

Welcome to a half-day with focus on research activities at the School of Health and Welfare

29 May 2023 - 29 May 2023

13:00 - 16:00


29 May 2023 - 29 May 2023
13:00 - 16:00



Welcome to a half-day with focus on research activities at the School of Health and Welfare

Welcome to an afternoon with focus on research activities at the School of Health and Welfare.

Monday, May 29, 13:00-16:00, Forum Humanum and poster presentation in Röda rummet


  • Welcome - Eleonor Fransson, Associate dean of research at the School of Health and Welfare
  • The transition to integrated care from a municipal perspective - Anneli Forsgren, Municipality Development
  • Research school Nära vård - Jan Mårtensson, director of the research school
  • A new doctoral projekt within Nära vård - Lena Rosenberg, professor AFR
  • Presentations from our research environment and centres
    • Linda Johansson, our new research environment
    • Malin Stensson/Ola Norderyd, Centre for odontology and oral health
    • Maria Björk/Karina Huus, CHILD
    • Sofi Fristedt/Axel Ros, Jönköping Academy
  • What is the driving force to get involved in research as a citizen/user/patient? Interview with Lars Winborg, member in Jönköping Academy’s group Collaboration citizen network.
  • Discussion on content and activities in the new research environment at the School of Health and Welfare
  • Poster presentations and mingle

Do you want to present a poster? It may include planned, ongoing or finished research. You can either use an already printed poster or print a new, the school can cover the cost for a new poster. Deadline for submitting posters is May 22. 

For our planning of poster presentations and mingle, we need to know how many will attend and who wants to present a poster. Please sign up here, deadline May 22.


Organizer: School of Health and Welfare
Last updated: 2023-05-04 11:32