Helena Kilander

Assistant Professor

Helena Kilander's research is mainly about quality improvements in sexual and reproductive health and rights. Her research concerns the prevention of unintended pregnancy, sexual violence and sexual risk-taking.

In her dissertation, she studied women's choice of contraceptive method in connection with abortion in a Swedish population. Taken together, the project's quantitative and qualitative studies formed the basis for the development of systematic improvement measures regarding counseling and access to effective contraceptive methods in the context of abortion. These improvement measures were studied in a Quality Improvement Collaborative.

Helena Kilander is a post doc fellow in SAMSKAPA, Forte program. She is the research leader for the project Coproduce help, support and care in connection with sexual violence. This is a collaborative project with the Jönköping County Region, Municipal Development, the County Administrative Board and Jönköping University.

Helena is also a post doc fellow and assistant research leader at Karolinska Institute in the project IMPROVE it- IMplementing best practice postpartum contraceptive services through a quality imPROVEment initiative for and with immigrant women in Sweden.