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Entrepreneuring: Creating a New Venture 7,5 hp

Undervisningen bedrivs på engelska.


Building on the previous foundation of insights into entrepreneuring, this course will give students the opportunity to further develop their entrepreneurial selves. By exposing students to a unique learning environment, this course will challenge students to confront typical issues faced by today’s entrepreneurs. Students will be challenged to create a venture as a practical, hands-on learning experience, which is complemented with academic reflection. This course will also expose the students to analytical and lateral thinking, behavioural flexibility, decision-making, leadership, team building, oral and written communication, personal selling, stress management and acceptance of uncertainty, which are all important elements for developing entrepreneurial selves.
The course provides students the opportunity to further develop their entrepreneurial selves through reflective experimentation. Focus is put on practical activities related to developing new venture ideas, while critically reflecting about these activities related to relevant theoretical insights. Thereby the process of entrepreneurship is experienced in practice. Areas covered are:

• assessing the feasibility of venture ideas
• developing new venture ideas towards launch
• testing hypotheses about the venture idea and iterating the idea based on the results
• legal forms and governance issues of ventures
• new venture marketing

Connection to research and practice
With its focus on entrepreneurship, this course is tightly connected to JIBS’ core research area of entrepreneurship. Several of its entrepreneurship faculty are involved in delivering this course, ensuring its anchoring in state-of-the-art research on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. The course is practically oriented not only in that it focuses on students’ work on their own venture ideas, but it also involves several guest lecturers from practice. The final pitches are evaluated by a jury comprising JIBS teachers as well as representatives from Science Park and ALMI, with seed funding awarded to the most promising venture ideas.


Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (or the equivalent) and completed course Entrepreneuring: Person and Process 7,5 hp.

Utbildningsnivå: Avancerad nivå
Kurskod/Ladokkod: JEPS21
Kursen ges vid: Jönköping International Business School
Senast ändrad 2021-05-24 16:34:14