Sidan uppdaterad 2019-03-13

Information about JU partner universities

There are many ways to obtain valuable information regarding our partner universities and what they can offer.

To get this information we recommend you:

  • Check information about the partner universities in MOA Portal.
  • Check the partner universty's webpage to find the latest information.
  • Attend the "Go on exchange Fair". The fair is arranged by the Student Union every semester.
  • Contact students studying at Jönköping University who come from different partner universities. You can find the students in IntApps under the heading "Exchange students".
  • Contact former exchange students which have been to the same place you would like to go. You can find the students in IntApps under the heading "Exchange students".

Go Exchange Fair every semester at JU:
This is the perfect opportunity for all students at Jönköping University to get to meet students from different partner universities from all around the world!