Simon Ramstrand
Department of Rehabilitation
, School of Health and Welfare
Head of Department
Department of Nursing
, School of Health and Welfare
Master of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics
Prosthetist and Orthotist

Boards, committees etc.
Ramstrand, S., Carlberg, M., Jarl, G., Johannesson, A., Hiyoshi, A., Jansson, S.
Exploring potential risk factors for lower limb amputation in people with diabetes—A national observational cohort study in Sweden Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 17(3).
More information
Ramstrand, N., Ramstrand, S.
Developing a competence-based core curriculum: a Delphi study Journal of prosthetics and orthotics, 30(2S), 69.
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Ramstrand, N., Ramstrand, S.
Competency standards for newly graduated prosthetist/orthotists in Sweden Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 42(4), 387-393.
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Rusaw, D., Ramstrand, S.
Validation of the Inverted Pendulum Model in standing for transtibial prosthesis users Clinical Biomechanics, 31, 100-106.
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Ramstrand, N., Ramstrand, S., Brolund, P., Norell, K., Bergström, P.
Relative effects of posture and activity on human height estimation from surveillance footage. Forensic Science International, 212(1-3), 27-31.
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Ramstrand, N., Ramstrand, S.
AAOP State-of-the-Science Evidence Report: The Effect of Ankle-Foot Orthoses on Balance - A Systematic Review..
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