Content updated 2019-04-26

Erasmus + ICM (outside Europe)

Erasmus + International Credit Mobility (ICM)

Erasmus + ICM offers the opportunity to Universities within the Erasmus programme to establish long term collaboration with Universities from other parts of the world outside Europe. Funds are available for student and staff exchange.

Scholarships are available for the academic years 2024-2025 with the following Partner Universities and JU Schools.

School of Health and Welfare (HHJ)

USA- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Nursing. Student exchange

The number of scholarships is limited and students who are admitted at the Partner Universities above in the areas described above are eligible to apply for the scholarships. 



> If you obtain a place at one of the partner universities you will be eligible to the scholarship

> In case of competition, a separate selection for scholarship holders will take place

> When allocated with the scholarship you will receive more information about the next steps

NOTE: Students application to pursue studies abroad does not depend on the scholarships.