Karin Alnervik

Assistant Professor of Education (Pre-School Education)
Department of Education , School of Education and Communication


Karin Alnervik’s research is focused on pedagogical documentation as a tool for transformation in preschool. In her doctoral thesis “Yes, that’s also a way of thinking about it! Pedagogical documentation as a tool for transformation in preschool” (2013), changes in four preschool units have been analyzed  retrospectively as expanded learning (Engeström) on the basis that the preschools have started to work with pedagogical documentation. Contradictions in the activity system related to pedagogical documentation being used as a tool are presented in the study. The study also shows how preschool personnel solve contradictions by changing their work and their organization on unit level as well as preschool level in order to be able to work with pedagogical documentation systematically. The study is highly relevant, in view of preschool curriculum being revised (effective July 1st, 2011) where a new chapter has been added, which places greater responsibility on preschool teachers and preschool managers to find forms to systematize documentary work.