
Events in Swedish
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Professional Networking in Sweden by Amanda Herzog

4 April - 4 April

12:15 - 13:00


<p>For internationals who want to &ldquo;crack the Swedish code&rdquo;</p><p>Networking and referrals are incredibly important in Sweden.&nbsp;</p><p>If you&rsquo;re an international professional and don&rsquo;t know how to blend in with the Swedes, it can feel like you&rsquo;re hitting dead ends and getting nowhere fast.&nbsp;</p><p>Or, if you&rsquo;re Swedish but would like to improve your networking skills and see real results, then this workshop may be for you too!</p><p>Amanda Herzog is an American living in Sweden since 2017 and will be hosting the workshop. She moved there to attend J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University as an exchange student and now works as an international marketing professional and personal branding consultant.</p><p>Her experiences of navigating the Swedish job market motivated her to &ldquo;crack the Swedish code&rdquo; and find the secret to career success.</p><p>Students who have taken her online course on networking in Sweden have reported amazing results:</p><ul><li><p>Going from no responses on LinkedIn when sending messages to 3 out of 3 responding and agreeing to meet up when using her template (one of them was a Swedish recruiter)</p></li><li><p>Living in a remote location of Sweden in a town of less than 10,000 people to suddenly having 20 new connections in one week&nbsp;</p></li><li><p>Going from no interviews after months of applying to getting an offer for the exact job they wanted - all with no job application and only referral via networking</p></li></ul><p>If you&rsquo;re wondering how to have more career success in the Swedish workshop, then this is for you!&nbsp;</p><p>Join us on April 4, 2023 between 12.15-1 PM for a free workshop from Amanda Herzog on how to improve your networking skills in Sweden. You don&rsquo;t want to miss this!</p><p>Registration on <a href="https://ju.jobteaser.com">https://ju.jobteaser.com</a> where you will be provided the link to the Zoom meeting.&nbsp;</p>
4 April - 4 April
12:15 - 13:00




Professional Networking in Sweden by Amanda Herzog

For internationals who want to “crack the Swedish code”

Networking and referrals are incredibly important in Sweden. 

If you’re an international professional and don’t know how to blend in with the Swedes, it can feel like you’re hitting dead ends and getting nowhere fast. 

Or, if you’re Swedish but would like to improve your networking skills and see real results, then this workshop may be for you too!

Amanda Herzog is an American living in Sweden since 2017 and will be hosting the workshop. She moved there to attend Jönköping University as an exchange student and now works as an international marketing professional and personal branding consultant.

Her experiences of navigating the Swedish job market motivated her to “crack the Swedish code” and find the secret to career success.

Students who have taken her online course on networking in Sweden have reported amazing results:

  • Going from no responses on LinkedIn when sending messages to 3 out of 3 responding and agreeing to meet up when using her template (one of them was a Swedish recruiter)

  • Living in a remote location of Sweden in a town of less than 10,000 people to suddenly having 20 new connections in one week 

  • Going from no interviews after months of applying to getting an offer for the exact job they wanted - all with no job application and only referral via networking

If you’re wondering how to have more career success in the Swedish workshop, then this is for you! 

Join us on April 4, 2023 between 12.15-1 PM for a free workshop from Amanda Herzog on how to improve your networking skills in Sweden. You don’t want to miss this!

Registration on https://ju.jobteaser.com where you will be provided the link to the Zoom meeting. 

Organizer: Career Center

Seminar day, Research School HHJ

6 April - 6 April

09:30 - 15:00

GA 626

<p>Today&#39;s seminars:</p><p>09:30-11:30&nbsp; Malin Johansson - RSP</p><p>12:30-15:00 Marcus Lundmark - RSP (via Zoom)</p><p>Register to listen to the seminars no later than 23 March. Please see below for info.</p><p>https://ju.se/en/research/doctoral-programmes/doctoral-programmes-at-the-school-of-health-and-welfare/doctoral-student-seminars.html</p>
6 April - 6 April
09:30 - 15:00


GA 626


Seminar day, Research School HHJ

Today's seminars:

09:30-11:30  Malin Johansson - RSP

12:30-15:00 Marcus Lundmark - RSP (via Zoom)

Register to listen to the seminars no later than 23 March. Please see below for info.


Organizer: School of Health and Welfare

CEnSE Seminar presented by Daria Hakola

12 April - 12 April

12:00 - 13:00

B5002 or Zoom

12 April - 12 April
12:00 - 13:00


B5002 or Zoom


CEnSE Seminar presented by Daria Hakola


Organizer: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics

Disciplinary and expulsion committee

13 April - 13 April

08:30 - 16:30

Solon A4301

<p>Meeting in the Disciplinary and expulsion committee</p>
13 April - 13 April
08:30 - 16:30


Solon A4301


Disciplinary and expulsion committee

Meeting in the Disciplinary and expulsion committee

Organizer: Jönköping University

CeFEO Practitioners Network Seminar

13 April - 13 April

16:00 - 17:00


<p>Welcome to the CeFEO Practitioners&rsquo; Network Seminar:</p><p><strong>Date and time: April 13th from 16.00-17:00 via Zoom:? </strong><a href="http://cefeo.se/cpn">http://cefeo.se/cpn</a></p><p><strong>Title: Exploring family business longevity: the case of Karl Andersson &amp; S&ouml;ner AB, a Swedish producer of high-quality design furniture founded in 1898. Lessons for family businesses.</strong></p><p>CeFEO Presenters:</p><p><strong>Leona Achtenhagen</strong> &ndash; CeFEO member, Director of MMTC - Media, Management and Transformation Centre and Professor in Business Administration &ndash; JIBS</p><p><strong>Kajsa Haag - </strong>CeFEO member, Associate Dean of Faculty, and Assistant Professor in Business Administration &ndash; JIBS</p>
13 April - 13 April
16:00 - 17:00




CeFEO Practitioners Network Seminar

Welcome to the CeFEO Practitioners’ Network Seminar:

Date and time: April 13th from 16.00-17:00 via Zoom:? http://cefeo.se/cpn

Title: Exploring family business longevity: the case of Karl Andersson & Söner AB, a Swedish producer of high-quality design furniture founded in 1898. Lessons for family businesses.

CeFEO Presenters:

Leona Achtenhagen – CeFEO member, Director of MMTC - Media, Management and Transformation Centre and Professor in Business Administration – JIBS

Kajsa Haag - CeFEO member, Associate Dean of Faculty, and Assistant Professor in Business Administration – JIBS

Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

CeFEO Practitioners Network Seminar

13 April - 13 April

16:00 - 17:00


<p>Welcome to the CeFEO Practitioners&rsquo; Network Seminar:</p><p><strong>Date and time: April 13th from 16.00-17:00 via Zoom</strong></p><p><strong>Title: Exploring family business longevity: the case of Karl Andersson &amp; S&ouml;ner AB, a Swedish producer of high-quality design furniture founded in 1898. Lessons for family businesses.</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>CeFEO Presenters:</p><p><strong>Leona Achtenhagen</strong> &ndash; CeFEO member, Director of MMTC - Media, Management and Transformation Centre and Professor in Business Administration &ndash; JIBS</p><p><strong>Kajsa Haag - </strong>CeFEO member, Associate Dean of Faculty, and Assistant Professor in Business Administration &ndash; JIBS</p>
13 April - 13 April
16:00 - 17:00




CeFEO Practitioners Network Seminar

Welcome to the CeFEO Practitioners’ Network Seminar:

Date and time: April 13th from 16.00-17:00 via Zoom

Title: Exploring family business longevity: the case of Karl Andersson & Söner AB, a Swedish producer of high-quality design furniture founded in 1898. Lessons for family businesses.


CeFEO Presenters:

Leona Achtenhagen – CeFEO member, Director of MMTC - Media, Management and Transformation Centre and Professor in Business Administration – JIBS

Kajsa Haag - CeFEO member, Associate Dean of Faculty, and Assistant Professor in Business Administration – JIBS

Organizer: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

Licentiate seminar - Simon Boldt

14 April - 14 April

10:00 - 12:00

E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

<p><strong>Title of the thesis:</strong> <a href="http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-59992">Supporting Long-Term Production Development - Towards Production Platforms</a><br /><strong>Doctoral student:</strong> Simon Boldt<br /><strong>Third-cycle subject area:</strong> Production Systems<br /><strong>Faculty examiner:</strong> PhD Lennart Malmsk&ouml;ld, University West<br /><strong>Examiner: </strong>Associate Professor Jenny B&auml;ckstrand, School of Engineering<br /><strong>Principal supervisor: </strong>Associate Professor Carin R&ouml;si&ouml;, School of Engineering</p><p><strong>Link to join the Webinar:&nbsp;</strong><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61876013234">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61876013234</a></p><p><strong>Welcome to attend the seminar!</strong></p>
14 April - 14 April
10:00 - 12:00


E1405 (Gjuterisalen)


Licentiate seminar - Simon Boldt

Title of the thesis: Supporting Long-Term Production Development - Towards Production Platforms
Doctoral student: Simon Boldt
Third-cycle subject area: Production Systems
Faculty examiner: PhD Lennart Malmsköld, University West
Examiner: Associate Professor Jenny Bäckstrand, School of Engineering
Principal supervisor: Associate Professor Carin Rösiö, School of Engineering

Link to join the Webinar: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61876013234

Welcome to attend the seminar!

Organizer: School of Engineering

CeFEO Research Seminar - Presented by Sofia Brunelli

17 April - 17 April

12:00 - 13:00

B7030 or zoom

<p><strong>Title: Driving the transition from family SMEs to large family firms</strong></p><p><strong>Sofia Brunelli </strong>(presenter)</p><p>Co-Authors:</p><p>Luigi Vena, Carlo Cattaneo University</p><p>Lucia Naldi, JIBS</p><p>Salvatore Sciascia, Carlo Cattaneo University</p><p><strong>April 17th,&nbsp;12:00-13:00<em>&nbsp;</em>CET</strong></p><p><strong>B7030 or Via Zoom</strong></p><p><strong>Zoom link: </strong><a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fcefeo.se%2Fzoom&amp;data=05%7C01%7Cmaja.johansson%40ju.se%7Cd416f8fd3a2045d29dc908da4952260d%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637902914432158979%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&amp;sdata=NXb04%2FfFWMWVRyTLzIq4yVt3vRiGuV2eLhBxbFNVUJE%3D&amp;reserved=0"><strong>http://cefeo.se/zoom</strong></a></p><p><strong>ABSTRACT:&nbsp;</strong>We draw on the agency and the stewardship perspectives to argue that family involvement could affect the possibility to move from being a family SME to a large family firm. We exploit an original dataset composed of 89 Italian family firms over 10 years period (2008-2017) including governance and financial data collected from complementary sources. Findings show that the involvement of nonfamily members in the board and the presence of the family CEO could positively influence the probability of to register size transition. Findings would be useful for family owners to take decisions about the optimal governance structure.</p>
17 April - 17 April
12:00 - 13:00


B7030 or zoom


CeFEO Research Seminar - Presented by Sofia Brunelli

Title: Driving the transition from family SMEs to large family firms

Sofia Brunelli (presenter)


Luigi Vena, Carlo Cattaneo University

Lucia Naldi, JIBS

Salvatore Sciascia, Carlo Cattaneo University

April 17th, 12:00-13:00 CET

B7030 or Via Zoom

Zoom link: http://cefeo.se/zoom

ABSTRACT: We draw on the agency and the stewardship perspectives to argue that family involvement could affect the possibility to move from being a family SME to a large family firm. We exploit an original dataset composed of 89 Italian family firms over 10 years period (2008-2017) including governance and financial data collected from complementary sources. Findings show that the involvement of nonfamily members in the board and the presence of the family CEO could positively influence the probability of to register size transition. Findings would be useful for family owners to take decisions about the optimal governance structure.

Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

CeFEO Research Seminar - Presented by Sofia Brunelli

17 April - 17 April

12:00 - 13:00

B7030 or zoom

<p><strong>Title: Driving the transition from family SMEs to large family firms</strong></p><p><strong>Sofia Brunelli </strong>(presenter)</p><p>Co-Authors:</p><p>Luigi Vena, Carlo Cattaneo University</p><p>Lucia Naldi, JIBS</p><p>Salvatore Sciascia, Carlo Cattaneo University</p><p><strong>April 17th,&nbsp;12:00-13:00<em>&nbsp;</em>CET</strong></p><p><strong>B7030 or Via Zoom</strong></p>
17 April - 17 April
12:00 - 13:00


B7030 or zoom


CeFEO Research Seminar - Presented by Sofia Brunelli

Title: Driving the transition from family SMEs to large family firms

Sofia Brunelli (presenter)


Luigi Vena, Carlo Cattaneo University

Lucia Naldi, JIBS

Salvatore Sciascia, Carlo Cattaneo University

April 17th, 12:00-13:00 CET

B7030 or Via Zoom

Organizer: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

17 April - 17 April

12:10 - 12:55

B5002 or zoom

<p>Dear colleagues,<strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>You are welcome to join us for the<br /><em>&ldquo;Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance&rdquo;</em><br />presented by</p><p><strong><a href="https://sites.google.com/site/pauroth/">Paula Roth</a></strong></p><p>Swedish House of Finance</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Title: <strong>Severe health shocks and financial well-being</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Date:<strong> Monday, April 17</strong><br />Time:<strong> 12:10-12:55</strong></p><p><strong>Join the seminar either in room B5002 </strong></p><p><em>(This presentation will be given on campus)</em></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>or on Zoom:</strong><br /><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/67778375789?pwd=dE9TS2J6QTZ3MWd4N0loVkR3ZUF0dz09">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/67778375789?pwd=dE9TS2J6QTZ3MWd4N0loVkR3ZUF0dz09</a></p><p><br />Fix Meeting-ID: 677 7837 5789</p><p>Password: BBEFS</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Please find the abstract attached.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Have a look at the&nbsp;seminar&nbsp;program for S2 2023 <a href="https://ju.se/en/research/research-groups/economics/seminars/brown-bag-seminar.html">here</a>.<br />&nbsp;</p>
17 April - 17 April
12:10 - 12:55


B5002 or zoom


Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

Dear colleagues, 

You are welcome to join us for the
“Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance”
presented by

Paula Roth

Swedish House of Finance



Title: Severe health shocks and financial well-being


Date: Monday, April 17
Time: 12:10-12:55

Join the seminar either in room B5002

(This presentation will be given on campus)


or on Zoom:

Fix Meeting-ID: 677 7837 5789

Password: BBEFS


Please find the abstract attached.


Have a look at the seminar program for S2 2023 here.

Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

MMTC Research Seminar presented by guest Amanda Piepponen

19 April - 19 April

12:00 - 13:00


<p>MMTC Research Seminar presented by guest&nbsp;Amanda Piepponen</p>
19 April - 19 April
12:00 - 13:00




MMTC Research Seminar presented by guest Amanda Piepponen

MMTC Research Seminar presented by guest Amanda Piepponen

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

CEnSE Seminar presented by Alessandra Faggian

19 April - 19 April

12:00 - 13:00

B7030 or zoom

<p>You are welcome to join us for the CEnSE Seminar presented by our guest:</p><p><strong>Alessandra Faggian</strong></p><p>Gran Sasso Science Institute, L&#39;Aquila, Italy.</p><p><strong>Title: REMOTE WORKING AND PROPENSITY TO MOVE &ndash; THE CASE OF ITALY</strong></p><p><strong>Co-Authors:</strong><br />Thea Jansen*, Andrea Ascani*, Alessandro Palma*<br />* Gran Sasso Science Institute</p><p>Date: <strong>Wednesday, 19th April</strong></p><p>Time: <strong>12:00-13:00</strong></p><p>Room: <strong>B7030</strong></p>
19 April - 19 April
12:00 - 13:00


B7030 or zoom


CEnSE Seminar presented by Alessandra Faggian

You are welcome to join us for the CEnSE Seminar presented by our guest:

Alessandra Faggian

Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy.


Thea Jansen*, Andrea Ascani*, Alessandro Palma*
* Gran Sasso Science Institute

Date: Wednesday, 19th April

Time: 12:00-13:00

Room: B7030

Organizer: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics

CEnSE Seminar presented by Alessandra Faggian

19 April - 19 April

12:00 - 13:00

B7030 or zoom

<p>You are welcome to join us for the CEnSE Seminar presented by our guest:</p><p><strong>Alessandra Faggian</strong></p><p>Gran Sasso Science Institute, L&#39;Aquila, Italy.</p><p><strong>Title: REMOTE WORKING AND PROPENSITY TO MOVE &ndash; THE CASE OF ITALY</strong></p><p><strong>Co-Authors:</strong><br />Thea Jansen*, Andrea Ascani*, Alessandro Palma*<br />* Gran Sasso Science Institute</p><p>Date: <strong>Wednesday, 19th April</strong></p><p>Time: <strong>12:00-13:00</strong></p><p>Room: <strong>B7030 or zoom</strong></p><p><strong>Join Zoom Meeting:</strong></p><p><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/65703227594?pwd=SEJzRE5LMThkUjZkaGRQSUNMRllHQT09">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/65703227594?pwd=SEJzRE5LMThkUjZkaGRQSUNMRllHQT09</a></p><p>Meeting ID: 657 0322 7594</p><p>Passcode: 723422</p>
19 April - 19 April
12:00 - 13:00


B7030 or zoom


CEnSE Seminar presented by Alessandra Faggian

You are welcome to join us for the CEnSE Seminar presented by our guest:

Alessandra Faggian

Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy.


Thea Jansen*, Andrea Ascani*, Alessandro Palma*
* Gran Sasso Science Institute

Date: Wednesday, 19th April

Time: 12:00-13:00

Room: B7030 or zoom

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 657 0322 7594

Passcode: 723422

Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

JIBS Entrepreneurship Challenge Grand Final 2023

19 April - 19 April

14:00 - 17:00

JP Aulan 1024 (JIBS)

<p><strong>Welcome to the Grand Final of the JIBS Entrepreneurship Challenge 2023</strong>. <strong>The final is a live event, open to all interested. Furthermore, the final will also be broadcast in a special live stream event.&nbsp;</strong></p><p>On April 17-19, students from J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University will compete in the annual JIBS Entrepreneurship Challenge, a 24-hour innovation race for a prize pool of 130,000 SEK.&nbsp;</p><p>A secret company is invited to present a problem they are experiencing. The teams are then allowed 24 hours to come up with a solution and prepare a pitch to sell it. On19 April, they pitch their solutions to a jury on the final day. The best pitches are repeated in a grand final, open to the general public. The winning team and runners-up will get prizes for the equivalent of up to 130,000 SEK in total.?&nbsp;</p><p>JIBS Entrepreneurship Challenge is based on a donation from the Lennart &ldquo;Aktiestinsen&rdquo; Israelsson&rsquo;s foundation and arranged by the student association Entrepreneurship Academy at JIBS.</p><p><strong>Welcome to the Grand Final!&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>When: Wednesday 19 April at 14:00-17:00&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Where: JP-aulan&nbsp; B1024 (at J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School)&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Link to live stream</strong>:&nbsp;<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATSahgT250Q">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATSahgT250Q</a></p><p>Refreshments will be served during the break.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
19 April - 19 April
14:00 - 17:00


JP Aulan 1024 (JIBS)


JIBS Entrepreneurship Challenge Grand Final 2023

Welcome to the Grand Final of the JIBS Entrepreneurship Challenge 2023. The final is a live event, open to all interested. Furthermore, the final will also be broadcast in a special live stream event. 

On April 17-19, students from Jönköping University will compete in the annual JIBS Entrepreneurship Challenge, a 24-hour innovation race for a prize pool of 130,000 SEK. 

A secret company is invited to present a problem they are experiencing. The teams are then allowed 24 hours to come up with a solution and prepare a pitch to sell it. On19 April, they pitch their solutions to a jury on the final day. The best pitches are repeated in a grand final, open to the general public. The winning team and runners-up will get prizes for the equivalent of up to 130,000 SEK in total.? 

JIBS Entrepreneurship Challenge is based on a donation from the Lennart “Aktiestinsen” Israelsson’s foundation and arranged by the student association Entrepreneurship Academy at JIBS.

Welcome to the Grand Final! 

When: Wednesday 19 April at 14:00-17:00 

Where: JP-aulan  B1024 (at Jönköping International Business School) 

Link to live streamhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATSahgT250Q

Refreshments will be served during the break.


Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

CEnSE Seminar presented by Edvard Johansson and Jonas Lagerström

20 April - 20 April

12:00 - 13:00

B5002 or Zoom

20 April - 20 April
12:00 - 13:00


B5002 or Zoom


CEnSE Seminar presented by Edvard Johansson and Jonas Lagerström


Organizer: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics

CEnSE Seminar presented by Jonas Lagerström

20 April - 20 April

12:00 - 13:00

B6046 or zoom

<p>You are welcome to join us for the CEnSE Seminar presented by our guest:</p><p><strong>Jonas Lagerstr&ouml;m</strong>&nbsp;- &Aring;bo Akademi University, Turku, Finland</p><p>Title: Labor market regulation and entrepreneurship choices for the elderly &ndash; A Comparison across Finland and Sweden</p><p>Date: <strong>Thursday, 20th April</strong></p><p>Time: <strong>12:00-13:00</strong></p><p>Room: <strong>B6046 or Zoom</strong></p><p>Join Zoom Meeting:</p><p><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/69779591113?pwd=N09MVm5NcXcvdnNaZHFicnZNaHNDQT09">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/69779591113?pwd=N09MVm5NcXcvdnNaZHFicnZNaHNDQT09</a></p><p>Meeting ID: 697 7959 1113</p><p>Passcode: 792671</p>
20 April - 20 April
12:00 - 13:00


B6046 or zoom


CEnSE Seminar presented by Jonas Lagerström

You are welcome to join us for the CEnSE Seminar presented by our guest:

Jonas Lagerström - Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland

Title: Labor market regulation and entrepreneurship choices for the elderly – A Comparison across Finland and Sweden

Date: Thursday, 20th April

Time: 12:00-13:00

Room: B6046 or Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 697 7959 1113

Passcode: 792671

Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

Working law in Sweden! Your obligations and rights - with Framtiden

20 April - 20 April

12:15 - 13:00


<p>What should you expect from a future employer according to your obligations and rights when you have signed up for a job? This is what the recruitment company Framtiden AB is going to talk about today! We are going to guide you and teach you more about what your future employment contract should contain, common terms and what different forms of employment really means. Finally, we are going to tell you about why it is good to work for a company that has a collective agreement.</p><p>Pre-booked students will be offered free lunch if you register before April 13th. Register at <a href="https://ju.jobteaser.com">https://ju.jobteaser.com</a></p><p>A warm welcome from Framtiden AB!</p><p>Thursday April 20th 12-15-13.00</p><p>Hc113, School of Education and Communication</p>
20 April - 20 April
12:15 - 13:00




Working law in Sweden! Your obligations and rights - with Framtiden

What should you expect from a future employer according to your obligations and rights when you have signed up for a job? This is what the recruitment company Framtiden AB is going to talk about today! We are going to guide you and teach you more about what your future employment contract should contain, common terms and what different forms of employment really means. Finally, we are going to tell you about why it is good to work for a company that has a collective agreement.

Pre-booked students will be offered free lunch if you register before April 13th. Register at https://ju.jobteaser.com

A warm welcome from Framtiden AB!

Thursday April 20th 12-15-13.00

Hc113, School of Education and Communication

Organizer: Career Center

Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

24 April - 24 April

12:10 - 12:55

B5002 or zoom

<p>Dear colleagues,?&nbsp;</p><p>You are welcome to join us for the &nbsp;<br />&ldquo;Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance&rdquo; &nbsp;<br />presented by&nbsp;</p><p><a target="_blank" href="https://www.tomgrad.com/">Tom Grad</a>&nbsp;</p><p>Copenhagen Business School&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Title: Strategic Behavior in Crowdsourcing Contest: A Look at Sabotage and Self-promotion&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Date: Monday, April 24&nbsp;<br />Time: 12:10-12:55&nbsp;</p><p>Join the seminar either in room B5002&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>(This presentation will be given on campus)&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>or on Zoom:&nbsp;<br /><a target="_blank" href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/67778375789?pwd=dE9TS2J6QTZ3MWd4N0loVkR3ZUF0dz09">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/67778375789?pwd=dE9TS2J6QTZ3MWd4N0loVkR3ZUF0dz09</a>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;<br />Fix Meeting-ID: 677 7837 5789&nbsp;</p><p>Password: BBEFS&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Please find the abstract attached.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Have a look at the?seminar?program for S2 2023 <a target="_blank" href="https://ju.se/en/research/research-groups/economics/seminars/brown-bag-seminar.html">here</a>.&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;</p>
24 April - 24 April
12:10 - 12:55


B5002 or zoom


Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

Dear colleagues,? 

You are welcome to join us for the  
“Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance”  
presented by 

Tom Grad 

Copenhagen Business School 



Title: Strategic Behavior in Crowdsourcing Contest: A Look at Sabotage and Self-promotion 


Date: Monday, April 24 
Time: 12:10-12:55 

Join the seminar either in room B5002  

(This presentation will be given on campus) 


or on Zoom: 

Fix Meeting-ID: 677 7837 5789 

Password: BBEFS 


Please find the abstract attached.  


Have a look at the?seminar?program for S2 2023 here

Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

CEnSE Seminar presented by Eloise Germain

25 April - 25 April

13:00 - 14:00

B5002 or Zoom

25 April - 25 April
13:00 - 14:00


B5002 or Zoom


CEnSE Seminar presented by Eloise Germain


Organizer: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics

Personal branding

26 April - 26 April

12:15 - 13:00


<p>The future labour market requires personal branding. How do you do it and why?&nbsp;</p><p>Wednesday April 26th 12.15-1 pm.</p><p>E1405, School of Engineering</p><p><em>Lunch is offered to students that register before April 20th.&nbsp;</em></p><p><em>Register at&nbsp;<a href="https://ju.jobteaser.com">https://ju.jobteaser.com</a></em></p>
26 April - 26 April
12:15 - 13:00




Personal branding

The future labour market requires personal branding. How do you do it and why? 

Wednesday April 26th 12.15-1 pm.

E1405, School of Engineering

Lunch is offered to students that register before April 20th. 

Register at https://ju.jobteaser.com

Organizer: Career Center

Disciplinary and expulsion committee

27 April - 27 April

08:30 - 16:30

Solon A4301

<p>Meeting in the Disciplinary and expulsion committee</p>
27 April - 27 April
08:30 - 16:30


Solon A4301


Disciplinary and expulsion committee

Meeting in the Disciplinary and expulsion committee

Organizer: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics

Disciplinary and expulsion committee

27 April - 27 April

08:30 - 12:00

<p>Meeting in the Disciplinary and expulsion committee.</p>
27 April - 27 April
08:30 - 12:00




Disciplinary and expulsion committee

Meeting in the Disciplinary and expulsion committee.

Organizer: Jönköping University

Career Planning

27 April - 27 April

12:15 - 13:00


<p>Career development and the 4 steps for successful career planning!</p><p>Thursday April 27th&nbsp; &nbsp;12.15-1 pm</p><p><em>Lunch is offered to students that register before April 20.</em></p><p><em>Register at&nbsp;<a href="https://ju.jobteaser.com">https://ju.jobteaser.com</a></em></p>
27 April - 27 April
12:15 - 13:00




Career Planning

Career development and the 4 steps for successful career planning!

Thursday April 27th   12.15-1 pm

Lunch is offered to students that register before April 20.

Register at https://ju.jobteaser.com

Organizer: Career Center

Information meeting STINT Teaching Sabbatical- Teaching exchange during the Autumn 2024

27 April - 27 April

14:00 - 14:45

Ka2060 Osaka or Join via zoom

<p>STINT&rsquo;s programme Teaching Sabbatical aims to develop both individuals and institutions. By giving Swedish researchers and university lecturers, who are passionate about education, international experiences relevant to their teaching role rather than their research one, STINT wants to contribute to educational renewal and the creation of new networks. Great emphasis is put on the added value of the stay abroad, which is why STINT encourages candidates to search for new international experiences.</p><p>The current call is for Teaching Sabbatical that can take place in the Autumn 2024 at one of STINT&rsquo;s partners in the USA, Singapore or Hong Kong. The application opens in June 2023 with a deadline in August 2023.</p><p>The applicants must hold a doctorate degree, be employed by and well established at a Swedish University.</p><p>Please <strong><a href="https://esmaker.net/nx2/s.aspx?id=977148591154">Register here</a> </strong>if you are planning to join the meeting or want to receive more information about the programme even if you cannot join.</p><p><strong>Place:&nbsp; Ka2060 Osaka&nbsp; or zoom&nbsp;<a href="http://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61561528895">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61561528895</a></strong></p><p><a href="https://www.stint.se/en/program/teaching-sabbatical/">More information about the programme</a></p>
27 April - 27 April
14:00 - 14:45


Ka2060 Osaka or Join via zoom


Information meeting STINT Teaching Sabbatical- Teaching exchange during the Autumn 2024

STINT’s programme Teaching Sabbatical aims to develop both individuals and institutions. By giving Swedish researchers and university lecturers, who are passionate about education, international experiences relevant to their teaching role rather than their research one, STINT wants to contribute to educational renewal and the creation of new networks. Great emphasis is put on the added value of the stay abroad, which is why STINT encourages candidates to search for new international experiences.

The current call is for Teaching Sabbatical that can take place in the Autumn 2024 at one of STINT’s partners in the USA, Singapore or Hong Kong. The application opens in June 2023 with a deadline in August 2023.

The applicants must hold a doctorate degree, be employed by and well established at a Swedish University.

Please Register here if you are planning to join the meeting or want to receive more information about the programme even if you cannot join.

Place:  Ka2060 Osaka  or zoom https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61561528895

More information about the programme

Organizer: University Services

Spring Celebration

30 April - 30 April

12:00 - 21:00

Hälsoparken (Munksjöparken)

<p>Welcome to celebrate springtime with J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University and the Student Union. This year&#39;s spring celebration will take place outside in H&auml;lsoparken (Munksj&ouml;parken) on Sunday 30 April at 12:00.<br />It begins with songs performed by the J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University Academic Choir (conductor Dan Boberg), and spring speach will be held.<br />After 13:00 the students continue with their acivities.&nbsp;</p><p>Please note that the celebration will be held in Swedish.</p>
30 April - 30 April
12:00 - 21:00


Hälsoparken (Munksjöparken)


Spring Celebration

Welcome to celebrate springtime with Jönköping University and the Student Union. This year's spring celebration will take place outside in Hälsoparken (Munksjöparken) on Sunday 30 April at 12:00.
It begins with songs performed by the Jönköping University Academic Choir (conductor Dan Boberg), and spring speach will be held.
After 13:00 the students continue with their acivities. 

Please note that the celebration will be held in Swedish.

Organizer: Jönköping University