Sidan uppdaterad 2024-01-29

Exchange Opportunities

At the School of Engineering you have several opportunities for an exchange. You can either study abroad, do your industrial placement course or final project work abroad or a combination of both, as well as do your internship within Europe.

At JTH, there are several opportunities for going abroad during your studies. Some of the options are only open to certain programs. Please read under the heading "When can I go on exchange within my program?" on the left-hand menu to find out about the available options for your specific program. You are the project manager in the exchange process, but you also receive support and guidance from International Office and JTH.


There are separate applications for all three options and the application is done to International Office/JTH directly.

When applying for your exchange semester, it is important to choose beforehand which option you would like to apply for, as you can only apply for one option per application period!!!

1. Exchange Studies

A typical exchange semester with full-time studies at one of JTH's 90 partner universities in 30 countries. Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. In this option, more responsibility is put on you as a student to choose the courses that are relevant for your program.

2. International Campus, Full semester

You do your internship (industrial placement course) or final project work at an assigned company abroad, in combination with academic studies at a close-by partner university. The School of Engineering has International Campus partnerships in Thailand, Brazil, Mexico, the United States and Vietnam.

International Campus, IPC/Final Project Work only

You only do your internship (industrial placement course) or final project work at an assigned company abroad. The School of Engineering has International Campus partnerships in Thailand, Brazil, Mexico, the United States and Vietnam.

3. IPC Europe (Pilot Project HT 24)

Do your IPC in Madrid or Barcelona. The internship is arranged through Absolut Internship.

More information

For more information about the application process as well as requirements, look under Step 1.

Apart from these 3 options organised by JTH, it is also possible to apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship to do your internship in Europe. These internships places needs to be aranged by you as a student. More information can be found here.

Important information to international students

There are special rules for international students regarding tuition fees/course fees at the Jönköping University in connection with exchange studies. (What is the info, can't we just add it here. Also place on a few more of the pages)