

Decisive choices are exhibited at Jönköping University

On 26-29 March, the exhibition Vitale will be held at the JU pop-up Gallery. The exhibition portrays the vital choices that have led to something sustainable in people's lives.

Students at Jönköping University have during the course "Culture and visual communication" worked on making sustainable life choices. The task has been to create a transition from an unsustainable lifestyle to a sustainable lifestyle.

The exhibition is expressed in everything from short films and posters to sculptures and paintings. The word vital is Italian for "life-deciding" and that is exactly what the exhibition is about.

Bring your family and friends and experience a journey in sustainable turning points. Perhaps you stand for something vital in your life? Welcome to be inspired by the opening newspaper Vitale at the JU pop-up Gallery, in the entrance at the School of Education and Communication, March 26 at 11:00 am.

JU pop-up Gallery, HLK's entrance hall.

Time: 26-29 / 3

Vernissage: Tuesday 26/3 at. 11:00

Contact person: Anders Svensson (univ. Lecturer)

070 588 9348,

Utställning Livsavgörande val, HLK