Welcome to Delta House!

Here you will find all the information you need during your stay with us.

  • Your room, common areas and the kitchen must be kept clean. The cleaning schedule provided must be followed or a 1500 SEK fine will be issued.
  • Cleaning inspections are made once a week by the Accommodation Office.
  • It must be quiet from 10 pm on weekdays and from 11 pm on weekends.
  • This is a non-smoking student accommodation.
  • Smoking inside is the accommodation and in the outdoor area directly
  • connected to the accommodation is strictly forbidden. Fines up to 5000 SEK will
    be charged to the smoker.
  • The front doors, doors leading to the corridor, and rooms must always be closed and locked.
  • Due to fire and security regulations it is forbidden to have anyone else than you reside in your accommodation. If you have visitors, please ask the landlord for permission in advance.
  • For the same reason having big parties are not allowed and can lead to fines and/or eviction.
  • The Accommodation Office always aims at providing all student with a highlevel standard of service. Do the best possible to help and the same time follow the rules, regulations, and laws that applies.
  • The Accommodation Office expects all students that has been given housing through the University to take good care of their accommodation, respect all students, and have good knowledge of the rules and regulations applied to each house and follow those.
  • The rules and regulations stipulated in the Equal Treatment Plan also includes the student accommodation as well as campus life.

The key to the accommodation is a personal belonging and the tenant’s responsibility

The rent is paid one semester at the time in one installment and can be paid at any Bank or Forex office. You can pay in cash, by credit card or using online banking. Do not forget to always state the invoice number, customer id, name and always keep your payment receipts.

To avoid extra costs rent must be paid on time.

If you are living in a shared room and your roommate moves out, please note that your rent will change to a single room rent the month after. This is specified in your contract.

  • Touching or tampering with the fire alarms or any fire safety equipment is a serious offence and will be reported to the police.
  • To avoid false fire alarms please use the kitchen fan when cooking in your apartment. It may set off the smoke detectors.
  • Do not smoke anywhere indoors. This may also set off the smoke detectors and are strictly forbidden
  • The corridor outside your room must always be free of things, in case of a fire. Things found in corridors will be thrown away without warning.
  • If the fire alarm goes off: Always leave the building. DO NOT go inside your room and lock the door. Go to the assembly point, a fire rescue plan is posted at the entrance at each floor.

The Accommodation Office error reporting web page: http://accoservice.ju.se


The office is located at the Service Center on campus. You are welcome to visit us if you have any questions or problems. Please respect the office hours.

After 4pm and weekends:

For non-urgent matters, please put a case on http://accoservice.ju.se and we will get back to you.

In case of a life-threatening situation call 112

The Police (non-emergency situations): 114 14


Sound disturbance, call Securitas: 010-4705184

  • It is always your own responsibility to make sure you do not disturb your fellow tenants.
  • It must be quiet from 10PM weekdays and 11PM on Friday and Saturday.
  • Respect the people you are living with.


OCAB: 036-184490
This number is only to be called for urgent matters such as; water leaks, broken window, drains and pipes breaking, etc.

Student health care: studenthalsan@ju.se


Chaplaincy: Johan.Ahlstrom@ju.se

  • Cleaning inspection fee — From 1200 SEK
  • Smoking fee — 1000-5000 SEK
  • Disturbance fee — 1500 SEK
  • Lost key fee — 2000 SEK
  • Missed Moving out inspection — 1000 SEK
  • Triggered Fire alarm (Fire department) — 3000 SEK
  • Sanitation company — From 1200 SEK
  • Replace damaged interior — Actual cost

Sorting waste is a common practice in Sweden. All items must be recycled correctly, otherwise the recycling system won’t work. More information about recycling can be found at juneavfall.se External link, opens in new window..

Most of our accommodations have recycling bins for most of the waste we produce in a normal household. The recycling room at Delta is located in the basement. There are containers for: residual waste, plastic and food waste.

We collaborate with SSA (students for sustainable actions) to make sure we do the best we can for the environment with the help from you the students. If you want to help either with the accommodation or SSA please let us know.

Food waste is disposed of in paper (never plastic!) bags that are provided by the accommodation office or can be acquired at supermarkets free of charge.


There can not be any plastic bags or non-organic waste in the food waste. The company who collects the waste will not collect the waste and you risk getting a fine from the waste company. Please make sure that you take out food waste as often as possible. In summer times when its warm it attracts flies and bugs.

Beverage cans and plastic bottles are sorted as PANT and can be exchanged for money. PANT-stations can be found in most supermarkets and at Sortergård.

It is your individual responsibility to sort the waste properly! Waste that you are unable to sort (batteries, light bulbs, furniture, PANT), can be disposed of at Sortergård or selected supermarkets.

Every Tuesday the accommodations office inspects your house. In the kitchen you have a schedule over your responsibility the following week. It´s important that you clean and follow the rules and guidelines. If you can not do your chore that week it is your responsibility to change the week with another student. Please let the caretaker know if you change the week. The accommodation office will provide you with basic cleaning equipment. If you are missing any tools or chemicals let the contact person know about it and they will ask us for it. We do this just to make sure you will live in a clean house and are able to fully enjoy your stay in Jönköping.

As a thank you for this we also provide treats. You can ask for a treat when you have 6 stars. You will get one star for each week that you cleaned, and the inspections are ok. The treat could be stuff like toilet paper, mixer, coffee maker etc. It is important to understand that we have the right to decline the request. If it cost to much or we are unable to purchase the product. The treat must be something that most of the tenants can use.

If we are not satisfied with the cleaning, we have the possibility too call a cleaning company and send you the bill.

Please follow the guidelines below to make sure you clean properly.


  • Wipe worktops, the wall and kitchen table.
  • Clean the stove, the oven and microwave.
  • Clean under the sink.
  • Throw away old plastic bags and junk.
  • Take out the garbage. If necessary, clean the garbage bins.
  • Vacuum and damp mop the floor.



  • Dust all the flat surfaces.
  • Clear the corridor of old stuff, like plastic bags and bottles.
  • Vacuum and damp mop the floor.


Showers and toilets

  • Clean all the mirrors and sinks.
  • Clean the toilet with toilet detergent and the toilet brush. This includes both inside and outside of the toilet.
  • Clean inside and outside the showers. (this includes the hole in the floor)
  • Clean the windows and windowsills.
  • Take out the garbage.
  • Vacuum and damp mop the floor.


Laundry room

  • Clean the sink, washing machines and dryers.
  • Empty water disposal and lint filter in the dryers. (this should be done after each load of laundry).
  • Vacuum and mop the floor.

Note that everybody should clean up after themselves even if it’s not their week. The person on the cleaning schedule is just responsible for the overall cleaning of the accommodation. The accommodation office will do weekly inspections.



  • Wipe worktops, the wall and kitchen table after cooking.
  • Clean the stove, the oven and microwave.
  • Clean any dirty dishes.
  • Clean the sink.
  • Throw away old plastic bags and junk.
  • Take out the garbage. If necessary, clean the garbage bins.


When storing products in the refrigerator, make sure that they are properly sealed. Do not
leave containers with any kind of food opened to prevent unpleasant odours from being
released. Keep an eye on the expiration date of your refrigerated products. Throw food that has

Here you find useful information regarding how to make the best of your housing during your stay.

For hygienic reasons bed linen must be used! 

No sleeping bags allowed.

You need:

  • a pillowcase (örngott)
  • sheets (lakan)
  • duvet cover (påslakan)

These things can be bought (often in sets) at IKEA for 100-200 SEK

If you do not use bedlinen, the landlord will fine you 700 SEK fot the cost of a new blanket, pillow and mattress pad.

It is important that everybody helps out and clean to keep a livable environment. If you do not have any cleaning experience please don’t hesitate to ask your fellow students, contact person or the Accommodation office.

  • Your room, common areas and the kitchen have to be kept clean
  • The cleaning schedule provided for common areas must be followed
  • Cleaning supplies must be bought by the students if it runs out
  • Always remember to clean the mop and cloth after using it and before putting it back where it belongs. Otherwise they will get moldy and smelly.

How to clean


  • Use the toilet brush with cleaning detergent and clean the inside of the toilet.
  • Use a cloth to clean the sink and the outside of the toilet.
  • Finally vacuum the floor with the vacuum cleaner, but only if the floor is dry.
  • Mop the floor with the mop. Do not forget to mix cleaning liquid in the water!


  • Use a cloth (NOT the one used for the toilet) and wipe the shower.
  • Clean hair and other dirt from the drains.
  • Mop the floor with the mop. Don’t forget to mix cleaning supply in the water.


  • Wipe the table, sink, stove etc with a cloth. Use cleaning supplies.
  • Vacuum and mop the floor.
  • All garbage must be thrown in the bins provided.
  • Only use the bins provided to your house, do not take garbage with you and throw away somewhere else. Using your neighbours’ bins is strictly forbidden.
  • For the environment and to make some money most bottles and cans can be returned for recycling by using machines in ICA, Coop etc.

For everyone´s best clean the laundry area, including the machines, after using the laundry room.

Please use environmentally friendly detergents. Do not use more than necessary.

Laundry nets must be used when washing bras.

Wipe off the washing machines, floor and clean away any residue detergent. Remove fluff and sand from filters in dryers. Clean up after yourself and return cleaning equipment to the proper locations. The filter must be emptied after using the tumble dryer.

After washing, make sure that all windows are closed and the lights are turned off.

Large rugs and carpets may NOT be washed here.

If you suspect your room has got bedbugs it is important that you report this immediately accoservice.ju.se to book an inspection. If the Accommodation Office confirms that there are bedbugs, then they will send over a pest control company that will take further actions. It is important that you follow the given instructions.

It is not allowed to change room or apartment because of vermin and pests. This is because of the risk of spreading the problem. Be careful not to bring items and clothing from an affected room to another without treating them correctly.

Beside the sanitation company the tenant should also wash all their clothes, bed linen etc. in at least 60 degrees in order to prevent further spreading. After washing everything must be put in sealed plastic bags. The Accommodation Office cannot take any responsibility from damage due to shrinkage.

Please note, insects such as flies, small spiders, daddy longlegs, bees and bumblebees are common both in and outdoors in Sweden and does not count as vermin.