Mahama Tawat

Universitetslektor i samhällsvetenskap
Avdelningen för natur och samhälle , Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation
Programansvarig för GlobalS

Mahama Tawat undervisar och forskar om migration, jämförande socialpolitik och global styrning. Han är programansvarig för Master's of Science in Global Studies - Sustainable societies and Social change.

Hans tidigare forskning har fokuserat på svensk, nordisk, euro-afrikansk migrationspolitik och på senare tid styrning inom FN och begreppet "one health" som kopplar samman djur, miljö och människors hälsa samt samhälls- och naturvetenskap. En annan linje av intresse är den jämförande metoden. Han har en doktorsexamen i jämförande offentlig policy från Otago universitet i Nya Zeeland och en magisterexamen i politisk sociologi från Dalarna universitet. Han fick även utbildning i kommunikation (Stockholm universitet), europeisk integration (Malmö universitet) och fred i konflikt (oavslutad) (Uppsala universitet). Han har undervisat vid Addis Abeba universitet, Bamberg universitet, Higher School of Economics, Jagiellonian universitet och Otago universitet. 

 Han har varit forskare vid Malmö universitets forskningscentrum för studier av migration, mångfald och välfärd; Montpellier Advanced Knowledge Institute on Transitions (MAKIT); Institute for Research, Socio-Economic Development and Communication (Cameroon); Centre for Comparative Immigration Studies vid University of California, San Diego och European Centre for Minorities Issues i Flengsburg, Tyskland. Hans forskning har citeras bland andra av The Financial Times.

Pågående forskningsprojekt: 

-Fostering inclusion: Migrants, action competence and social justice in the Citizen Engagement Lab. Finansiering Educom 2024-2025, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation (HLK).


Tawat, M. (2024). The Arc of Nordic Multiculturalism Policies (1974–2006): A Divergent Convergence Journal of Migration History, 10(2), 247-272. More information
Tawat, M. (2022). Russia-Ukraine war: Decoding how African countries voted at the UN The Conversation. More information
Tawat, M. (2022). La guerre Russie-Ukraine: décryptage du vote des pays africains à l’ONU The Conversation. More information
Tawat, M., Lamptey, E. (2022). The 2015 EU-Africa joint Valletta action plan on immigration: A parable of complex interdependence International migration (Geneva. Print), 60(6), 28-42. More information
Tawat, M. (2022). How the migration and mobility pact has helped to reset AU-EU relations The Conversation. More information
Tawat, M. (2019). The birth of Sweden’s multicultural policy: The impact of Olof Palme and his ideas The International Journal of Cultural Policy, 25(4), 471-485. More information
Tawat, M. (2016). Towards an ever “closer” union?: Refugee Policy and Social Cohesion in Eastern EU Member States. More information
Tawat, M. (2014). Danish and Swedish immigrants’ cultural policies between 1960 and 2006: toleration and the celebration of difference The International Journal of Cultural Policy, 20(2), 202-220. More information
Tawat, M. (2014). New Public Management in New Zealand: The past, present and future International Public Management Review, 14(2), 87-96. More information


Tawat, M. (2012). Two tales of viking diversity: A comparative study of the immigrant integration policies of Denmark and Sweden, 1960-2006 (Doctoral thesis, Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago). More information


Tawat, M. (2022). A Guerra da Ucrânia, as Nações Unidas e o Sul Global. In: Felipe Loureiro (Ed.), Linha Vermelha - A Guerra da Ucrânia e as RIs no século XXIMore information
Hellström,, A., Tawat, M. (2020). Trouble in the homeland: How cultural identity and welfare politics merge in contemporary Danish and Swedish politics. In: O. C. Norocel, A. Hellström & M. B. Jørgensen (Ed.), Nostalgia and hope: Intersections between politics of culture, welfare, and migration in Europe (pp. 19 -34). Cham: Springer More information
Tawat, M. (2016). The ethics of multiculturalism: A re-appraisal. In: O. D. Clennon (Ed.), International perspectives of multiculturalism: The ethical challenges (pp. 1 -24). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. More information


Tawat, M. (2022). A lot of people are saying: The new conspiracism and the assault on democracy. Nancy Rosenblum and Russell Muirhead (eds). Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2019. 232 pp. $26.95 (cloth). More information
Tawat, M. (2017). Controlling immigration: A global perspective. James Hollifield, Philip Martin and Pia Orrenius, eds. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 2014. 512 pp. $29.95 (paper). More information
Tawat, M. (2016). Frontiers of Fear: Immigration and Insecurity in the United States and Europe. Ariane Chebel d'Appolonia. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2012. 305 pp. $87.95 (cloth). Survival Migration: Failed Governance and the Crisis of Displacements. Alexander Betts. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2013. 256 pp. $77.95 (cloth). More information


Tawat, M. (2024). Fostering inclusion: Migrants, action competence and social justice in the Citizen Engagement Lab. EDUCOM CONFERENCE, 26 November 2024, School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University. More information
Tawat, M. (2023). Fake news et défiance vis-à-vis des vaccins au Cameroun. Le récit d'une enquête netnographique. Séminaire du Réseau Anthropologie des Epidémies Emergentes (RAEE) - Enquêter dans les espaces numériques , Aix-Marseille Université/Agence Française pour le Développement, 23 oktober 2023. More information
Craig, B., Tawat, M., Jones, L. (2021). The Role of Public Knowledge and Government Regulation in Achieving Good Healthcare. PHED Commission on the Future of Healthcare Post Covid-19, Malmö University, 1 June 2021. More information
Tawat, M. (2021). Building tomorrow's intelligence together. MAK’IT in the Africa2020 Season, 23-24 March 2021. More information
Tawat, M. (2018). The 2015 EU-Africa Malta Agreement on Immigration: Ideas, Interests and Institutions. Swedish Network for European Studies Conference, 19-20 April, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Tawat, M. (2016). Would East Meet West? Refugee Policy in Eastern EU countries. 23rd International Conference of Europeanists, April 14-16, 2016, Philidelphia, PA, USA. More information
Tawat, M. (2015). Understanding Convergence in Immigrant Integration Policies: The Cases of Denmark and Sweden Since 1960. 73rd MPSA Annual National Conference - Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 16-19 April 2015. More information
Tawat, M. (2011). Two Tales of Viking Diversity: A Comparative Study of Denmark and Sweden’s Immigration Policies. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Seattle, USA, 1-4 September 2011. More information
Tawat, M. (2011). The Births of Danish and Swedish Cultural Integration Policies: Ideas from Policy Legacy in Denmark and Olof Palme in Sweden. New Zealand Political Science Association Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, 30 November-1 December 2011. More information


Tawat, M. (2018). Multiculturalism: Is Denmark a den of intolerance and Sweden a land of political correctness? [blog post]. More information


Ferede, M., Bergström, J., Tawat, M. (2023). Final evaluation: Executive Community Leadership Program, Annual Report 22/23 Appendix 4. Sundbyberg: Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation (SIDA) More information
Tawat, M. (2021). Fake News and COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: A Study of Practices and Sociopolitical Implications in Cameroon. More information
Tawat, M. (2019). The Tip of the Iceberg: Prop. 1975:26 and its Freedom of Choice Goal in Sweden’s Multiculturalism Policy. Malmö: Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM), Malmö University More information
Tawat, M. (2018). The Divergent Convergence of Multiculturalism Policy in the Nordic Countries (1964 - 2006): Immigration Size, Policy Diffusion and Path Dependency. Malmö: Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM), Malmö University More information