Linda Johansson

Associate Dean of Research
Institute of Gerontology , School of Health and Welfare
Associate Professor

Linda Johansson is an associate professor with a PhD in nursing. She is the acting associate dean of reaserch and manager of the research environment at School of Health and Welfare as well as senior lecturer of the Institute of gerontology. 

Her thesis from 2013 aimed at exploring and describing foodwork (planning, shopping and cooking) and meals as well as the nutritional status among persons with dementia living in their ordinary home. The results showed that there is an association between reduced cognitive ability and increased risk of malnutrition. Changes regarding foodwork and meals affected both the persons with dementia and partners. Therefore, it is important to support both partners in the couple using a person-centered approach.

Between 2014-2018 Linda was involved in a project funded by the Swedish Research Council, first as a postdoc and later as a researcher. The project focused on healthy aging and important findings are; 1) People with dementia are at high risk for malnutrition but a structured preventive approach can help improve the nutritional status, 2) there is a association between nutritional status and oral health among older persons. Staff therefore need to focus more on oral health, 3) by combining different registry data, it is possible to study trajectories of care.

In 2021, Linda Johansson received 5.9 million SEK as main applicant from FORTE  to study how care is organized for younger people with dementia, including types of support, measures, and satisfaction among people with young onset dementia and their families. Further, Linda conduct research focusing on coercion and restraints among persons with dementia, elder abuse as well as preventive care for older persons in the areas of nutrition, falls, pressure ulcers, oral health and drugs.

Since 2024 Linda is one of the two Swedish representatives in the management committee for the Ethics in Dementia (EDEM) COST Action network.