Voices of our programmes

"My responsibilities as a material manager are all closely connected to my education"

"My responsibilities as a material manager are all closely connected to my education"

"Pathway is much more than an English programme"

"Pathway is much more than an English programme"

"The Pathway Programme is a study experience that comes second to none"

"The Pathway Programme is a study experience that comes second to none"

"The focus on broader thinking contributed to my professional growth"

"The focus on broader thinking contributed to my professional growth"

5 Quick Questions with Pathway Programme student Lisa Ye Shi

5 Quick Questions with Pathway Programme student Lisa Ye Shi

Alicia Vara, Former Student, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Alicia Vara, Former Student, Strategic Entrepreneurship

An Thuy Nguyen - Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

An Thuy Nguyen - Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Anna, Camilla och Frida, former students, Prosthetics and Orthotics

Anna, Camilla och Frida, former students, Prosthetics and Orthotics

Austra Kase, student Sustainable Enterprise Development

Austra Kase, student Sustainable Enterprise Development

Bart, Former Student, International Marketing

Bart, Former Student, International Marketing

Carl Johan Odehammar, on what the Pathway Programme has to offer

Carl Johan Odehammar, on what the Pathway Programme has to offer

Carlotta Schäfer, före detta student Sustainable Enerprise Development

Carlotta Schäfer, före detta student Sustainable Enerprise Development

Chris from South Africa

Chris from South Africa

Chris from South Africa

Chris from South Africa

Christian Putz, Former Student, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Christian Putz, Former Student, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Christine, student, Marketing Management

Christine, student, Marketing Management

Clare Kauma, student, Global Management

Clare Kauma, student, Global Management

Daiki Okutani - my thoughts on Pathway

Daiki Okutani - my thoughts on Pathway

Danny Brännhult, former student at Jönköping International Business School

Danny Brännhult, former student at Jönköping International Business School

Ezzat Kassem, Student, International Marketing

Ezzat Kassem, Student, International Marketing

Farhan Athar, Former Student, International and Supply Chain Management

Farhan Athar, Former Student, International and Supply Chain Management

Ferdinand Padang, Former student, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Ferdinand Padang, Former student, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Florian Grüning, Former Student, International Marketing

Florian Grüning, Former Student, International Marketing

From Kenya to Jönköping and now an office on Oxford Street, London!

From Kenya to Jönköping and now an office on Oxford Street, London!

Gemma Black - La Trobe University, Melbourne

Gemma Black - La Trobe University, Melbourne

Grace, Student, New Media Design

Grace, Student, New Media Design

Hanna, Former Student, Marketing Management

Hanna, Former Student, Marketing Management

Idil Bilgin, Student, Interventions in childhood

Idil Bilgin, Student, Interventions in childhood

Ilknur Gunaydan, Student, Applied Economics and Data Analysis

Ilknur Gunaydan, Student, Applied Economics and Data Analysis

Jenny, student, Sustainable Communication

Jenny, student, Sustainable Communication

Johanna, current International Management student at JIBS

Johanna, current International Management student at JIBS

Jonatan Flyckt, student

Jonatan Flyckt, student

Josefin Lång, former student on the Prosthetics and Orthotics programme

Josefin Lång, former student on the Prosthetics and Orthotics programme

Jule, student, Sustainable Communication

Jule, student, Sustainable Communication

Julia De Geus, former student, Global Management

Julia De Geus, former student, Global Management

Juliana Vinagre - Pathway year student

Juliana Vinagre - Pathway year student

Lara Kurzbusch, Former Student, Digital Business

Lara Kurzbusch, Former Student, Digital Business

Lasse B Westendorp, student, Prosthetics and Orthotics

Lasse B Westendorp, student, Prosthetics and Orthotics

Lu Zhang, student, Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Lu Zhang, student, Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Lysander, Former Student, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Lysander, Former Student, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Mai Le Thi Ngoc, Former Student, International Marketing

Mai Le Thi Ngoc, Former Student, International Marketing

Marcela, programansvarig, Sustainable Enterprise Development

Marcela, programansvarig, Sustainable Enterprise Development

Mario och Nikola, studenter, International Financial Analysis

Mario och Nikola, studenter, International Financial Analysis

Mark, Student, International Economics

Mark, Student, International Economics

Matilda, Student, New Media Design

Matilda, Student, New Media Design

Meng wants to become a PhD

Meng wants to become a PhD

Meskerem Mitiku, Planning Commissioner

Meskerem Mitiku, Planning Commissioner

Mohammed Abdelgawad, Former Student, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Mohammed Abdelgawad, Former Student, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Molly Monaghan, student, Prosthetics and Orthotics

Molly Monaghan, student, Prosthetics and Orthotics

Muhammar, student, Sustainable Communication

Muhammar, student, Sustainable Communication

My studies at JIBS helped me get the career I aimed for.

My studies at JIBS helped me get the career I aimed for.

Nicole, Former Student, International Management

Nicole, Former Student, International Management

Niklas Lavesson, Professor of Computer Science

Niklas Lavesson, Professor of Computer Science

Niklas and Sören, Former Students, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Niklas and Sören, Former Students, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Nikolaos Tezas, former student, Interventions in Childhood 2019

Nikolaos Tezas, former student, Interventions in Childhood 2019

Nina Lindgren, Branch head, Länstyrelsen

Nina Lindgren, Branch head, Länstyrelsen

Nina Lindgren, Branch head, Länstyrelsen

Nina Lindgren, Branch head, Länstyrelsen

Nipunika Fernando, former student, Interventions in Childhood 2018

Nipunika Fernando, former student, Interventions in Childhood 2018

Patricia Alonso Muela - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeneiros Industriales

Patricia Alonso Muela - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeneiros Industriales

Patrick Andersson, Student, Applied Economics and Data Analysis

Patrick Andersson, Student, Applied Economics and Data Analysis

Rahel Zeleke, Former Student, Sustainable Building Information Management

Rahel Zeleke, Former Student, Sustainable Building Information Management

Rosie Clarke - Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance

Rosie Clarke - Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance

Ruben Dimmendaal, Former Student, Global Management

Ruben Dimmendaal, Former Student, Global Management

Saga Bergdahl, student

Saga Bergdahl, student

Salar Roshandel, Former student, International Management

Salar Roshandel, Former student, International Management

Sanna Ödmark ”Today I work with influencer marketing"

Sanna Ödmark ”Today I work with influencer marketing"

Sanna, Former Student, International Marketing

Sanna, Former Student, International Marketing

Shabnam Mirzoeva, Former Student, International Economics

Shabnam Mirzoeva, Former Student, International Economics

Steffen, Student, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Steffen, Student, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Steven Vrecic - University of Windsor

Steven Vrecic - University of Windsor

Tetiana, Student, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Tetiana, Student, Strategic Entrepreneurship

The best of both worlds - a perfect combination of business and engineering

The best of both worlds - a perfect combination of business and engineering

Therese, Student, Marketing Management

Therese, Student, Marketing Management

Victor Vallim, Former Student, International Management

Victor Vallim, Former Student, International Management

Vy Nguyen, former pathway student

Vy Nguyen, former pathway student

Weng is looking forward to working with children

Weng is looking forward to working with children

Yimo, Student, New Media Design

Yimo, Student, New Media Design

Yuan from China wants to study International Management

Yuan from China wants to study International Management

“The pathway programme taught me how to write in an academic style”

“The pathway programme taught me how to write in an academic style”