Lilly Augustine

Associate Dean of Research
Assistant Professor of Disability Research
The Unit for Research , School of Education and Communication
Dean's Office , School of Education and Communication
Associate Professor of Disability Research

Currently working as an Associate Professor in Disability Research. She has a passion for children's participation and mental health, dedicated to understanding and enhancing the everyday lives of children and young people.

Lilly's research focuses on environmental factors that enable participation, particularly among children with disabilities or special support needs (CHLID-PMH). Her work spans international studies on children's health behaviours (HBSC), European projects implementing inclusive education strategies, and Nordic initiatives addressing resilience post-COVID-19 (EXPECT)

On top of being a researcher Lilly is also currently serving as the Associate Dean of Research at HLK, Jönköping University, with publications addressing bullying prevention, inclusive education, and mental health . 


Öhman, C., Hugo, M., Augustine, L. (2024). Vårdnadshavares uppfattningar av delaktighet i förskolan Educare, 1-28. More information
Danielsson, H. Imms, C. Ivarsson, M. Almqvist, L. Lundqvist, L. King, G. , ... Granlund M. (2024). A systematic review of longitudinal trajectories of mental health problems in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. More information
Bonin, M., Augustine, L., Meng, Q. (2024). Beyond silence: A scoping review of provided support for grieving children with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorder. More information
Augustine, L., Bjereld, Y., Turner, R. (2024). The Role of Disability in the Relationship Between Mental Health and Bullying: A Focused, Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies. More information
Sentenac, M. Santos, T. Augustine, L. Michelsen, S. Movsesyan, Y. Ng, K. , ... Godeau E. (2023). Chronic health conditions and school experience in school-aged children in 19 European countries European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 32, 1711-1721. More information
Bjereld, Y., Augustine, L., Turner, R., Löfstedt, P., Ng, K. (2023). The association between self-reported psychosomatic complaints and bullying victimisation and disability among adolescents in Finland and Sweden Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 51(8), 1136-1143. More information
Carlén, K., Suominen, S., Augustine, L. (2023). The association between adolescents’ self-esteem and perceived mental well-being in Sweden in four years of follow-up BMC Psychology, 11(1). More information
Carlén, K. Suominen, S. Augustine, L. Saarinen, M. Aromaa, M. Rautava, P. , ... Sillanpää M. (2023). Teenagers’ mental health problems predict probable mental diagnosis among girls, but what about the boys? Population Medicine, 5. More information
Kim, S. Craig, W. King, N. Bilz, L. Cosma, A. Molcho, M. , ... Pickett W. (2022). Bullying, Mental Health, and the Moderating Role of Supportive Adults: A Cross-National Analysis of Adolescents in 45 Countries International Journal of Public Health, 67. More information
Cosma, A. Bjereld, Y. Elgar, F. Richardson, C. Bilz, L. Craig, W. , ... Walsh S. (2022). Gender Differences in Bullying Reflect Societal Gender Inequality: A Multilevel Study With Adolescents in 46 Countries Journal of Adolescent Health, 71(5), 601-608. More information
Augustine, L., Lygnegård, F., Granlund, M. (2022). Trajectories of participation, mental health, and mental health problems in adolescents with self-reported neurodevelopmental disorders Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(9), 1595-1608. More information
Augustine, L., Lygnegård, F., Adolfsson, M., Granlund, M. (2022). The utility of the International Classification of Functioning construct as a statistical tool – operationalizing mental health as an indicator of adolescent participation Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(16), 4220-4226. More information
Carlén, K. Suominen, S. Augustine, L. Saarinen, M. Aromaa, M. Rautava, P. , ... Sillanpää M. (2022). Teenagers' mental health problems predict probable mental diagnosis 3 years later among girls, but what about the boys? Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 16(1). More information
Carlén, K. Suominen, S. Augustine, L. Saarinen, M. Aromaa, M. Rautava, P. , ... Sillanpaa M. (2022). Parental distress rating at the child's age of 15 years predicts probable mental diagnosis: a three-year follow-up BMC Pediatrics, 22(1). More information
Lygnegård, F., Granlund, M., Kapetanovic, S., Augustine, L., Huus, K. (2021). Short-term longitudinal participation trajectories related to domestic life and peer relations for adolescents with and without self-reported neurodevelopmental impairments Heliyon, 7(4). More information
Mazur, J., Klanšček, H., Augustine, L., Porwit, K., Sigmund, E., Šmigelskas, K. (2021). Trends in multiple health complaints in Polish adolescents in light of data from 30 European countries and Canada (2002-2018) Journal of Mother and Child, 25(1), 25-34. More information
Bertills, K., Granlund, M., Augustine, L. (2021). Student Self-Efficacy and Aptitude to Participate in Relation to Perceived Functioning and Achievement in Students in Secondary School With and Without Disabilities Frontiers in Psychology, 12. More information
Granlund, M. Imms, C. King, G. Andersson, A. Augustine, L. Brooks, R. , ... Almqvist L. (2021). Definitions and operationalization of mental health problems, wellbeing and participation constructs in children with NDD: Distinctions and clarifications International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4). More information
Dierckens, M. Weinberg, D. Huang, Y. Elgar, F. Moor, I. Augustine, L. , ... Currie C. (2020). National-Level Wealth Inequality and Socioeconomic Inequality in Adolescent Mental Well-Being: A Time Series Analysis of 17 Countries Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), 21-28. More information
Bjereld, Y., Augustine, L., Thornberg, R. (2020). Measuring the prevalence of peer bullying victimization: Review of studies from Sweden during 1993–2017. More information
Dierckens, M. Weinberg, D. Huang, Y. Elgar, F. Moor, I. Augustine, L. , ... Currie C. (2020). National level wealth inequality and socioeconomic inequality in adolescent mental wellbeing European Journal of Public Health, 30(Supplement 5). More information
Arnarsson, A. Nygren, J. Nyholm, M. Torsheim, T. Augustine, L. Bjereld, Y. , ... Bendtsen P. (2020). Cyberbullying and traditional bullying among Nordic adolescents and their impact on life satisfaction Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 48(5), 502-510. More information
Carney, J. Fisher, R. Augutis, M. Charlifue, S. Biering-Sørensen, F. Höfers, W. , ... Mulcahey M. (2019). Development of the International Spinal Cord Injury/Dysfunction Education Basic Data Set Spinal cord series and cases, 5. More information
Bertills, K., Granlund, M., Augustine, L. (2019). Inclusive teaching skills and student engagement in physical education Frontiers in Education, 4. More information
Ng, K., Augustine, L., Inchley, J. (2018). Comparisons in Screen-Time Behaviours among Adolescents with and without Long-Term Illnesses or Disabilities: Results from 2013/14 HBSC Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(10). More information
Bertills, K., Granlund, M., Dahlström, Ö., Augustine, L. (2018). Relationships between physical education (PE) teaching and student self-efficacy, aptitude to participate in PE and functional skills: with a special focus on students with disabilities Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 23(4), 387-401. More information
Bertills, K., Granlund, M., Augustine, L. (2018). Measuring self-efficacy, aptitude to participate and functioning in students with and without impairments European Journal of Special Needs Education, 33(4), 572-583. More information
Augustine, L., Lygnegård, F., Granlund, M., Adolfsson, M. (2018). Linking youths’ mental, psychosocial, and emotional functioning to ICF-CY: Lessons learned Disability and Rehabilitation, 40(19), 2293-2299. More information
Lygnegård, F., Augustine, L., Granlund, M., Kåreholt, I., Huus, K. (2018). Factors Associated With Participation and Change Over Time in Domestic Life, Peer Relations, and School for Adolescents With and Without Self-Reported Neurodevelopmental Disorders. A Follow-Up Prospective Study Frontiers in Education, 3, 1-13. More information
Maxwell, G., Granlund, M., Augustine, L. (2018). Inclusion through participation: Understanding participation in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health as a methodological research tool for investigating inclusion Frontiers in Education, 3. More information
Ng, K., Tynjälä, J., Sigmundová, D., Augustine, L., Sentenac, M., Rintala, P., Inchley, J. (2017). Physical activity among adolescents with long-term Illnesses or disabilities in 15 European countries Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 34(4), 456-465. More information
Huus, K., Olsson, L., Elgmark Andersson, E., Granlund, M., Augustine, L. (2017). Perceived needs among parents of children with a mild intellectual disability in Sweden Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 19(4), 307-317. More information
Sonmark, K., Godeau, E., Augustine, L., Bygren, M., Modin, B. (2016). Individual and contextual expressions of school demands and their relation to psychosomatic health a comparative study of students in France and Sweden Child Indicators Research, 9(1), 93-109. More information
Fismen, A. Smith, O. Torsheim, T. Rasmussen, M. Pedersen Pagh, T. Augustine, L. , ... Samdal O. (2016). Trends in food habits and their relation to socioeconomic status among Nordic adolescents 2001/2002-2009/2010 PLOS ONE, 11(2). More information
Ottová-Jordan, V. Smith, O. Augustine, L. Gobina, I. Rathmann, K. Torsheim, T. , ... Ravens-Sieberer U. (2015). Trends in health complaints from 2002 to 2010 in 34 countries and their association with health behaviours and social context factors at individual and macro-level European Journal of Public Health, 25(Suppl 2), 83-89. More information
Ottová-Jordan, V. Smith, O. Gobina, I. Mazur, J. Augustine, L. Cavallo, F. , ... Ravens-Sieberer U. (2015). Trends in Multiple Recurrent health complaitns in 15-year-olds in 35 countries in Europe, North America and Israel from 1994 to 2010 European Journal of Public Health, 25(suppl 2), 24-27. More information
Plenty, S., Östberg, V., Almquist, Y., Augustine, L., Modin, B. (2014). Psychosocial working conditions: an analysis of emotional symptoms and conduct problems amongst adolecent students Journal of Adolescence, 37(4), 407-417. More information
Almquist, Y., Modin, B., Augustine, L. (2013). Peer acceptance in the school class and subjective health complaints: A multilevel approach Journal of School Health, 83(10), 690-696. More information
Granlund, M. Arvidsson, P. Niia, A. Björck-Åkesson, E. Simeonsson, R. Maxwell, G. , ... Pless M. (2012). Differentiating activity and participation of children and youth with disability in Sweden: A third qualifier in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health for Children and Youth? American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 91(13), S84-S96. More information
Maxwell, G., Augustine, L., Granlund, M. (2012). Does thinking and doing the same thing amount to involved participation? Empirical explorations for finding a measure of intensity for a third ICF-CY qualifier Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 15(4), 274-283. More information
Sandberg, A., Lillvist, A., Eriksson, L., Björck-Åkesson, E., Granlund, M. (2010). "Special support" in preschools in Sweden: Preschool staff's definition of the construct International journal of disability, development and education, 57(1), 43-57. More information
Björck-Åkesson, E. Wilder, J. Granlund, M. Pless, M. Simeonsson, R. Adolfsson, M. , ... Lillvist A. (2010). The international classification of functioning, disability and health and the version for children and youth as a tool in child habilitation/early childhood intervention: feasibility and usefulness as a common language and frame of reference for practice Disability and Rehabilitation, 32(S1), 125-138. More information
Torsheim, T., Eriksson, L., Schnohr, C., Hansen, F., Bjarnason, T., Välimaa, R. (2010). Screen-based activities and physical complaints among adolescents from the Nordic countries BMC Public Health, 10(324), 1-8. More information
Eriksson, L., Welander, J., Granlund, M. (2007). Participation in everyday school activities for children with and without disabilities Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 19(5), 485-502. More information
Eriksson, L., Granlund, M. (2004). Perceived Participation: A comparison of students with disabilities and students without disabilities Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 6(3), 206-224. More information
Granlund, M., Eriksson, L., Ylvén, R. (2004). Utility of international classification of functioning, disability and health's participation dimension in assigning ICF codes to items from extant rating instruments Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 36(3), 130-137. More information
Eriksson, L., Granlund, M. (2004). Conceptions of Participation in Students with Disabilities and Persons in Their Close Environment Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 16(3), 229-246. More information
Granlund, M., Almqvist, L., Eriksson, L. (2002). Delaktighet i skolmiljöer för barn och ungdomar med funktionshinder Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 79(6), 538-545. More information

Doctoral thesis

Eriksson, L. (2006). Participation and Disability: A study of participation in school for children and youth with disabilities. (Doctoral thesis). Department of Woman and child health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm More information

Book chapter

Augustine, L. (2021). I skärlinjen mellan funktionsnedsättning och mobbning och dessa barns psykiska hälsa. In: Eva K. Clausson & Eva-Lena Einberg (Ed.), Barnsliga sammanhang: Forskning om barns och ungdomars hälsa och välmående (pp. 81 -93). Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press More information
Eriksson, L. (2007). Rätten till innanförskap. In: Att anta utmaningen: Skolportalens årsbok 2007 (pp. 9 -). Stockholm: Skolporten More information
Almqvist, L., Eriksson, L., Granlund, M. (2004). Delaktighet i skolaktiviteter: ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv. In: Delaktighetens språk (pp. 137 -155). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information

Conference paper

Holmberg, J., Augustine, L., Datta, S., Imada, T. (2022). Expatriate Adolescents’ Resilience: Risk and Protective Factors inthe Third Culture Context. 25th Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. More information
Augustine, L., Bjereld, Y., Turner, R. (2021). Bullying and its relationship with mental health in school children – with a special focus on children with disabilities. World Anti Bullying Forum 2021, November 1–3, 2021, Stockholm, Sweden. More information
Sentenac, M. Santos, T. Augustine, L. Due, P. Gavin, A. Małkowska-Szkutnia, A. , ... Godeau E. (2020). Disability and chronic health conditions and school experiences in 19 European countries. 12th Excellence in Pediatrics Conference, 3-5 December 2020. More information
Augustine, L., Bjereld, Y., Turner, R. (2020). How is disability and bullying victimization related to psychosomatic complaints? A crosssectional study on Swedish children. 12th Excellence in Pediatrics Conference, 3-5 December 2020. More information
Green, D., Trejo, K., Augustine, L., Granlund, M., Björk, E. (2019). Participatory profiles of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: With and without mental health issues. IAACD 2nd Triannual Meeting, Anaheim, California, September 18-21, 2019. More information
Bertills, K., Granlund, M., Augustine, L. (2018). Student engagement and high quality teaching in PE. AIESEP Specialist Seminar: Future Directions in PE Assessment, October 18-20, 2018, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. More information
Bertills, K., Granlund, M., Augustine, L. (2017). Quality teaching and student perceived self-efficacy, function and aptitude to participate in PE. Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR) 14th Research Conference, Örebro, Sweden, May 3-5 2017. More information
Bertills, K., Granlund, M., Dahlström, Ö., Augustine, L. (2017). Quality teaching and student perceived self-efficacy, function and aptitude to participate in Physical Education. International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AEISEP) International Conference, 7-10 November 2017, Gosier, Guadeloupe. More information
Maxwell, G., Augustine, L. (2011). Frequency and intensity ratings of school-related participation experiences. Nordic Network on Disability Research 2011, Reykjavík, Iceland May 27 – 28, 2011. More information
Eriksson, L. (2007). Delaktighet - en förutsättning för motivation och bättre hälsa hos barn med funktionshinder. Skolporten - aktuell forskning för skolan. More information
Eriksson, L. (2006). Delaktighet och funktionshinder: En studie av delaktighet i skolan för barn och ungdomar med funktionshinder. Läkarstämman, Göteborg, 28-30 nov, 2006. More information
Eriksson, L., Welander, J., Granlund, M. (2006). Elevers delaktighet i skolaktiviteter: En jämförelse av elever med och utan funktionshinder. 10e forsknings- och utvecklingskonferensen funktionshinder, vardagsliv, habilitering, Örebro, 4-5 april. More information
Eriksson, L., Welander, J., Granlund, M. (2006). Comparing engagement in everyday school activities in children with and without disabilities. London: MacKeith Press, Australasian Academy of Cerebral Palsy & Developmental Medicine Conference 2006, AusACPDM. More information
Sandberg, A., Granlund, M., Lillvist, A., Eriksson, L., Björck-Åkesson, E. (2005). Hur definieras barn i behov av särskilt stöd?. Excellence in Special Education - Time to move on, Mälardalens högskola, 26-27 sep. More information
Eriksson, L. (2004). Conceptions of participation of students with disabilities and persons close to them. 12th World Congress International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability (IASSID), June14-19, 2004. More information
Eriksson, L. (2004). Elever med funktionshinder: En jämförelse mellan elever med och utan funktionshinder i integrerade skolklasser. Funktionshinder, Vardagsliv, Habilitering, Örebro, 20-21 april. More information

Other publications

Carlén, K., Suominen, S., Augustine, L. (2022). The association between adolescents’ self-esteem and perceived mental health status in Sweden in four years of follow-up. More information


Augustine, L., Björck, E. (2024). I AM - Inclusive Assesment Map: Evaluating using an app to map inclusiveness – The I AM project. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication More information
Silveira-Maia, M. Sanches-Ferreira, M. Alves, S. Aguiar, T. Björck, E. Signhild, S. , ... Jaeckl C. (2023). Framework for an inclusive-oriented pedagogical assessment. Porto: Instituto Politécnico do Porto More information
Gustafsson, J. Allodi Westling, M. Alin Åkerman, B. Eriksson, C. Eriksson, L. Fischbein, S. , ... Persson R. (2010). School, Learning and Mental Health: A systematic review. Stockholm: Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien More information
Augustine, L., Ljungdahl, S., Bremberg, S. (2008). Är depression en klassfråga? En systematisk litteraturöversikt över kopplingen mellan social klass och depression. Stockholm: Statens folkhälsoinstitut More information
Granlund, M., Eriksson, L., Almqvist, L., Luttropp, A., Björck-Åkesson, E. (2003). Delaktighet: Sammanfattning av ett forskningsprojekt. Västerås: Mälardalens Högskola och Stiftelsen ala, Stockholm More information