108 Publikationer (Återställ mina val)
- Smith, E., Trujillo, C., Lancaster, S., Fischl, C., Wang, R., Brown, T. (2025). Technology and human occupation. In: Ted Brown, Stephen Isbel, Louise Gustafsson, Sharon Gutman, Diane Powers Dirette, Bethan Collins & Tim Barlott (Ed.), Human occupation: Contemporary concepts and lifespan perspectives (pp. 315-334). Abingdon: Routledge
- Fridlund, B., Mårtensson, J. (2023). Kritisk incident-teknik. In: M. Henricson (Ed.), Vetenskaplig teori och metod: från idé till examination inom vård- och hälsovetenskap (pp. 185-196). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB
- Henricson, M., Mårtensson, J. (2023). Publicering av examensarbete. In: M. Henricson (Ed.), Vetenskaplig teori och metod: från idé till examination inom vård- och hälsovetenskap (pp. 547-558). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB
- Mårtensson, J., Fridlund, B. (2023). Vetenskaplig kvalitet i examensarbete. In: M. Henricson (Ed.), Vetenskaplig teori och metod: från idé till examination inom vård- och hälsovetenskap (pp. 473-490). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB
Artikel (icke refereegranskat)
- Allgurin, M., Gubrium, E., Svenlin, A. (2024). Editorial. Nordic Social Work Research 14(1), 1-3
- Allgurin, M., Olsson, T. (2024). The Editorial. Nordic Social Work Research 14(4), 415-416
- Andersson, C., Møller Christensen, B. (2024). Developing communication support for information-sharing to patients in conjunction with an 18F-FDG-PET/CT examination. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 51(Supplement 1), S218-S218
- Chen, Y., Ko, W., Su, P., Hsieh, M., Liao, Y., Ju, P. ... Hakansson, C. (2024). Psychometric Properties of the Occupational Balance Questionnaire 11-Chinese Version (OBQ11-C): Classical Test Theory & Rasch Analysis. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 78(Supplement 2),
- Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, L. (2024). Need and importance of reflections of dignity at the end of life for nursing students. Evidence-Based Nursing
- Johansson, L., Bielsten, T. (2024). LIVING WITH YOUNG ONSET DEMENTIA IN RESIDENTIAL CARE: A SCOPING REVIEW. Innovation in Aging 8(Supplement 1), 1255-1255
- Schaefer, S., Peterson, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Finkel, D. (2024). PREDICTING THE ONSET OF DEMENTIA WITH LONGITUDINAL OBJECTIVE MEASURES OF PHYSICAL FUNCTION. Innovation in Aging 8(Supplement 1), 1364-1365
Artikel (refereegranskat)
- Delos Reyes, R., Nañagas, M., Pineda, R., Fischl, C., Sy, M. (2025). Healthcare provision for the LGBT community: A scoping review of service providers and user perspectives. Prince of Songkla University
- Lönn, J., Lujic, S., Lindberg, F., Hansson, I., Bjälkebring, P., Gustafsson, S. ... Thorsson, S. (2025). Older adults’ preferences and behaviour during warm weather and heatwaves in the urban environment: A case study in southwestern Sweden. Sustainable cities and society
- Tingsvik, C., Henricson, M., Hammarskjöld, F., Mårtensson, J. (2025). Physicians' decision making when weaning patients from mechanical ventilation: A qualitative content analysis. Australian Critical Care 38(1),
- Åström Malm, I., Violasdotter Nilsson, P., Hurtig-Wennlöf, A. (2025). The impact of physical activity on abdominal aortic aneurysm: A scoping review. Elsevier
- Agevall Gross, L., Thulin, J., Denvall, V., Kjellgren, C., Skillmark, M. (2024). The sounds of silence: Making sense of the absence of domestic violence victims help seeking during the COVID-19 pandemic. Violence against Women
- Andersson, C., Møller Christensen, B. (2024). Developing communication support material for sharing information with patients undergoing an 18F-FDG PET/CT examination. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology 52(3), 234-238
- Bazzi, M., Afram, S., Ndipen, I., Kåreholt, I., Bjällmark, A. (2024). Factors affecting radiographers' use of dose-reduction measures. Journal of Radiological Protection 44(1),
- Bergman, P., Jansson, I., Bülow, P., Rusaw, D., Skillmark, M., Eriksson, O. (2024). Arts on prescription’s influence on sense of coherence: A one-year follow up controlled study with people having mental health problems. Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health 6(2), 1-19
- Bjällmark, A., Persson, V., Karlsson, B., Bazzi, M. (2024). Exploring attitudes toward safety climate: a cross-sectional study among interventional radiology team members using the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ). Discover Health Systems 3(1),
- Björk, M., Knutsson, S., Odzakovic, E., Hellström, A., Sandlund, C., Ulander, M. ... Broström, A. (2024). Validation of two brief instruments (the SURE and CollaboRATE) to measure shared decision-making in patients with restless legs syndrome. Journal of Sleep Research 33(4),
- Björklund Carlstedt, A., Bjursell, C., Nyman, R., Dahl Aslan, A. (2024). Older workers and extended working life: Managers' experiences and age management. Work 79(3), 1323-1331
- Cheng, L., Wang, W., Wikström, L., Mårtensson, J. (2024). The Association between Depression, Self-efficacy, and Health-related Quality of Life Among Chinese Patients Undergoing Their First Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HEALTH AND BEHAVIOR 7(4), 164-171
- Daniilidou, M., Holleman, J., Hagman, G., Kåreholt, I., Aspö, M., Brinkmalm, A. ... Matton, A. (2024). Neuroinflammation, cerebrovascular dysfunction and diurnal cortisol biomarkers in a memory clinic cohort: Findings from the Co-STAR study. Translational Psychiatry 14(1),
- Egonsdotter, G., Israelsson, M. (2024). Computer-based simulations in social work education: A scoping review. Sage Publications
- Ekman, A., Pennbrant, S., Sterner, A., Forsberg, E., Hedén, L., Nunstedt, H. ... Hallgren, J. (2024). Health promoting resources and lifestyle factors among higher education students in healthcare and social work programmes: a survey with a longitudinal multicentre design. BMC Public Health 24(1),
- Eliasson, K., Nyman, T., Tranberg, R., Larsen, L. (2024). A user-centred development process for an equipment vest for the Swedish police force. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 11(1), 56-77
- Ernsth-Bravell, M., Fristedt, S. (2024). Information, training and support for staff is essential for a successful implementation of welfare technology-but don't forget the end-users!. Evidence-Based Nursing
- Finkel, D., Nilsen, C., Sindi, S., Kåreholt, I. (2024). Impact of childhood and adult socioeconomic position on change in functional aging. Health Psychology 43(5), 388-395
- Fryk, E., Wilsson, Å., Tompa, A., Jansson, P., Faresjö, M. (2024). Galectin-1 correlates with inflammatory markers and T regulatory cells in children with type 1 diabetes and/or celiac disease. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 215(3), 240-250
- Goihl, T., Rusaw, D., Roeleveld, K., Brændvik, S. (2024). Provision of ankle foot orthoses for children with cerebral palsy in Norway. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering
- Gunnarsson, A., Wagman, P., Hörberg, U., Holmgren, K., Holmberg, S. (2024). Photo-supported conversations about well-being (BeWellTM) for patients with exhaustion disorders: a controlled clinical intervention study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
- Gunnarsson, N. (2024). “Going Beyond Darkness” — Lingering images and ideation of self-destruction. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
- Gunnarsson, N. (2024). Gender disparities and femininity in the third mission: The example of blog writing. Journal of Femininities 1(1), 90-112
- Gunnarsson, N., Hedman, K. (2024). Navigating suicidality: swedish social workers' approaches to identifying and supporting suicidal clients. Nordic Social Work Research
- Havsed, K., Carda-Diéguez, M., Isaksson, H., Stensson, M., Carlsson, E., Jansson, H. ... Mira, A. (2024). Salivary proteins and metabolites as caries biomarkers in adolescents. Caries Research 58(6), 573-588
- Hellstrand Tang, U., Jarl, G., Eriksson, M., Johannesson, G., Rusaw, D. (2024). Clinical guidelines recommending prosthetics and orthotics in Sweden: agreement between national and regional guidelines. Wolters Kluwer
- Hellström, A., Pakpour, A., Odzakovic, E., Björk, M., Ulander, M., Knutsson, S. ... Broström, A. (2024). The psychometric properties of the Pearlin Mastery Scale in persons living with restless legs syndrome. PLOS ONE 19(10),
- Hernandez, R., Gatz, M., Schneider, S., Finkel, D., Darling, J., Orriens, B. ... Kapteyn, A. (2024). Visual-Motor Integration (VMI) Is Also Relevant for Computer, Smartphone, and Tablet Use by Adults: Introducing the Brief Box Clicking Test. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 78(5),
- Hoang, M., Kåreholt, I., Lindgren, E., von Koch, L., Xu, H., Tan, E. ... Garcia-Ptacek, S. (2024). Immigration and access to dementia diagnostics and treatment: A nationwide study in Sweden. SSM - Population Health
- Holleman, J., Daniilidou, M., Kåreholt, I., Aspö, M., Hagman, G., Udeh-Momoh, C. ... Sindi, S. (2024). Diurnal cortisol, neuroinflammation, and neuroimaging visual rating scales in memory clinic patients. Brain, behavior, and immunity (pp. 499-509).
- Jaarsma, T., Kato, N., Klompstra, L., Ben Gal, T., Boyne, J., Hägglund, E. ... Strömberg, A. (2024). Changes over time in patient-reported outcomes in patients with heart failure. ESC Heart Failure 11(2), 811-818
- Jansson, I., Thörne, K., Masterson, D. (2024). Beyond conventional healthcare for mental health problems: Experiences of existential group conversations. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 31(1),
- Jansson, P., Gunnarsson, N. (2024). Working with emotions in social work practice: A pride-building model for institutional care of young people. Children and youth services review
- Jiang, N., Zhao, Y., Mårtensson, J., Stensson, M. (2024). The effects of an integrated supportive programme on oral health in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing radiotherapy: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Dental Hygiene 22(4), 878-886
- Johannesson, A., Rusaw, D. (2024). Prosthetists' perspective on surgical intervention, postoperative treatment, and prosthetic assessment following transtibial amputation. Journal of Surgery 9(16),
- Johansson, L., Sandberg, J., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Östlund, L. (2024). Health and social care staff's recognition of elder abuse perpetrated by family members of persons with dementia: a mixed-method study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
- Johansson, L., Fransson, E., Lingfors, H., Golsäter, M. (2024). Exploring how people achieve the recommended levels of physical activity despite self-reported economic difficulties: a sense of coherence perspective. BMC Primary Care 25(1),
- Johnsen, A., Wagman, P., Broström, A., Fransson, E. (2024). Work-, lifestyle-, and health-related factors among women and men working in the emergency medical services. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 30(2), 651-661
- Koldestam, M., Rolander, B., Broström, A., Lindqvist, G., Knutsson, S. (2024). Undergraduate nursing student's attitudes to learning during clinical practice in different semesters when using a conceptual learning model grounded in a caritative caring perspective: A cross-sectional study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 38(2), 294-305
- Koriakina, N., Sladoje, N., Basic, V., Lindblad, J. (2024). Deep multiple instance learning versus conventional deep single instance learning for interpretable oral cancer detection. PLOS ONE 19(4 April),
- Kårelind, F., Finkel, D., Zarit, S., Wijk, H., Bielsten, T., Johansson, L. (2024). Post-diagnostic support for persons with young-onset dementia - a retrospective analysis based on data from the Swedish dementia registry SveDem. BMC Health Services Research 24(1),
- Larsson, M., Ahlstrand, I., Larsson, I., Lood, Q., Hammar, I., Sundler, A. ... Hallgren, J. (2024). Occupational balance and associated factors among students during higher education within healthcare and social work in Sweden: a multicentre repeated cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 14(4),
- Ler, P., Ojalehto, E., Zhan, Y., Finkel, D., Dahl Aslan, A., Karlsson, I. (2024). Conversions between metabolically unhealthy and healthy obesity from midlife to late-life. International Journal of Obesity (pp. 433-436).
- Mullen, A., Spaulding, S., Brinkmann, J., Falbo, K., McDonald, C., Rusaw, D. (2024). Research priorities: Establishing discipline-based education research in prosthetics and orthotics. Prosthetics and Orthotics International
- Määttä, S., Petersson, C., Andersson-Gäre, B., Henriks, G., Ånfors, H., Lundberg, C., Nilsagård, Y. (2024). Experiences of co-producing person-centred and cohesive clinical pathways in the national system for knowledge-based management in Swedish healthcare: a qualitative study. Research Involvement and Engagement 10(1),
- Møller Christensen, B., Bjällmark, A., Ndipen, I., Afram, S., Bazzi, M. (2024). Barriers to radiographers' use of radiation safety principles: A qualitative perspective. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences 71(2), 214-221
- Narbutaitienė, J., Björklund Carlstedt, A., Fischl, C. (2024). Stroke survivors’ experiences and meaning of digital technology in daily life: a phenomenological study. Disability and Rehabilitation 19(4), 1334-1342
- Nilsen, C., Agerholm, J., Kelfve, S., Wastesson, J., Kåreholt, I., Nabe-Nielsen, K., Meinow, B. (2024). History of working conditions and the risk of old-age dependency: a nationwide Swedish register-based study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 52(6), 726-732
- Nordgren, J., Monwell, B., Johnson, B., Gunnarsson, N., Capusan, A. (2024). Healthcare staff’s perspectives on long-acting injectable buprenorphine treatment: a qualitative interview study. Addiction science & clinical practice 19(1),
- Norgren, J., Kåreholt, I., Sindi, S. (2024). Is there evidence of a ketogenic effect of coconut oil? Commentary: Effect of the Mediterranean diet supplemented with nicotinamide riboside and pterostilbene and/or coconut oil on anthropometric variables in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. A pilot study. Frontiers in Nutrition
- Norrgard, A., Tham, P., Strömberg, A., Kåreholt, I. (2024). How Do Child Welfare Social Workers Assess the Leadership of Their First-line Managers? A 15-Year Perspective. British Journal of Social Work 54(4), 1737-1752
- Nyman, F., Jellesma, F. (2024). Prevention of HIV in the MSM Population: A Cultural-Historical Comparison of Sweden and the Netherlands. Journal of Homosexuality 71(1), 28-55
- Odzakovic, E., Allgurin, M., Jonasson, L., Öberg, S., Fridlund, B., Ulander, M. ... Broström, A. (2024). Experiences of facilitators and barriers for fulfilment of human needs when living with restless legs syndrome: a qualitative study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 19(1),
- Odzakovic, E., Sandlund, C., Hellström, A., Ulander, M., Blom, K., Jernelöv, S. ... Broström, A. (2024). Self-care behaviours in patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS): development and psychometric testing of the RLS-Self-care Behaviour questionnaire. Journal of Sleep Research
- Overton, M., Skoog, J., Laukka, E., Bodin, T., Darin Mattsson, A., Sjöberg, L. ... Sindi, S. (2024). Sleep disturbances and change in multiple cognitive domains among older adults: A multicentre study of five Nordic cohorts. Sleep 47(3),
- Pakpour, A., Eriksson, M., Erixon, I., Broström, A., Bengtsson, S., Jakobsson, M., Huus, K. (2024). The Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (SWEMWBS): A psychometric evaluation of adolescents in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic. Heliyon 10(6),
- Pettersson, E., Møller Christensen, B., Gimbler Berglund, I., Huus, K. (2024). Identifying actions taken by health care professionals during procedures involving children with autism spectrum disorders in a high technological environment: Using critical incident technique. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 29(4),
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- Steive, K., Tham, P., Grell, P., Wiklund, S., Kåreholt, I. (2024). The specialization/collaboration paradox: Investigating specialization within child welfare as a barrier to collaboration. British Journal of Social Work
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- Sternudd, H., Hörberg, U., Wagman, P., Gunnarsson, A. (2024). A room of your own: photographs of situations of well-being taken by patients suffering from a stress-related illness. Visual Studies 39(4), 501-515
- Sundland, S., Møller Christensen, B. (2024). The mobile X-ray service and hip fractures: The impact of the mobile X-ray service on the hip fast track. Radiography 30(3), 709-714
- Sørensen, C., Kåreholt, I., Kalpouzos, G., Udeh-Momoh, C., Holleman, J., Aspo, M. ... Sindi, S. (2024). Daytime Sleepiness, Apnea, Neuroimaging Correlates and Cortisol Dysregulation in a Memory Clinic Cohort. The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease 11(6), 1798-1808
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- Yerramalla, M., Darin-Mattsson, A., Udeh-Momoh, C., Holleman, J., Kåreholt, I., Aspö, M. ... Sindi, S. (2024). Cognitive reserve, cortisol, and Alzheimer's disease biomarkers: A memory clinic study. Alzheimer's & Dementia 20(7), 4486-4498
- Öberg, S., Sandlund, C., Westerlind, B., Finkel, D., Johansson, L. (2024). The existing state of knowledge about sleep health in community-dwelling older persons: a scoping review. Taylor & Francis
- Östlund, L., Sandberg, J., Skillmark, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, L. (2024). A Swedish study about how staff reason and act when they suspect domestic abuse perpetrated by relatives of persons with dementia. European Journal of Social Work 27(2), 387-400
- Gabrielsson-Järhult, F., Kåreholt, I. (2023). Telemedicine consultations in Sweden 2020–2022: Exploring age differences. Innovation in Aging 7(Supplement 1), 714-714
- Hovlin, L., Gillsjö, C., Dahl Aslan, A., Hallgren, J. (2023). Mutual trust is a prerequisite for nurses’ sense of safety and work satisfaction – Mobile Integrated Care Model: A qualitative interview study. Nordic journal of nursing research 43(1),
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- Kåreholt, I., Nilsen, C., Finkel, D., Sindi, S. (2023). Mid-life financial stress and cognitive and physical problems in older age: The role of potentially modifying factors. Innovation in Aging 7(Supplement 1), 377-377
- Malm, J., Bielsten, T., Odzakovic, E., Finkel, D., Nilsen, C., Kåreholt, I. (2023). Co-production to tailor a digital tool for monitoring symptoms of dementia in nursing home care in Sweden. Innovation in Aging 7(Supplement 1), 743-743
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- Stevenson, K., Thor, J., D’Eon, M., Headrick, L., Andersson-Gäre, B. (2024). Background and Foreground: Connections & Distinctions when Health Professions Faculty Teach Both Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Quality Improvement – A Case Study.
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