Information to students with regards to Covid-19
Before the start of the autumn term we at Jönköping University would like to remind all of our students about a few important things with regards to the coronavirus outbreak. JU follows the recommendations from The Public Health Agency of Sweden and have made adjustments accordingly on campus.
When you arrive on campus there will be information signs with guidelines for general areas. You can also find the same information at the bottom of this page. In lecture rooms a maximum number of 50 people are allowed. For smaller spaces such as group rooms, dining areas, etc there will also be a specified number of maximum people. Please read the information before entering each room.
To reduce the number of people on campus at the same time, it is important to mainly be on campus when you have teacher led education, and to study from home when possible.
Jönköping University believes, in accordance with the Public Health Agency of Sweden, that every individual has a great responsibility. Everyone must contribute to help minimize the spread of infection. To do this, you always have to stay home when you have symptoms, be careful with hand hygiene and keep distance to other students and staff.
It is also important that you stay updated via ju.se/en/corona Opens in new window. and answers to common questions can be found in the FAQ for students Opens in new window..