Ann Ludvigsson

Affiliated researcher
Affiliated researchers , School of Education and Communication


Ann Ludvigsson is doing her research on leadership in school. The aim of Ann's study is to describe and understand how leadership unfolds in everyday educational practice in a school setting. The leadership is seen as a relational phenomenon, i.e. as being developed and given shape and meaning in the school context in which the leader plays an active role. The research focuses on the relationship between school leaders and teachers. In order to understand leadership, Ann is studying the school leaders' and the teachers' actions and the meaning they give their activities they are involved in when they develop their teaching approaches and ways of working.

Currently, Ludvigsson is involved in a research project on quality
within adult education. The project is financed by the Ministry of
Education and Research.


Ann holds a position as Assistant Professor of Education and belongs to the research area Lifelong Learning and Encell, National centre for lifelong learning. Betweeen 1999 and 2002 Ann evaluated the national research project ITiS (IT in Schools). She was also responsible for organizing the symposium "Sätter IT spår i skolan" in 2001.