GRACE Kick-off
Welcome to the kick-off for the strategic research initiative GRACE at Hooks Herrgård, Hook!
14 October
Venue: main building
11.45 Registration
12.00 Lunch
Venue: conference room Rännet
13.00 Welcome and introduction
13.05 Inauguration of GRACE
13.25 GRACE and the research team
14.00 Presentation of the industrial partners
14.45 Coffee (get room card, group photo)
15.15 cont. Presentation of the companies
16.00 Workshop I - Theme: Enablers and barriers for successful implementation of GRACE
16.45 Introduction to the activity
17.00 Check-in & dress for outdoor activity
17.15 Team activity (approx. 1 hour)
19.00 Gather in the bar for a drink
19.15 Welcome toast
19.30 Dinner (main building)
15 October
Venue: conference room Rännet
08.30 Introduction day 2
08.35 The industrial network - idea and partners
08.45 Project presentations
ReShare, In2Circ, ProValue
10.00 Coffee (check out from hotel rooms)
10.30 Collaborative arena - purpose and initial program
10.45 Summary Workshop I
11.00 Workshop II - Theme: Coordination and dissemination of GRACE
12.15 Summing up and next step
12.30 Lunch (main building)
13.15 Steering group meeting #1 (conference room Stallet)
15.00 End