Frida Lygnegård

Senior Lecturer Occupational Therapy
Department of Rehabilitation , School of Health and Welfare

Frida Lygnegård has a PhD in Disability Research. She is a registered occupational therapist and holds a Master of Science in Public Health. She is a member of the multidisciplinary research environment CHILD at Jönköping University. Frida’s research interests concern participation in children and youth as well as children's rights . Frida is also interested in global health issues and how to create a sustainable society in line with the AGENDA 2030 and the Global goals. 

 Frida defended her thesis in Disability Research in October 2018. It is the first Swedish short-term longitidinal study of participation that includes adolescents with disabilities, including those attending the curriculum in the compulsory school for students with learning impairments. 

Frida has a blog on Jönköping University's research blog "Vertikals" where she writes about her research in relation to current societal topics related to children's health and particicipation in society and childrens rights.

Video presentation of Frida's research (43 sec.)

Link to Frida's research blog
