Anita Björklund Carlstedt

Senior Professor
Department of Rehabilitation , School of Health and Welfare

Anita Björklund Carlstedt’s main research interest concerns older persons’ and disabled persons’ participation in societal life. Of special interest are studies of how a prolonged and pleasurable working life could be enabled for persons who have reached pensionable age, so called “bridge employment”. Bridge employment can take three directions: continue to work for the same employer (s. c. Career employment), working for a new employer or self-employed. Currently, narrative interviews are conducted with "jobbonärer", i. e. older persons working after reaching retirement age, from past, present and future perspectives. Another research interest is paradigm development through education and praxis among occupational therapist students and occupational therapists, and how the concept “health" fits in with the occupational therapists´ practice. Since 2013 she is Editor-in Chief for the Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy (SJOT), that attained the Impact Factor 1.9 for 2022, and is the second best of international scietific journals in occupational therapy. From March 2023, SJOT is solely an open-access journal. As Chief editor she collaborates with the national editors from Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Sweden.