

Information meeting STINT Teaching Sabbatical- Teaching exchange during the Autumn 2024

27 April 2023 - 27 April 2023

14:00 - 14:45

Ka2060 Osaka or Join via zoom

27 April 2023 - 27 April 2023
14:00 - 14:45


Ka2060 Osaka or Join via zoom

Information meeting STINT Teaching Sabbatical- Teaching exchange during the Autumn 2024

STINT’s programme Teaching Sabbatical aims to develop both individuals and institutions. By giving Swedish researchers and university lecturers, who are passionate about education, international experiences relevant to their teaching role rather than their research one, STINT wants to contribute to educational renewal and the creation of new networks. Great emphasis is put on the added value of the stay abroad, which is why STINT encourages candidates to search for new international experiences.

The current call is for Teaching Sabbatical that can take place in the Autumn 2024 at one of STINT’s partners in the USA, Singapore or Hong Kong. The application opens in June 2023 with a deadline in August 2023.

The applicants must hold a doctorate degree, be employed by and well established at a Swedish University.

Please Register here if you are planning to join the meeting or want to receive more information about the programme even if you cannot join.

Place:  Ka2060 Osaka  or zoom https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61561528895

More information about the programme

Organizer: University Services
Last updated: 2023-04-26 17:22