Forskande sjuksköterska "sommarjobbar" i USA
Doktorand Sophie Mårtensson tillbringar sommaren vid Univeristy of North Carolina för att bättre lära sig forskningsmetoden observationsstudier. Den ska hon sedan använda för att lära sjuksköterskestudenter i Sverige bättre omvårdnad av patienterna.
Greetings from North Carolina!

My name is Sophie Mårtensson. I am a registered nurse and a PhD student within the CHILD group, Jönköping University. My research project is about learning nursing students a caring behavior. My supervisors are Associate Professor Maria Björk, Associate Professor Susanne Knutsson and Associate Professor Eric Hodges. Right now, I am on a research exchange at University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, USA. I will stay here for 3,5 months. During my visit here, I will together with my supervisors and especially my co – supervisor Dr Hodges work on my first article in which I will develop a coding schema for caring behavior. Later, I will use this coding schema to code video observations with nursing students that have been video recorded while doing a simulation in taking care of a patient. This week I have attended a training together with other PhD students from UNC on how to code videoobservations using a coding schema. The training was led by Dr Hodges and was really inspiring and helpful. I learned a lot which I will take with me into my work with developing my own coding schema. Soon, Dr Björk will visit us and we will continue the work with the coding schema and finding caring behaviors. This knowledge will later be implemented in the nursing education and simulation lab at Jönköping Univeristy.
With me here is my family, my husband Mårten and our two kids Eric 7 years and Stina 11 years. The sun is shining from a clear blue sky and it is between 27-35 C. We learn about the American culture as well as discover North Carolina. During the weekends we have taken the car to cities and out to the country side and found many nice places, lakes, rivers, ocean and restaurants, museums and concerts. We feel that we are taken really good care of, and everyone is really friendly and nice.
Sophie Mårtensson
Sjuksköterskeskolan vid Chapel Hill
Sophie vid källan på campusområdet
Sophie med bihandledare Dr. Eric Hodges
Med mamma på jobbet
En sommardag på mammas jobb