Daniel A de los Rios Pérez

Andersson, R., Pardillo-Baez, Y., De Los Rios Pérez, D., Bridi, E., Pimenta, M., Sordan, J.
Lean Six Sigma philosophy create companies and supply chains that is agile Revista UNICREA, 1(2), 273-298.
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Orru, K., Nævestad, T., Siimsen, I., De Los Rios Pérez, D., Egner, L.
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de los Rios Pérez, D., Sequeira, M., Linnéusson, G., Pardillo-Baez, Y.
Exploring the manufacturing reshoring decision-making process using system dynamics.
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Pardillo-Baez, Y., Andersson, R., de los Rios Pérez, D.
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QMOD Conference, 5-7 August 2017, Helsingør, Denmark.
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Pardillo-Baez, Y., Andersson, R., de los Rios Pérez, D.
A tool to achieve integration in Supply Chains: Design Model of Integration Node in the Supply Chains.
QMOD Conference, 5-7 August 2017, Helsingør, Denmark.
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