Salem Seifeddine

Professor Materials and Manufacturing
Executive Vice President
President's Office , Jönköping University


Salem Seifeddine received his Doctorate in Engineering Materials from Linkoping University in 2006 and is currently professor at the department of Materials and Manufacturing. Salem Seifeddine has published more than 70 scientific articles in journals and conferences and cooperates with a number of national and international universities, institutes and industrial partners.


The main goals of the research conducted by Salem Seifeddine is to establish a quantitative prediction of mechanical properties of aluminium cast alloys and components through process simulation based upon microstructure modelling approaches. His work and research focus primarily on the understanding of phase precipitation and development of microstructure, defects and mechanical behavior of cast aluminium alloys, in order to establish a methodology in bringing the foundry process closer to the casting designer leading to a more reliable and more optimized design.