

Brown Bag seminar in Economics and Finance

5 Februari 2024 - 5 Februari 2024

12:10 - 13:10


5 februari 2024 - 5 februari 2024
12:10 - 13:10



Brown Bag seminar in Economics and Finance

Dear colleagues, 

You are welcome to join us for the
“Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance”
presented by

Joakim Jansson

Linnaeus University




Title: Anticipation Effects of a Boardroom Gender Quota Law: Evidence from a Credible Threat in Sweden


Date: Monday, February 5
Time: 12:10-13:10
Host: Anna Nordén


This presentation will be given on campus

Join the seminar in room B5002 or on Zoom

Zoom link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61904655393?pwd=Uy9aNUNVSktkMGVnTHpuY1N5N1hiZz09

Meeting ID: 619 0465 5393

Password: BBEFS


Please use this link to sign up for bilateral talks in room B5066.
You can find this term’s seminar program on our webpage.

Arrangör: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics
Senast uppdaterad: 2024-01-30 08:29