Tentamensschema HHJ
Inställd |
Introduction to Medical Sciences - Bridging Course
15 HP- HIMR20
HIMR20/2401 4.5 HP (2401 Individual written exam I) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk mikrobiologi, vårdhygien och immunologi - inriktning oral hälsa
7.5 HP- HMOA17
HMOA17/2301 7 HP (2301 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- HMON12
HMON12/2201 6 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 8 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He303 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Medicinsk mikrobiologi, vårdhygien och immunologi för sjuksköterskor
7.5 HP- HMVG19
HMVG19/1903 6.5 HP (1903 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Orthotic Management and Biomechanics I
15 HP- HO1N13
HO1N13/2402 3 HP (2402 Individual written examination 2) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He303 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Omvårdnad inriktning klinisk fysiologi
15 HP- HOFN14
HOFN14/2402 1 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen i läkemedelshantering och läkemedelsdokumentation) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 4 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Palliativ omvårdnad
4.5 HP- HPON13
HPON13/2301 2.5 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig examination) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Inställt, nytt tillfälle kommer att erbjudas. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Psykologi för sjuksköterskor
4.5 HP- HPSG18
HPSG18/2310 3.5 HP (2310 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 53 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1, Specialtentamen K6 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Psykiatrisk omvårdnad
7.5 HP- HPSN13
HPSN13/2301 2.5 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 33 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Personcentrerad vård i ett livscykelperspektiv
15 HP- HPVG18
HPVG18/1906 3 HP (1906 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 3 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He303 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära och farmakologi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HSFN19
HSFN19/1903 4.5 HP (1903 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - sjukdomslära och farmakoterapi 1) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1, Specialtentamen K4 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Socialt förändringsarbete med individ och nätverk
15 HP- HSIN11
HSIN11/2301 7 HP (2301 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 35 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He303, Specialtenta K6 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Allmän farmakologi och sjukdomslära
7.5 HP- HAFR22
HAFR22/2201 3 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 10 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He309 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Oral hälsa, beslutsfattande teori och behandling vid oral sjukdom
15 HP- HBTK10
HBTK10/2001 6 HP (2001 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 17 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Informatik, förbättringskunskap, innovation och entreprenörskap inom omvårdnad
7.5 HP- HIFN13
HIFN13/2301 3 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He309 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Juridik, handläggning och dokumentation i socialt arbete
30 HP- HJHN12
HJHN12/2206 7.5 HP (2206 Skriftlig individuell tentamen socialrätt) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 10 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1, Specialtentamen K6 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Kvalitetssäkring inom klinisk diagnostik
7.5 HP- HKKR24
HKKR24/2403 3 HP (2403 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 4 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: A0320 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Models and Perspectives on Health and Disability
7.5 HP- HMHG18
HMHG18/2401 4.5 HP (2401 Individual written examination) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 9 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1, Specialtentamen K4 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Omvårdnad - profession, ämne och vetenskap
15 HP- HOPG18
HOPG18/1801 3.5 HP (1801 Skriftlig individuell tentamen; omvårdnad) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 17 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He309, specialtenta K6 |
Fritext: Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Personcentrerad vård i ett livscykelperspektiv
15 HP- HPVG18
HPVG18/1905 0.5 HP (1905 Individuell skriftlig tentamen i läkemedelsberäkning II) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: A0320 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Radiografi I
4 HP- HR1G12
HR1G12/2303 1 HP (2303 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 5 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: A0320 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Radiografi V
22.5 HP- HR5N12
HR5N12/2401 4 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Socialt arbete, social- och välfärdspolitik
7.5 HP- HSSK19
HSSK19/1901 4 HP (1901 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 2 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: A0320 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Social Work, Social- and Welfare Policy in a Swedish and International Perspective
7.5 HP- HSWK19
HSWK19/1901 4 HP (1901 Individual written examination) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: A0320 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Oral hälsa, beslutsfattande teori och behandling vid oral sjukdom (uppdragsutbildning)
15 HP- UOBN14
UOBN14/2401 6 HP (2401 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 3 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He309 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Socialt arbete, utredning, handläggning och dokumentation (uppdragsutbildning)
7.5 HP- USAN15
USAN15/2401 3.5 HP (2401 Tentamen) |
Lördag 25 januari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Anatomy and Physiology, Basic Course
7.5 HP- HANG18
HANG18/2402 6.5 HP (2402 Individual written examination) |
Söndag 26 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1, Specialtentamen K6 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Klinisk fysiologi, introduktionskurs
7.5 HP- HKIG12
HKIG12/2201 4 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 26 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 12 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Laboratoriemetodik, introduktionskurs
15 HP- HLMG13
HLMG13/2301 6 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Söndag 26 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 12 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Oral hälsa, introduktion
7.5 HP- HOIG17
HOIG17/1701 4 HP (1701 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 26 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 25 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Radiografi, introduktionskurs
7.5 HP- HRIG12
HRIG12/2201 4 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 26 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 16 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Omvårdnad vid sviktande hälsa
15 HP- HOSN12
HOSN12/2201 2.5 HP (2201 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 30 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 113 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Obs! Extrainsatt tillfälle för 250117! Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Anatomi och fysiologi, grundkurs
7.5 HP- HANA17
HANA17/0701 7.5 HP (0701 Examination) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Gäller HGTA - Tandhygienistprogrammet Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Anatomi och fysiologi, grundkurs
7.5 HP- HANA17
HANA17/0701 7.5 HP (0701 Examination) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 21 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Gäller HGBIL - Biomedicinska analytikerprogrammet Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskaplig grundkurs
7.5 HP- HANB12
HANB12/2203 3 HP (2203 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 7 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Gerontologisk och geriatrisk omvårdnad
9 HP- HGGN13
HGGN13/2301 1.5 HP (2301 Written individual examination) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 23 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Introduction to Medical Sciences - Bridging Course
15 HP- HIMR20
HIMR20/2402 4.5 HP (2402 Individual written exam II) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Klinisk kemi
7.5 HP- HKLN13
HKLN13/2301 5.5 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 7 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samskapande omvårdnad vid långvarig ohälsa hos barn
7.5 HP- HLBR29
HLBR29/1901 2.5 HP (1901 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Prosthetics and Orthotics Introduction
7.5 HP- HPIG18
HPIG18/1801 3.5 HP (2401 Individual written assignment) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Sociologiska perspektiv i socialt arbete
15 HP- HSOK12
HSOK12/2201 7 HP (2201 Individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 6 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fundamentals in Assistive Technology
7.5 HP- HFAR20
HFAR20/2001 5 HP (2001 Individual written assignment) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 4 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2401 2 HP (2401 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - Fysiologi och anatomi 1) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 6 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2411 3 HP (2411 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - Fysiologi och anatomi 1) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 7 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo HT24 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Omvårdnad inriktning klinisk fysiologi
15 HP- HOFN14
HOFN14/2401 5 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 2 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära och farmakologi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HSFN19
HSFN19/1901 1 HP (1901 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – läkemedelsberäkning 1) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 25 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjuksköterskans professionella roll i den samskapande omvårdnaden
15 HP- HSPN14
HSPN14/2402 0.5 HP (2402 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - läkemedelsberäkning 3) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Transfusionsmedicinsk laboratoriemetodik
7.5 HP- HTFK11
HTFK11/2201 3 HP (2201 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 1 februari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-22) |
Antal anmälda: 8 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Psykologins grunder
3.5 HP- HPGG12
HPGG12/2401 3.5 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 2 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 33 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära och farmakologi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HSFN19
HSFN19/1902 3 HP (1902 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - allmän farmakologi) |
Söndag 2 februari klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-23) |
Antal anmälda: 4 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2402 2 HP (2402 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 2) |
Söndag 2 februari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-23) |
Antal anmälda: 9 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2412 3 HP (2412 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 2) |
Söndag 2 februari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-23) |
Antal anmälda: 14 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo HT24 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Professionell omvårdnad - sviktande hälsa, klinik och evidens
30 HP- HPEN15
HPEN15/2501 0.5 HP (2501 Skriftlig individuell tentamen läkemedelsberäkning 1) |
Onsdag 5 februari klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-26) |
Antal anmälda: 123 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Hälsa och välfärd i ett föränderligt samhälle
4.5 HP- HHFN13
HHFN13/2301 2 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Fredag 7 februari klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-28) |
Antal anmälda: 110 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Professionell omvårdnad - sviktande hälsa, klinik och evidens
30 HP- HPEN15
HPEN15/2502 2.5 HP (2502 Skriftlig individuell tentamen allmän farmakologi) |
Fredag 7 februari klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-28) |
Antal anmälda: 124 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Introduction to Engineering Sciences - Bridging Course
15 HP- HIER20
HIER20/2001 7.5 HP (2001 Individual written exam) |
Tisdag 11 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-02-01) |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Product Realisation
7.5 HP- HPCR20
HPCR20/2001 5 HP (2001 Individual written exam) |
Tisdag 11 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-02-01) |
Antal anmälda: 5 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Materials and Production Processes
6 HP- HMPR21
HMPR21/2101 4 HP (2101 Individual written exam) |
Torsdag 13 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-02-03) |
Antal anmälda: 6 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Juridik, handläggning och dokumentation i socialt arbete
30 HP- HJHN12
HJHN12/2205 5 HP (2205 Skriftlig tentamen allmän förvaltningsrätt) |
Fredag 14 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Informatik, förbättringskunskap, innovation och entreprenörskap inom omvårdnad
7.5 HP- HIFN13
HIFN13/2301 3 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 15 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-02-05) |
Antal anmälda: 69 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Människan i ett livscykelperspektiv
10.5 HP- HMLK14
HMLK14/2401 5 HP (2401 Individuell salstentamen) |
Måndag 17 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-02-07) |
Antal anmälda: 37 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Radiografi III
7.5 HP- HR3N12
HR3N12/2401 2 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 19 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-02-09) |
Antal anmälda: 22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Biokemi och Cellbiologi II
7.5 HP- HBCK13
HBCK13/2301 6.5 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 20 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-02-10) |
Antal anmälda: 33 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk mikrobiologi, vårdhygien och immunologi för sjuksköterskor
7.5 HP- HMVG19
HMVG19/1903 6.5 HP (1903 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 20 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-02-10) |
Antal anmälda: 37 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Eksjö VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk mikrobiologi, vårdhygien och immunologi för sjuksköterskor
7.5 HP- HMVG19
HMVG19/1903 6.5 HP (1903 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 20 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-02-10) |
Antal anmälda: 90 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Jkg VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk mikrobiologi, vårdhygien och immunologi för sjuksköterskor
7.5 HP- HMVG19
HMVG19/1903 6.5 HP (1903 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 20 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-02-10) |
Antal anmälda: 35 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Värnamo VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Anatomi, fysiologi och mikrobiologi
15 HP- HAFG12
HAFG12/2204 7.5 HP (2204 Delkurs 4, skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-02-11) |
Antal anmälda: 5 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi, anatomi och mikrobiologi
15 HP- HFAG12
HFAG12/2204 7.5 HP (2204 Delkurs 4, skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-02-11) |
Antal anmälda: 3 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Scientific Methods and Statistics
7.5 HP- HSCG10
HSCG10/2001 7.5 HP (2001 Examination) |
Lördag 22 februari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-23 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Palliativ omvårdnad
4.5 HP- HPON13
HPON13/2301 2.5 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig examination) |
Fredag 28 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-29 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Juridik, handläggning och dokumentation i socialt arbete
30 HP- HJHN12
HJHN12/2504 2.5 HP (2504 Skriftlig tentamen socialrätt 1) |
Onsdag 5 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Socialt arbete, profession och kunskapsområde
15 HP- HSKG19
HSKG19/2320 7 HP (2320 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 5 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Professionell omvårdnad - sviktande hälsa, klinik och evidens
30 HP- HPEN15
HPEN15/2503 4 HP (2503 Skriftlig individuell tentamen sjukdomslära och farmakoterapi 1) |
Fredag 7 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- HMON12
HMON12/2201 6 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Migration, integration och socialt arbete
7.5 HP- HMSK12
HMSK12/2201 4.5 HP (2201 Individuell inlämningsuppgift) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul 2201/Phased out exam module 2201, 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Migration, integration och socialt arbete
7.5 HP- HMSK12
HMSK12/2401 4.5 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Nuklearmedicin, grundkurs, inriktning verksamhetsförlagd utbildning
7.5 HP- HNVN14
HNVN14/2401 3.5 HP (2401 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Orthotic Management and Biomechanics I
15 HP- HO1N13
HO1N13/2402 3 HP (2402 Individual written examination 2) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Omvårdnad inriktning klinisk fysiologi
15 HP- HOFN14
HOFN14/2402 1 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen i läkemedelshantering och läkemedelsdokumentation) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Omvårdnad vid sviktande hälsa
15 HP- HOSN12
HOSN12/2201 2.5 HP (2201 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Obs! Anmälan måste göras till både 2201 och 2202 (separat anmälan) Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Omvårdnad vid sviktande hälsa
15 HP- HOSN12
HOSN12/2202 0.5 HP (2202 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – läkemedelsberäkning 2) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Obs! Anmälan måste göras till både 2201 och 2202 (separat anmälan) Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Personcentrerad vård i ett livscykelperspektiv
15 HP- HPVG18
HPVG18/1906 3 HP (1906 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Socialt arbete, psykisk funktionsnedsättning och psykisk ohälsa
7.5 HP- HSON11
HSON11/2101 5 HP (2101 Inlämningsuppgift) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskaplig teori och metod för evidensbaserad omvårdnad
7.5 HP- HVON10
HVON10/2001 3 HP (2001 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Socialt arbete, utredning, handläggning och dokumentation (uppdragsutbildning)
7.5 HP- USAN15
USAN15/2401 3.5 HP (2401 Tentamen) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Biokemi och Cellbiologi I
7.5 HP- HBCG13
HBCG13/2301 6.5 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Oral hälsa, beslutsfattande teori och behandling vid oral sjukdom
15 HP- HBTK10
HBTK10/2001 6 HP (2001 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Kvalitetssäkring inom klinisk diagnostik
7.5 HP- HKKR24
HKKR24/2403 3 HP (2403 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk bildbehandling
7.5 HP- HMBN10
HMBN10/2101 1.5 HP (2101 Tentamen, ultraljud) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Anmälan sker separat till varje delmoment 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104. Alla delmoment skrivs vid samma tentamenstillfälle. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk bildbehandling
7.5 HP- HMBN10
HMBN10/2102 1.5 HP (2102 Tentamen, magnetresonanstomografi) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Anmälan sker separat till varje delmoment 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104. Alla delmoment skrivs vid samma tentamenstillfälle. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk fysik
7.5 HP- HMFG11
HMFG11/2401 4 HP (2401 lndividuell skriftlig tentamen, joniserande strålning) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Gäller HGRS - Röntgensjuksköterskeprogrammet. OBS! Separat anmälan för modul 2401/2402. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk fysik
7.5 HP- HMFG11
HMFG11/2402 3.5 HP (2402 lndividuell skriftlig tentamen, ultraljud och magnetresonanstomografi) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Gäller HGRS - Röntgensjuksköterskeprogrammet. OBS! Separat anmälan för modul 2401/2402. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk fysik, klinisk fysiologi
7.5 HP- HMFG14
HMFG14/2401 2 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, joniserande strålning) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Gäller HGBA - Biomedicinska analytikerprogrammet, inriktning klinisk fysiologi. OBS! Separat anmälan för modul 2401/2402. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk fysik, klinisk fysiologi
7.5 HP- HMFG14
HMFG14/2402 3.5 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, ultraljud och magnetresonanstomografi) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Gäller HGBA - Biomedicinska analytikerprogrammet, inriktning klinisk fysiologi. OBS! Separat anmälan för modul 2401/2402. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Mechanics related to Prosthetics and Orthotics
7.5 HP- HMPG18
HMPG18/1801 7.5 HP (1801 Written examination) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Prosthetic and Orthotic management in Paediatrics
7.5 HP- HPMN11
HPMN11/2101 5 HP (2101 Individual written examination) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Oral hälsa, beslutsfattande teori och behandling vid oral sjukdom (uppdragsutbildning)
15 HP- UOBN14
UOBN14/2401 6 HP (2401 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Hälsa och hälsoproblem hos barn och familj
4.5 HP- HHHN13
HHHN13/2301 2 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Söndag 9 mars klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Juridik, handläggning och dokumentation i socialt arbete
30 HP- HJHN12
HJHN12/2201 3 HP (2201 Skriftlig tentamen civilrätt) |
Söndag 9 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Klinisk fysiologi, introduktionskurs
7.5 HP- HKIG12
HKIG12/2201 4 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 9 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Laboratoriemetodik, introduktionskurs
15 HP- HLMG13
HLMG13/2301 6 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Söndag 9 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Oral hälsa, introduktion
7.5 HP- HOIG17
HOIG17/1701 4 HP (1701 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 9 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Radiografi, introduktionskurs
7.5 HP- HRIG12
HRIG12/2201 4 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 9 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2403 2 HP (2403 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 3) |
Söndag 9 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2413 3 HP (2413 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 3) |
Söndag 9 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo HT24 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Hälsofrämjande omvårdnad hos barn och ungdom
7.5 HP- HHUR29
HHUR29/1901 3 HP (1901 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 9 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk mikrobiologi
7.5 HP- HMMG11
HMMG11/2101 5.5 HP (2101 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 9 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Oral hälsa, kliniskt beslutsfattande och tillämpning II
15 HP- HOHN11
HOHN11/2101 4.5 HP (2101 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 9 mars klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Orthotic Management and Biomechanics II
7.5 HP- HOMN13
HOMN13/2401 5.5 HP (2401 Individual written examination) |
Söndag 9 mars klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Patofysiologi och farmakologi, inriktning oral hälsa
7.5 HP- HPFG13
HPFG13/2303 6 HP (2303 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 9 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Morfologisk cellbiologi
6 HP- HMCK12
HMCK12/2101 4.5 HP (2101 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 11 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-09 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Laboratoriemetodik, grundläggande
16.5 HP- HLGN12
HLGN12/2401 4 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen 1) |
Fredag 14 mars klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-12 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Pathophysiology related to Prosthetics and Orthotics
7.5 HP- HPOK19
HPOK19/1901 5 HP (1901 Orthopaedics) |
Onsdag 19 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-17 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Pathophysiology related to Prosthetics and Orthotics
7.5 HP- HPOK19
HPOK19/1902 2.5 HP (1902 Neurology) |
Onsdag 19 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-17 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Hjärtdiagnostik inom klinisk fysiologi
7.5 HP- HHDN15
HHDN15/2501 2.5 HP (2501 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 20 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-18 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Klinisk fysiologi, undersökningsmetodik, fortsättningskurs
15 HP- HKYN12
HKYN12/2301 6 HP (2301 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 20 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-18 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Socialt arbete, vetenskapsteori och forskningsmetodik med examensarbete
22.5 HP- HSVP12
HSVP12/2501 3 HP (2501 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 25 mars klockan 09:00 till 10:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-23 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Applied Materials Technology
7.5 HP- HMTK19
HMTK19/2001 4.5 HP (2001 Solid Mechanics) |
Tisdag 25 mars klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-23 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Assistive Technology Design
9 HP- HATR21
HATR21/2501 9 HP (2501 Assignments) |
Torsdag 27 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-25 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjuksköterskans professionella roll i den samskapande omvårdnaden
15 HP- HSPN14
HSPN14/2401 2.5 HP (2401 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 27 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-25 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Modul 2401 och 2402 skrivs efter varandra på samma tentamenstillfälle. Anmälan måste göras separat till båda modulerna. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjuksköterskans professionella roll i den samskapande omvårdnaden
15 HP- HSPN14
HSPN14/2402 0.5 HP (2402 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - läkemedelsberäkning 3) |
Torsdag 27 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-25 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Modul 2401 och 2402 skrivs efter varandra på samma tentamenstillfälle. Anmälan måste göras separat till båda modulerna. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära, diagnostik och behandling, grundkurs
7.5 HP- HSDK11
HSDK11/1201 7.5 HP (1201 Examination) |
Torsdag 27 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-25 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2501 4.5 HP (2501 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - Fysiologi och anatomi 1) |
Fredag 28 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Eksjö VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2501 4.5 HP (2501 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - Fysiologi och anatomi 1) |
Fredag 28 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Jkg VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2501 4.5 HP (2501 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - Fysiologi och anatomi 1) |
Fredag 28 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Värnamo VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fördjupad undersökningsmetodik inom nuklearmedicin och PET
7.5 HP- HFUN15
HFUN15/2501 4 HP (2501 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 28 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Pediatrik och pediatrisk omvårdnad hos för tidigt födda och svårt sjuka barn
7.5 HP- HPTR20
HPTR20/2001 3.5 HP (2001 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 28 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära med inriktning laboratoriemedicin
7.5 HP- HSLK15
HSLK15/2501 6.5 HP (2501 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Fredag 28 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Applied Materials Technology
7.5 HP- HMTK19
HMTK19/2002 3 HP (2002 Materials Science) |
Fredag 28 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Psykologi för sjuksköterskor
4.5 HP- HPSG18
HPSG18/2310 3.5 HP (2310 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Fredag 4 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Eksjö VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Psykologi för sjuksköterskor
4.5 HP- HPSG18
HPSG18/2310 3.5 HP (2310 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Fredag 4 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Värnamo VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Psykologi för sjuksköterskor
4.5 HP- HPSG18
HPSG18/2310 3.5 HP (2310 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Fredag 4 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Jkg VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Anatomi och fysiologi, grundkurs
7.5 HP- HANA17
HANA17/0701 7.5 HP (0701 Examination) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Gäller HGTA - Tandhygienistprogrammet Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Anatomi och fysiologi, grundkurs
7.5 HP- HANA17
HANA17/0701 7.5 HP (0701 Examination) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Gäller HGBIL - Biomedicinska analytikerprogrammet Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Hälsa och hälsoproblem hos barn och familj
4.5 HP- HHHN13
HHHN13/2301 2 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Juridik, handläggning och dokumentation i socialt arbete
30 HP- HJHN12
HJHN12/2504 2.5 HP (2504 Skriftlig tentamen socialrätt 1) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Models and Perspectives on Health and Disability
7.5 HP- HMHG18
HMHG18/2401 4.5 HP (2401 Individual written examination) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Professionell omvårdnad - sviktande hälsa, klinik och evidens
30 HP- HPEN15
HPEN15/2501 0.5 HP (2501 Skriftlig individuell tentamen läkemedelsberäkning 1) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Prosthetic and Orthotic Management of the Upper Limb
7.5 HP- HPLN13
HPLN13/2301 4.5 HP (2301 Individual written examination) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära och farmakologi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HSFN19
HSFN19/1904 5.5 HP (1904 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - sjukdomslära och farmakoterapi 2) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Anatomi, fysiologi och mikrobiologi
15 HP- HAFG12
HAFG12/2201 3 HP (2201 Delkurs 1, skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Allmän farmakologi och sjukdomslära
7.5 HP- HAFR22
HAFR22/2201 3 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi, anatomi och mikrobiologi
15 HP- HFAG12
HFAG12/2201 3 HP (2201 Delkurs 1, skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2402 2 HP (2402 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 2) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2412 3 HP (2412 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 2) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo HT24 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Grundläggande psykologi för socionomer
7.5 HP- HGSG13
HGSG13/2301 4.5 HP (2301 Individuell tentamen) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Oral hälsa, kliniskt beslutsfattande och tillämpning II
15 HP- HOHN11
HOHN11/2101 4.5 HP (2101 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Praktisk omvårdnad - personcentrering, kvalitet och säkerhet
18 HP- HPOK14
HPOK14/2411 2 HP (2411 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Personcentrerad vård i ett livscykelperspektiv
15 HP- HPVG18
HPVG18/1905 0.5 HP (1905 Individuell skriftlig tentamen i läkemedelsberäkning II) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Radiografi I
4 HP- HR1G12
HR1G12/2303 1 HP (2303 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Radiografi V
22.5 HP- HR5N12
HR5N12/2401 4 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära och farmakologi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HSFN19
HSFN19/1903 4.5 HP (1903 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - sjukdomslära och farmakoterapi 1) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Transfusionsmedicinsk laboratoriemetodik
7.5 HP- HTFK11
HTFK11/2201 3 HP (2201 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Omvårdnad - profession, ämne och vetenskap
15 HP- HOPG18
HOPG18/1801 3.5 HP (1801 Skriftlig individuell tentamen; omvårdnad) |
Fredag 11 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-12 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Värnamo VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Omvårdnad - profession, ämne och vetenskap
15 HP- HOPG18
HOPG18/1801 3.5 HP (1801 Skriftlig individuell tentamen; omvårdnad) |
Fredag 11 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-12 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Eksjö VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Omvårdnad - profession, ämne och vetenskap
15 HP- HOPG18
HOPG18/1801 3.5 HP (1801 Skriftlig individuell tentamen; omvårdnad) |
Fredag 11 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-12 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Jkg VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Hälsa och välfärd i ett föränderligt samhälle
4.5 HP- HHFN13
HHFN13/2301 2 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 12 april klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Informatik, förbättringskunskap, innovation och entreprenörskap inom omvårdnad
7.5 HP- HIFN13
HIFN13/2301 3 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 12 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Klinisk kemi
7.5 HP- HKLN13
HKLN13/2301 5.5 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 12 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Omvårdnad - profession, ämne och vetenskap
15 HP- HOPG18
HOPG18/1801 3.5 HP (1801 Skriftlig individuell tentamen; omvårdnad) |
Lördag 12 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Praktiska grunder för omvårdnad och säkerhet
15 HP- HPRK19
HPRK19/1901 4 HP (1901 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 12 april klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Juridik, handläggning och dokumentation i socialt arbete
30 HP- HJHN12
HJHN12/2205 5 HP (2205 Skriftlig tentamen allmän förvaltningsrätt) |
Lördag 12 april klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Omvårdnad - profession, ämne och vetenskap
15 HP- HOPG18
HOPG18/1802 2.5 HP (1802 Skriftlig individuell tentamen; evidens och vetenskap) |
Lördag 12 april klockan 14:00 till 15:30 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Professionell omvårdnad - sviktande hälsa, klinik och evidens
30 HP- HPEN15
HPEN15/2502 2.5 HP (2502 Skriftlig individuell tentamen allmän farmakologi) |
Lördag 12 april klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Personcentrerad omvårdnad, vårdande förhållningssätt och kommunikation
7.5 HP- HPFK19
HPFK19/1901 3 HP (1901 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 12 april klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Radiografi III
7.5 HP- HR3N12
HR3N12/2401 2 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 12 april klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Psykiatrisk omvårdnad
7.5 HP- HPSN13
HPSN13/2301 2.5 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 17 april klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-18 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sociologiska perspektiv i socialt arbete
15 HP- HSOK12
HSOK12/2201 7 HP (2201 Individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 17 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-18 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Juridik, handläggning och dokumentation i socialt arbete
30 HP- HJHN12
HJHN12/2505 5.5 HP (2505 Skriftlig tentamen socialrätt 2) |
Fredag 25 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Prosthetic Management and Biomechanics of the Lower Limb I
15 HP- HPMK19
HPMK19/2501 6.5 HP (2501 Individual written examination) |
Fredag 25 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Speciell undersökningsmetodik, inriktning mammografi och angiografi/intervention
7.5 HP- HMAN13
HMAN13/2301 3.5 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 28 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-29 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- HIMN13
HIMN13/2301 5.5 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Fredag 2 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-02 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Neurofysiologisk undersökningsmetodik
7.5 HP- HNEN13
HNEN13/2301 3 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig examination) |
Fredag 2 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-02 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Anatomy and Physiology, Basic Course
7.5 HP- HANG18
HANG18/2402 6.5 HP (2402 Individual written examination) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Biokemi och Cellbiologi II
7.5 HP- HBCK13
HBCK13/2301 6.5 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Introduction to Medical Sciences - Bridging Course
15 HP- HIMR20
HIMR20/2401 4.5 HP (2401 Individual written exam I) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk mikrobiologi
7.5 HP- HMMG11
HMMG11/2101 5.5 HP (2101 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Nuklearmedicin, grundkurs, inriktning verksamhetsförlagd utbildning
7.5 HP- HNVN14
HNVN14/2401 3.5 HP (2401 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Omvårdnad inriktning klinisk fysiologi
15 HP- HOFN14
HOFN14/2401 5 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Professionell omvårdnad - sviktande hälsa, klinik och evidens
30 HP- HPEN15
HPEN15/2503 4 HP (2503 Skriftlig individuell tentamen sjukdomslära och farmakoterapi 1) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Pathophysiology related to Prosthetics and Orthotics
7.5 HP- HPOK19
HPOK19/1901 5 HP (1901 Orthopaedics) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Pathophysiology related to Prosthetics and Orthotics
7.5 HP- HPOK19
HPOK19/1902 2.5 HP (1902 Neurology) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Palliativ omvårdnad
4.5 HP- HPON13
HPON13/2301 2.5 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig examination) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Pediatrik och pediatrisk omvårdnad hos för tidigt födda och svårt sjuka barn
7.5 HP- HPTR20
HPTR20/2001 3.5 HP (2001 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära och farmakologi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HSFN19
HSFN19/1901 1 HP (1901 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – läkemedelsberäkning 1) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Socialt arbete, profession och kunskapsområde
15 HP- HSKG19
HSKG19/2320 7 HP (2320 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjuksköterskans professionella roll i den samskapande omvårdnaden
15 HP- HSPN14
HSPN14/2401 2.5 HP (2401 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Skall omtentamen göras för båda modul 2401 och 2402 skrivs dessa efter varandra på samma tentamenstillfälle. Anmälan måste göras separat till båda modulerna. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjuksköterskans professionella roll i den samskapande omvårdnaden
15 HP- HSPN14
HSPN14/2402 0.5 HP (2402 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - läkemedelsberäkning 3) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Skall omtentamen göras för båda modul 2401 och 2402 skrivs dessa efter varandra på samma tentamenstillfälle. Anmälan måste göras separat till båda modulerna. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Socialt arbete, vetenskapsteori och forskningsmetodik med examensarbete
22.5 HP- HSVP12
HSVP12/2501 3 HP (2501 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 09:00 till 10:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Anatomi, fysiologi och mikrobiologi
15 HP- HAFG12
HAFG12/2204 7.5 HP (2204 Delkurs 4, skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi, anatomi och mikrobiologi
15 HP- HFAG12
HFAG12/2204 7.5 HP (2204 Delkurs 4, skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Hälsofrämjande omvårdnad hos barn och ungdom
7.5 HP- HHUR29
HHUR29/1901 3 HP (1901 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk bildbehandling
7.5 HP- HMBN10
HMBN10/2101 1.5 HP (2101 Tentamen, ultraljud) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Anmälan sker separat till varje delmoment 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104. Alla delmoment skrivs vid samma tentamenstillfälle. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk bildbehandling
7.5 HP- HMBN10
HMBN10/2102 1.5 HP (2102 Tentamen, magnetresonanstomografi) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Anmälan sker separat till varje delmoment 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104. Alla delmoment skrivs vid samma tentamenstillfälle. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Människan i ett livscykelperspektiv
10.5 HP- HMLK14
HMLK14/2401 5 HP (2401 Individuell salstentamen) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Mechanics related to Prosthetics and Orthotics
7.5 HP- HMPG18
HMPG18/1801 7.5 HP (1801 Written examination) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Psykologins grunder
3.5 HP- HPGG12
HPGG12/2401 3.5 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Scientific Methods and Statistics
7.5 HP- HSCG10
HSCG10/2001 7.5 HP (2001 Examination) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskaplig grundkurs
7.5 HP- HANB12
HANB12/2203 3 HP (2203 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 4 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära och farmakologi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HSFN19
HSFN19/1902 3 HP (1902 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - allmän farmakologi) |
Söndag 4 maj klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2403 2 HP (2403 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 3) |
Söndag 4 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2413 3 HP (2413 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 3) |
Söndag 4 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo HT24 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2501 4.5 HP (2501 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - Fysiologi och anatomi 1) |
Söndag 4 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk mikrobiologi, vårdhygien och immunologi för sjuksköterskor
7.5 HP- HMVG19
HMVG19/1903 6.5 HP (1903 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 4 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Socialt förändringsarbete med individ och nätverk
15 HP- HSIN11
HSIN11/2301 7 HP (2301 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 6 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2502 4.5 HP (2502 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 2) |
Fredag 16 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-16 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Värnamo VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2502 4.5 HP (2502 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 2) |
Fredag 16 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-16 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Eksjö VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2502 4.5 HP (2502 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 2) |
Fredag 16 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-16 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Jkg VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Gerontologisk och geriatrisk omvårdnad
9 HP- HGGN13
HGGN13/2301 1.5 HP (2301 Written individual examination) |
Fredag 16 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-16 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Oral hälsa, kliniskt beslutsfattande och tillämpning I
15 HP- HOKN11
HOKN11/2101 6 HP (2101 Verksamhetsförlagd utbildning inkl. praktisk tentamen) |
Onsdag 28 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- HUDR25
HUDR25/2501 2 HP (2501 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 28 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Oral hälsa, kliniskt beslutsfattande och tillämpning I (uppdragsutbildning)
15 HP- UOKN10
UOKN10/2001 6 HP (2001 Verksamhetsförlagd utbildning inkl. praktisk tentamen) |
Onsdag 28 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Ortsoberoende |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskaplig grundkurs
7.5 HP- HANB12
HANB12/2501 3 HP (2501 Skriftlig tentamen del 1) |
Måndag 2 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- HHTN13
HHTN13/2401 3 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 2 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Assistive Technology Design
9 HP- HATR21
HATR21/2501 9 HP (2501 Assignments) |
Tisdag 3 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Materials and Production Processes
6 HP- HMPR21
HMPR21/2101 4 HP (2101 Individual written exam) |
Tisdag 3 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Professionell omvårdnad - sviktande hälsa, klinik och evidens
30 HP- HPEN15
HPEN15/2505 0.5 HP (2505 Skriftlig individuell tentamen läkemedelsberäkning 2) |
Tisdag 3 juni klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskaplig grundkurs
7.5 HP- HANB12
HANB12/2502 3 HP (2502 Skriftlig tentamen del 2) |
Onsdag 4 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Prosthetic and Orthotic management in Paediatrics
7.5 HP- HPMN11
HPMN11/2101 5 HP (2101 Individual written examination) |
Onsdag 4 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Professionell omvårdnad - sviktande hälsa, klinik och evidens
30 HP- HPEN15
HPEN15/2504 4 HP (2504 Skriftlig individuell tentamen sjukdomslära och farmakoterapi 2) |
Onsdag 4 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Hälsa och hälsoproblem hos barn och familj
4.5 HP- HHHN13
HHHN13/2301 2 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 5 juni klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- HHTN13
HHTN13/2402 4 HP (2402 Individuell praktisk examination) |
Torsdag 5 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Innovation Project
7.5 HP- HIPR21
HIPR21/2101 7.5 HP (2501 Assignment) |
Torsdag 5 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Praktisk omvårdnad - personcentrering, kvalitet och säkerhet
18 HP- HPOK14
HPOK14/2411 2 HP (2411 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 5 juni klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Jönköping VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Praktisk omvårdnad - personcentrering, kvalitet och säkerhet
18 HP- HPOK14
HPOK14/2411 2 HP (2411 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 5 juni klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Värnamo VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Praktisk omvårdnad - personcentrering, kvalitet och säkerhet
18 HP- HPOK14
HPOK14/2411 2 HP (2411 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 5 juni klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: Endast för studenter i Eksjö VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Klinisk fysiologi, undersökningsmetodik, inriktning kärl
7.5 HP- HKMN12
HKMN12/2210 3 HP (2210 Skriftlig examination) |
Torsdag 5 juni klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2413 3 HP (2413 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 3) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo HT24 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2411 3 HP (2411 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - Fysiologi och anatomi 1) |
Onsdag 11 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-12 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo HT24 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2502 4.5 HP (2502 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 2) |
Onsdag 11 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-12 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Anatomi, fysiologi och mikrobiologi
15 HP- HAFG12
HAFG12/2201 3 HP (2201 Delkurs 1, skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Biokemi och Cellbiologi I
7.5 HP- HBCG13
HBCG13/2301 6.5 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi, anatomi och mikrobiologi
15 HP- HFAG12
HFAG12/2201 3 HP (2201 Delkurs 1, skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fördjupad undersökningsmetodik inom nuklearmedicin och PET
7.5 HP- HFUN15
HFUN15/2501 4 HP (2501 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Grundläggande psykologi för socionomer
7.5 HP- HGSG13
HGSG13/2301 4.5 HP (2301 Individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Hjärtdiagnostik inom klinisk fysiologi
7.5 HP- HHDN15
HHDN15/2501 2.5 HP (2501 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Introduction to Medical Sciences - Bridging Course
15 HP- HIMR20
HIMR20/2402 4.5 HP (2402 Individual written exam II) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Juridik, handläggning och dokumentation i socialt arbete
30 HP- HJHN12
HJHN12/2505 5.5 HP (2505 Skriftlig tentamen socialrätt 2) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Laboratoriemetodik, grundläggande
16.5 HP- HLGN12
HLGN12/2401 4 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen 1) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medicinsk mikrobiologi, vårdhygien och immunologi - inriktning oral hälsa
7.5 HP- HMOA17
HMOA17/2301 7 HP (2301 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Applied Materials Technology
7.5 HP- HMTK19
HMTK19/2002 3 HP (2002 Materials Science) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Omvårdnad vid sviktande hälsa
15 HP- HOSN12
HOSN12/2201 2.5 HP (2201 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Obs! Separat anmälan till 2201 och 2202. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Omvårdnad vid sviktande hälsa
15 HP- HOSN12
HOSN12/2202 0.5 HP (2202 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – läkemedelsberäkning 2) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Obs! Separat anmälan till 2201 och 2202. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Prosthetic and Orthotic Management of the Upper Limb
7.5 HP- HPLN13
HPLN13/2301 4.5 HP (2301 Individual written examination) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Radiografi III
7.5 HP- HR3N12
HR3N12/2401 2 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära och farmakologi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HSFN19
HSFN19/1904 5.5 HP (1904 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - sjukdomslära och farmakoterapi 2) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära med inriktning laboratoriemedicin
7.5 HP- HSLK15
HSLK15/2501 6.5 HP (2501 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sociologiska perspektiv i socialt arbete
15 HP- HSOK12
HSOK12/2201 7 HP (2201 Individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2412 3 HP (2412 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 2) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo HT24 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2501 4.5 HP (2501 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - Fysiologi och anatomi 1) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Morfologisk cellbiologi
6 HP- HMCK12
HMCK12/2101 4.5 HP (2101 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Applied Materials Technology
7.5 HP- HMTK19
HMTK19/2001 4.5 HP (2001 Solid Mechanics) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Neurofysiologisk undersökningsmetodik
7.5 HP- HNEN13
HNEN13/2301 3 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig examination) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Omvårdnad - profession, ämne och vetenskap
15 HP- HOPG18
HOPG18/1801 3.5 HP (1801 Skriftlig individuell tentamen; omvårdnad) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Patofysiologi och farmakologi, inriktning oral hälsa
7.5 HP- HPFG13
HPFG13/2303 6 HP (2303 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Psykologi för sjuksköterskor
4.5 HP- HPSG18
HPSG18/2310 3.5 HP (2310 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Pediatrik och pediatrisk omvårdnad hos för tidigt födda och svårt sjuka barn
7.5 HP- HPTR20
HPTR20/2001 3.5 HP (2001 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 12 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Gerontologisk och geriatrisk omvårdnad
9 HP- HGGN13
HGGN13/2301 1.5 HP (2301 Written individual examination) |
Fredag 13 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-14 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Juridik, handläggning och dokumentation i socialt arbete
30 HP- HJHN12
HJHN12/2504 2.5 HP (2504 Skriftlig tentamen socialrätt 1) |
Fredag 13 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-14 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Klinisk fysiologi, undersökningsmetodik, fortsättningskurs
15 HP- HKYN12
HKYN12/2301 6 HP (2301 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 13 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-14 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Speciell undersökningsmetodik, inriktning mammografi och angiografi/intervention
7.5 HP- HMAN13
HMAN13/2301 3.5 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 13 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-14 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Migration, integration och socialt arbete
7.5 HP- HMSK12
HMSK12/2201 4.5 HP (2201 Individuell inlämningsuppgift) |
Fredag 13 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-14 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul 2201/Phased out exam module 2201, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Migration, integration och socialt arbete
7.5 HP- HMSK12
HMSK12/2401 4.5 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 13 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-14 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära, diagnostik och behandling, grundkurs
7.5 HP- HSDK11
HSDK11/1201 7.5 HP (1201 Examination) |
Fredag 13 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-14 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Socialt förändringsarbete med individ och nätverk
15 HP- HSIN11
HSIN11/2301 7 HP (2301 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 13 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-14 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Biokemi och Cellbiologi II
7.5 HP- HBCK13
HBCK13/2301 6.5 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fördjupad undersökningsmetodik inom nuklearmedicin och PET
7.5 HP- HFUN15
HFUN15/2501 4 HP (2501 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Hjärtdiagnostik inom klinisk fysiologi
7.5 HP- HHDN15
HHDN15/2501 2.5 HP (2501 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- HHTN13
HHTN13/2401 3 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- HIMN13
HIMN13/2301 5.5 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Klinisk fysiologi, undersökningsmetodik, inriktning kärl
7.5 HP- HKMN12
HKMN12/2210 3 HP (2210 Skriftlig examination) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Klinisk fysiologi, undersökningsmetodik, fortsättningskurs
15 HP- HKYN12
HKYN12/2301 6 HP (2301 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Speciell undersökningsmetodik, inriktning mammografi och angiografi/intervention
7.5 HP- HMAN13
HMAN13/2301 3.5 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Applied Materials Technology
7.5 HP- HMTK19
HMTK19/2002 3 HP (2002 Materials Science) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Oral hälsa, kliniskt beslutsfattande och tillämpning I
15 HP- HOKN11
HOKN11/2101 6 HP (2101 Verksamhetsförlagd utbildning inkl. praktisk tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Prosthetic Management and Biomechanics of the Lower Limb I
15 HP- HPMK19
HPMK19/2501 6.5 HP (2501 Individual written examination) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Pathophysiology related to Prosthetics and Orthotics
7.5 HP- HPOK19
HPOK19/1901 5 HP (1901 Orthopaedics) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Pathophysiology related to Prosthetics and Orthotics
7.5 HP- HPOK19
HPOK19/1902 2.5 HP (1902 Neurology) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära och farmakologi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HSFN19
HSFN19/1903 4.5 HP (1903 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - sjukdomslära och farmakoterapi 1) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course, 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjuksköterskans professionella roll i den samskapande omvårdnaden
15 HP- HSPN14
HSPN14/2401 2.5 HP (2401 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Skall omtentamen göras för båda modul 2401 och 2402 skrivs dessa efter varandra på samma tentamenstillfälle. Anmälan måste göras separat till båda modulerna. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjuksköterskans professionella roll i den samskapande omvårdnaden
15 HP- HSPN14
HSPN14/2402 0.5 HP (2402 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - läkemedelsberäkning 3) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Skall omtentamen göras för båda modul 2401 och 2402 skrivs dessa efter varandra på samma tentamenstillfälle. Anmälan måste göras separat till båda modulerna. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Oral hälsa, kliniskt beslutsfattande och tillämpning I (uppdragsutbildning)
15 HP- UOKN10
UOKN10/2001 6 HP (2001 Verksamhetsförlagd utbildning inkl. praktisk tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Ortsoberoende |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2411 3 HP (2411 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - Fysiologi och anatomi 1) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo HT24 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Migration, integration och socialt arbete
7.5 HP- HMSK12
HMSK12/2401 4.5 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Applied Materials Technology
7.5 HP- HMTK19
HMTK19/2001 4.5 HP (2001 Solid Mechanics) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Psykiatrisk omvårdnad
7.5 HP- HPSN13
HPSN13/2301 2.5 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Scientific Methods and Statistics
7.5 HP- HSCG10
HSCG10/2001 7.5 HP (2001 Examination) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära med inriktning laboratoriemedicin
7.5 HP- HSLK15
HSLK15/2501 6.5 HP (2501 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- HUDR25
HUDR25/2501 2 HP (2501 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskaplig grundkurs
7.5 HP- HANB12
HANB12/2501 3 HP (2501 Skriftlig tentamen del 1) |
Tisdag 19 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-20 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Praktisk omvårdnad - personcentrering, kvalitet och säkerhet
18 HP- HPOK14
HPOK14/2411 2 HP (2411 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Tisdag 19 augusti klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-20 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära och farmakologi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HSFN19
HSFN19/1901 1 HP (1901 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – läkemedelsberäkning 1) |
Tisdag 19 augusti klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-20 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskaplig grundkurs
7.5 HP- HANB12
HANB12/2502 3 HP (2502 Skriftlig tentamen del 2) |
Onsdag 20 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-21 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Innovation Project
7.5 HP- HIPR21
HIPR21/2101 7.5 HP (2501 Assignment) |
Onsdag 20 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-21 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Neurofysiologisk undersökningsmetodik
7.5 HP- HNEN13
HNEN13/2301 3 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig examination) |
Onsdag 20 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-21 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära, diagnostik och behandling, grundkurs
7.5 HP- HSDK11
HSDK11/1201 7.5 HP (1201 Examination) |
Onsdag 20 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-21 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Anatomi, fysiologi och mikrobiologi
15 HP- HAFG12
HAFG12/2204 7.5 HP (2204 Delkurs 4, skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 20 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-21 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi, anatomi och mikrobiologi
15 HP- HFAG12
HFAG12/2204 7.5 HP (2204 Delkurs 4, skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 20 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-21 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2412 3 HP (2412 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 2) |
Onsdag 20 augusti klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-21 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo HT24 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- HHTN13
HHTN13/2402 4 HP (2402 Individuell praktisk examination) |
Torsdag 21 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära och farmakologi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HSFN19
HSFN19/1902 3 HP (1902 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - allmän farmakologi) |
Torsdag 21 augusti klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fysiologi och anatomi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HFSG14
HFSG14/2413 3 HP (2413 Skriftlig individuell tentamen – Fysiologi och anatomi 3) |
Torsdag 21 augusti klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo HT24 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sociologiska perspektiv i socialt arbete
15 HP- HSOK12
HSOK12/2201 7 HP (2201 Individuell tentamen) |
Torsdag 21 augusti klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Morfologisk cellbiologi
6 HP- HMCK12
HMCK12/2101 4.5 HP (2101 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 4 oktober klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-09-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Människan i ett livscykelperspektiv
10.5 HP- HMLK14
HMLK14/2401 5 HP (2401 Individuell salstentamen) |
Lördag 4 oktober klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-09-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Professionell omvårdnad - sviktande hälsa, klinik och evidens
30 HP- HPEN15
HPEN15/2504 4 HP (2504 Skriftlig individuell tentamen sjukdomslära och farmakoterapi 2) |
Lördag 4 oktober klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-09-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Prosthetic and Orthotic management in Paediatrics
7.5 HP- HPMN11
HPMN11/2101 5 HP (2101 Individual written examination) |
Lördag 4 oktober klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-09-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära och farmakologi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HSFN19
HSFN19/1903 4.5 HP (1903 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - sjukdomslära och farmakoterapi 1) |
Lördag 4 oktober klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-09-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Laboratoriemetodik, grundläggande
16.5 HP- HLGN12
HLGN12/2401 4 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen 1) |
Lördag 4 oktober klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-09-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Oral hälsa, kliniskt beslutsfattande och tillämpning I
15 HP- HOKN11
HOKN11/2101 6 HP (2101 Verksamhetsförlagd utbildning inkl. praktisk tentamen) |
Lördag 4 oktober klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-09-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Psykologi för sjuksköterskor
4.5 HP- HPSG18
HPSG18/2310 3.5 HP (2310 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 4 oktober klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-09-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Omtentamen för Jönköping, Eksjö, Värnamo VT25 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Oral hälsa, kliniskt beslutsfattande och tillämpning I (uppdragsutbildning)
15 HP- UOKN10
UOKN10/2001 6 HP (2001 Verksamhetsförlagd utbildning inkl. praktisk tentamen) |
Lördag 4 oktober klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-09-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Ortsoberoende |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Professionell omvårdnad - sviktande hälsa, klinik och evidens
30 HP- HPEN15
HPEN15/2505 0.5 HP (2505 Skriftlig individuell tentamen läkemedelsberäkning 2) |
Söndag 5 oktober klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-09-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära och farmakologi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HSFN19
HSFN19/1904 5.5 HP (1904 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - sjukdomslära och farmakoterapi 2) |
Söndag 5 oktober klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-09-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course, 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- HHTN13
HHTN13/2402 4 HP (2402 Individuell praktisk examination) |
Lördag 8 november klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-10-09 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- HIMN13
HIMN13/2301 5.5 HP (2301 Skriftlig individuell tentamen) |
Lördag 8 november klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-10-09 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Juridik, handläggning och dokumentation i socialt arbete
30 HP- HJHN12
HJHN12/2505 5.5 HP (2505 Skriftlig tentamen socialrätt 2) |
Lördag 8 november klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-10-09 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Klinisk fysiologi, undersökningsmetodik, inriktning kärl
7.5 HP- HKMN12
HKMN12/2210 3 HP (2210 Skriftlig examination) |
Lördag 8 november klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-10-09 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Professionell omvårdnad - sviktande hälsa, klinik och evidens
30 HP- HPEN15
HPEN15/2504 4 HP (2504 Skriftlig individuell tentamen sjukdomslära och farmakoterapi 2) |
Lördag 8 november klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-10-09 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Prosthetic Management and Biomechanics of the Lower Limb I
15 HP- HPMK19
HPMK19/2501 6.5 HP (2501 Individual written examination) |
Lördag 8 november klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-10-09 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Sjukdomslära och farmakologi för sjuksköterskor
15 HP- HSFN19
HSFN19/1904 5.5 HP (1904 Skriftlig individuell tentamen - sjukdomslära och farmakoterapi 2) |
Lördag 8 november klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-10-09 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskaplig grundkurs
7.5 HP- HANB12
HANB12/2501 3 HP (2501 Skriftlig tentamen del 1) |
Lördag 8 november klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-10-09 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- HUDR25
HUDR25/2501 2 HP (2501 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 november klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-10-09 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskaplig grundkurs
7.5 HP- HANB12
HANB12/2502 3 HP (2502 Skriftlig tentamen del 2) |
Söndag 9 november klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-10-10 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Professionell omvårdnad - sviktande hälsa, klinik och evidens
30 HP- HPEN15
HPEN15/2505 0.5 HP (2505 Skriftlig individuell tentamen läkemedelsberäkning 2) |
Söndag 9 november klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-10-10 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- HHTN13
HHTN13/2401 3 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 6 december klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-11-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Prosthetic and Orthotic management in Paediatrics
7.5 HP- HPMN11
HPMN11/2101 5 HP (2101 Individual written examination) |
Lördag 6 december klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-11-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
All tentamen vid Högskolan i Jönköping koordineras av en gemensam tentamensgrupp. Mer information
Hitta lokalen
Planskiss över Högskoleområdet
Hus A: Rektors kansli, Högskoleservice och Service Center
Hus B: Internationella handelshögskolan
Hus C: Biblioteket
Hus E: Tekniska högskolan
Hus G: Hälsohögskolan
Hus H: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation
Hus D: Högskolefastigheter
Hus J: Campus Arena