Årets masterkurs igång
Vi i CHILD är stolta över att för femte gången välkomna en ny kull internationella studenter för det ett- eller tvååriga masterprogrammet Interventions in Childhood. Stora delar av CHILD:s forskargrupp kommer att undervisa den mycket internationella gruppen (från 12 länder), i grunderna inom Child Studies.

Elaine Mc Hugh lecturing the class of 2018/2020.
Här berättar programansvarig:
We are proud to - for the fifth year - welcome 24 new students who are going to study the master program Interventions in Childhood.
The students are coming from 12 different countries, such as: China, Finland, Sweden, England, Greece, Croatia, India, Romania, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Czech Republic and Germany.
The courses within the first year are similar as earlier except for the method course, Theory of Science and Scientific Methods in Child studies, which will be held at School of Education and Communiation, and not at the School of Health and Welfare.
For the second semester, the students are going to write their master theses consisting of a systematic literature review. The planning is in full swing and the planned supervisors are, as far as possible, part of research projects within the Child research group and familiar of the subject of the master thesis.
During this fall, the second round of students are reading the second year in the program, and we are looking forward to their empirical study and see them go deeper into the field of Interventions in Childhood.
I'm also happy to tell that for this year the program has been strengthened by two new lecturers, Lilly Augustine from Kristianstad University, and Elaine Mc Hugh from Gothenburg University. Part of their time at the JU will consist of teaching in the master program and part will be within the research program Participation as an outcome of spending time in preschool for children with and without needs for special support.