Nicoline Vackerberg

Adjunct lecturer

Nicoline Vackerberg, RPt MSc, Phd candidate. Coordinator Esther network international, Quality manager Region Jönköping Län,Adjunct Jönköping Academy.

Nicoline graduated as a physiotherapist in the Netherlands 1982 and has subsequently worked in several European and Asian countries. She has worked in primary care, hospital care and community care services as a physiotherapist, manager and quality improvement leader and got a good understanding of the whole health care system and the different needs of the patients in the care chain. This was followed by a period of project leading including several collaborative projects to strengthen the care chain. She has a master degree in Quality improvement in Health and Social care, and combines her work as coordinator of the Esther network international with university faculty.At the university she is the lead for Coaching Quality Improvement.

Esther is a network for promoting and developing complex care. The network continuously improves the cooperation between the different care providers to the best for Esther. All in Co -production with Esther self. In the network there are about 600 Esther coaches to facilitate this collaboration and improvement efforts. ESTHER