Elin Frödig disputerar 9/12

JA:s doktorand Elin Fröding spikade sin avhandling den 10 november. Disputationen äger rum 9 december kl 13.00 i Qulturumhuset. Varmt välkomna!

Titeln på avhandlingen är: Patient safety and suicide – learning in theory and practice from investigations of suicide as patient harm.

The overall aim of this thesis was to increase the knowledge and understanding of suicide as an incident of patient harm, and to find possibilities of changes in the approach to suicide investigations which could contribute to increased learning and improve suicide prevention in healthcare. Four studies were performed: in the first two studies investigations of healthcare performed of suicide cases reported to the supervisory authority as patient harm were reviewed. Study III was a scoping narrative literature review of the problems with the current approaches to investigations of suicide as patient harm and possible changes for improvement. Study IV was an interview study in which the requirements for valuable investigations of suicide from the views of persons with lived experience of suicidality and professionals were explored. All studies were performed in a Swedish context.

Elin Frödig