inclusion, innovation, participation in activity, health and well-being, and EBP and evaluation.