Robust statistik och visualisering på årets sommarskola för forskare
Institutet för handikappvetenskap (IHV), vari CHILD ansvarar för barnforskningen, arangerar varje år en sommarskola för att höja kompetensen hos sina forskare. Här får vi en glimt av årets upplaga som handlar om robust statistik och visualisering.
Robust statistics and visualization - SIDR Summer School 2018
As part of the SIDR strategic initiative about raising the statistical and methodological competence, an annual summer school was arranged. This year the course was located in Högby, a beautiful environment approximately 30 minutes from Linköping. About 15 researchers and research students participated in the course.
We spend the days working with – and trying to solve - statistical problems presented by competent teachers and discussed with other participants from a variety of research-areas. The nice weather also invited to interesting discussions with other participants during coffee-breaks.
Karina Huus, Ingalill Gimbler Berglund, Berit Björkman and Emelie Persson;
CHILDers on Summer School

15 researchers (and one goat!) participates in the SIDR-summer school this year.

The goat itself.
