Every year, CeFEO organizes a writing workshop that aims to strenghen the research skills of JIBS faculty members and the the quality of their research contributions.

The workshop focuses on aspects that are often significant barriers to publication:

  • Asking the right questions;
  • Identifying a significant theoretical contribution; and
  • Framing and presenting the study.

As such, participants are challenged to answer the following questions about their work:

  1. Who cares? What is the topic or research question, and why is it interesting and important in theory and practice?
  2. What do we know, what don’t we know, and so what? What key theoretical perspectives and empirical findings have already informed the topic or question? What major, unaddressed puzzle, controversy, or paradox does this study address, and why does it need to be addressed?
  3. What will we learn? How does the study fundamentally change, challenge, or advance scholars’ understanding?

Each participant receives feedback on her/his paper from two discussants (one internal and one external) as well as the audience.

The format is the following:

  • 5 minutes: paper presentation
  • 30 minutes: feedback from discussants
  • 10 minutes: Q&A from the audience

The workshop has been organized annually since 2014, and the 7th edition was held in December, 2020 with a virtual format. A number of top-scholars in business administration have participated as external discussants in the past (in alphabetic order):


  • tba


  • Donald Neubaum (Florida Atlantic University)
  • Natalia Vershinina (Audencia Business School)
  • Matthias Waldkirch (EBS Universität)


  • Jörn Block (Trier University & Erasmus University)
  • Mattias Norqvist (JIBS and Stockhol School of Economics)
  • Diamanto Politis (Lund University)
  • Siri Terjesen (Florida Atlantic University & Norwegian School of Economics)


  • Per Davidsson (JIBS & Queensland University of Technology)
  • Tommaso Minola (University of Bergamo)
  • Barbara Larrañeta (Pablo de Olavide University)
  • Morten Huse (BI Norwegian Business School)


  • Joe Astrachan (Kennesaw State University)
  • Sarah Jack (Stockholm School of Economics)
  • Amedeo Pugliese (University of Padova)
  • Philipp Sieger (University of Bern)


  • Ruth Aguilera (Northeastern University)
  • Ethel Brudin (Jönköping International Business School)
  • Cristina Cruz (Istituto de Impresa)



  • Carole Howorth (University of York)
  • Matti Koiranen (University of Jyväskylä)
  • Clay Dibrell (University of Mississipi)



  • Gianluca Colombo (University of Lugano)
  • Denise Fletcher (University of Luxembourg)
  • Josip Kotlar (Lancaster University)



  • Sara Carter (University of Glasgow)
  • Luis Gomez-Mejia (Arizona State University)
  • Johan Wiklund (Syracuse University)



  • Nadine Kammerlander (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar, Germany)
  • Charmine Hartel (UQ Business School, Australia)



  • Michael Hitt (Texas A&M University)
  • Robert Hoskisson (Rice University)
  • Robin Holt (University of Liverpool)


cefeo writing workshop

CeFEO Writing Workshop 2019