Sara Hvit Lindstrand

Assistant Professor of Education (Pre-School Education)
Department of Education , School of Education and Communication
Head of Subject Pre-School Education


Sara Hvit Lindstrand is an associate professor in preschool education. Her research is about preschoolchildrens languaging related to meaningmaking and multimodality. Sara has a specifc interest in children´s spontanious exploration and play related to democracy, estethics expressions and literacy, New Literacy Studies (NLS).


Sara Hvit Lindstrand´s thesis Young children’s sign- and meaning making processes in preschool.
Exploring multimodal language and interactions with technology is from 2015.

Sara has experience from leading pedagogical development and preschool education based on sustainable future, formative assesment, pedagogical documentation, mulitmodal languaging and  projectbased teaching.

Sara teaches, give lectures and supervise essays in preschool education.


Nilsson, Stefan., Björkman, Berit., Almqvist, Anna-Lena., Björk-Willen, Polly., Donohue, Donna., Enskär, Karin., Granlund, Mats., Huus, Karina & Hvit, Sara (2013). Children’s voices – Differentiating a child perspective from a child’s perspective. Developmental neurorehabilitation, 18(3), 162-168.

Hvit, Sara. (2014). Literacy events in toddlergroups: Preschool educators’ talk about their work with literacy among toddlers. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. 1468798414526427.

Lindstrand, Sara H & Björk-Willén, Polly. (2015). “When you give them a pencil they often say they’re writing” ̶ Preschool teachers’ categorization of written language work with toddlers. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood.

Lindstrand, Sara H (2015). Are we spinning or is it the board?-Young children’s interaction with an interactive whiteboard in preschool. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 9(03), 124-144.

Lindstrand, Sara H (2015). Små barns tecken- och meningsskapande. Multimodalt görande och teknologi. (Doctoral dissertation, School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University).


Hvit Lindstrand Sara, (2020), Barns utforskande i digitala teckenvärldar.   I Kyrk Seger, Erika (red.)(2020). Digitalt meningsskapande i förskolan. Lärarförlaget. 

Nilsson, Monica., Hvit Lindstrand, Sara., Öhman, Charlotte., & Alnervik, Karin. (2016). Förskoledidaktisk forskning i dialog med förskolans praktik: Metoder och utmaningar. I Anderberg, E. (red) Skolnära forskningsmetoder. Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Alnervik, K., & Hvit Lindstrand, S. (2020). Kreativa lärprocesser: estetik och undervisning i förskolan. Liber.