Tentamensschema HLK
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare II
30 HP- LC2K12
LC2K12/2205 4.5 HP (2205 Delkurs 2: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 2 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för grundlärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFGG11
LFGG11/2102 4.5 HP (2102 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, del 2) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 66 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1, Specialtentamen K6 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för grundlärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFGG11
LFGG11/2102 1 HP (2101 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, del 1) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG11
LFVG11/2102 4.5 HP (2102 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, del 2) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG11
LFVG11/2102 4.5 HP (2102 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, del 2) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Värnamo studenter skriver i Värnamo Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG11
LFVG11/2102 4.5 HP (2102 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, del 2) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Nova Utbildning |
Fritext: Oskarhamns studenter skriver i Oskarshamn Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG11
LFVG11/2102 4.5 HP (2102 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, del 2) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Ljungby studenter skriver på Campus Jönköping Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG11
LFVG11/2102 4.5 HP (2102 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, del 2) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: Eksjö studenter skriver på I12 Eksjö Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG14
LFVG14/2402 3.5 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, 2) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 18 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1, Specialtentamen K4, K5, K6 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG14
LFVG14/2402 3.5 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, 2) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Nova Utbildning |
Fritext: Oskarhamns studenter skriver i Oskarshamn Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG14
LFVG14/2402 3.5 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, 2) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 2 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Ljungby Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG14
LFVG14/2402 3.5 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, 2) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 5 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: Eksjö studenter skriver på I12 Eksjö Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG14
LFVG14/2402 3.5 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, 2) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Värnamo studenter skriver i Värnamo Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Hållbar marknadskommunikation
7.5 HP- LHBK13
LHBK13/2401 3.5 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Naturorienterande ämnen och teknik för grundlärare 4-6 - Biologi
7.5 HP- LNGN12
LNGN12/2201 3 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Naturorienterande ämnen och teknik för grundlärare 4-6 - Kemi
7.5 HP- LNKK12
LNKK12/2201 3 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Organizing in the Network Society
7.5 HP- LONK13
LONK13/2401 2.5 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 6 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Specialpedagogik för grundlärare 4-6 (UVK)
7.5 HP- LS4R22
LS4R22/2301 4 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare II 7-9
30 HP- LS7K12
LS7K12/2205 4.5 HP (2205 Delkurs 2: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Strategic Brand Management
7.5 HP- LSBK13
LSBK13/2303 3 HP (2303 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 4 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Specialpedagogik för grundlärare F-3 (UVK)
7.5 HP- LSGR22
LSGR22/2301 4 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för grundlärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVMG11
LVMG11/2101 3.5 HP (2101 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 09:00 till 10:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 8 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska IV - Fördjupat perspektiv på tidig läs- och skrivutveckling för grundlärare F-3
7.5 HP- L4SR22
L4SR22/2201 2 HP (2201 Indviduell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 4 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He303 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare II
30 HP- LC2K12
LC2K12/2207 5 HP (2207 Delkurs 3: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 8 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He303 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Människa, samhälle och miljö
7.5 HP- LMSG12
LMSG12/2201 5.5 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 21 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He303 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Opinionsbildning och PR
7.5 HP- LOBK13
LOBK13/2401 4 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Samhällsorienterande ämnen för grundlärare 4-6 - Geografi
7.5 HP- LOGK12
LOGK12/2201 4 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällsorienterande ämnen för grundlärare 4-6 - Historia
7.5 HP- LOSK12
LOSK12/2201 4 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 2 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He303 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Project and Communication Management
7.5 HP- LPMK13
LPMK13/2303 4 HP (2303 Individual written exam) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 15 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He303 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare II 7-9
30 HP- LS7K12
LS7K12/2207 5 HP (2207 Delkurs 3: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 14 januari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 2 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He303 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Svenska som andraspråk I
30 HP- L1SG13
L1sg13/2306 3.5 HP (2306 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 15 januari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 5 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off-campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för lärare II: fortsatt språk-, läs- och skrivlärande (VAL)
7.5 HP- L2SN14
L2SN14/2404 2.5 HP (2404 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 15 januari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 10 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1, Specialtentamen K6 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Arbets- och organisationspsykologi
7.5 HP- LAGG13
LAGG13/2301 2.5 HP (2301 Skriftlig och muntlig uppgift i grupp) |
Onsdag 15 januari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Arbets- och organisationspsykologi
7.5 HP- LAGG13
LAGG13/2303 4 HP (2303 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 15 januari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 93 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Digitala verktyg för visuell kommunikation
7.5 HP- LDGG12
LDGG12/2203 1.5 HP (2203 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 15 januari klockan 14:00 till 15:30 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 15 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare II
30 HP- LSÄK12
LSÄK12/2208 3 HP (2208 Äldre litteratur ur vetenskapliga och didaktiska perspektiv: Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift 1) |
Onsdag 15 januari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska som andraspråk 1, för lärare inom vuxenutbildning
30 HP- LV1G13
LV1G13/2306 3.5 HP (2306 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 15 januari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 9 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off-campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällsorienterande ämnen för grundlärare 4-6 - Religionskunskap
7.5 HP- LORK12
LORK12/2201 4 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift) |
Torsdag 16 januari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Naturorienterande ämnen och teknik för grundlärare 4-6 - Teknik
7.5 HP- LNAK12
LNAK12/2201 2 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 17 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He309 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Naturorienterande ämnen och teknik för grundlärare 4-6 - Fysik
7.5 HP- LNFK12
LNFK12/2201 4 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 17 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 15 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He309 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematik III för grundlärare 4-6
7.5 HP- L3MK12
L3MK12/2201 3 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 17 januari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 40 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He309, K3, K6, Beijing |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Lärande och utveckling för grundlärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LLGG11
LLGG11/2103 5 HP (2103 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 17 januari klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 163 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1, Specialtentamen K6 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 17 januari klockan 14:00 till 15:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 72 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He303, K6, Osaka, Atlanta, Sao Paulo |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 17 januari klockan 14:00 till 15:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 12 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 17 januari klockan 14:00 till 15:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 8 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 17 januari klockan 14:00 till 15:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 6 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Ljungby |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 17 januari klockan 14:00 till 15:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 6 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Nova Utbildning |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Identitet, kultur och religion: ett globalt perspektiv
7.5 HP- LIKG11
LIKG11/2102 6 HP (2102 Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift) |
Lördag 18 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 5 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He309 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Identitet, kultur och religion: ett globalt perspektiv
7.5 HP- LIKG11
LIKG11/2403 5.5 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 18 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 43 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He309 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Socialpsykologi med grupprocesser
7.5 HP- LSGG16
LSGG16/2402 6 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 18 januari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 12 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: He309 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för ämneslärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVÄG13
LVÄG13/2301 3 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 18 januari klockan 09:00 till 10:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 105 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: K-huset sal 1 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Svenska för ämneslärare III
30 HP- LSVN12
LSVN12/2205 4 HP (2205 Svenska språkets släktskapsförhållanden och språkförändringar över tid: Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift) |
Måndag 20 januari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Utforskande matematik i förskolan
15 HP- LUMK12
LUMK12/2202 4.5 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 24 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-14) |
Antal anmälda: 25 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Utforskande matematik i förskolan
15 HP- LUMK12
LUMK12/2202 4.5 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 24 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-14) |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: I12 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Utforskande matematik i förskolan
15 HP- LUMK12
LUMK12/2202 4.5 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 24 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-14) |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Värnamo Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Utforskande matematik i förskolan
15 HP- LUMK12
LUMK12/2202 4.5 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 24 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-14) |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Ljungby |
Fritext: Ljungby studenter skriver på Campusi Ljungby Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Utforskande matematik i förskolan
15 HP- LUMK12
LUMK12/2202 4.5 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 24 januari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-14) |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Nova Utbildning |
Fritext: Oskarshamn Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för grundlärare 4-6
30 HP- LE6K12
LE6K12/2208 1.5 HP (2208 Fonetik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 7 februari klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-28) |
Antal anmälda: 42 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematik I för grundlärare 4-6
7.5 HP- L1MK12
L1MK12/2201 3 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 10 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Svenska för lärare II: fortsatt språk-, läs- och skrivlärande (VAL)
7.5 HP- L2SN14
L2SN14/2404 2.5 HP (2404 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 4 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska IV - Fördjupat perspektiv på tidig läs- och skrivutveckling för grundlärare F-3
7.5 HP- L4SR22
L4SR22/2201 2 HP (2201 Indviduell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Barns språkliga lärande och kommunikation i förskolan
15 HP- LBLK14
LBLK14/2406 3 HP (2406 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 5 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Sustainable Enterprising
7.5 HP- LEPK13
LEPK13/2301 2 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift 1) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Introduktion till MKV
7.5 HP- LING12
LING12/2203 3 HP (2203 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Språk, mening och makt
7.5 HP- LMMG12
LMMG12/2202 1.5 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift 1) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Naturorienterande ämnen och teknik för grundlärare 4-6 - Teknik
7.5 HP- LNAK12
LNAK12/2201 2 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 3 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Naturorienterande ämnen och teknik för grundlärare 4-6 - Fysik
7.5 HP- LNFK12
LNFK12/2201 4 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 3 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska ll för grundlärare 4-6
7.5 HP- LS2R23
LS2R23/2301 2 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 12 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällsorienterande ämnen för grundlärare 4-6 - Samhällskunskap
7.5 HP- LSSK12
LSSK12/2201 4 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 4 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska som andraspråk 2
15 HP- LSVK13
LSVK13/2301 4 HP (2301 Språkets struktur från ett didaktiskt perspektiv: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 1 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för ämneslärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVÄG13
LVÄG13/2301 3 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 09:00 till 10:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Arbetsrätt I
7.5 HP- LA2G19
LA2G19/1902 5 HP (1902 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska, 1-30 hp
30 HP- LE1G13
LE1G13/2307 6 HP (2307 Grammatik och fonetik: Skriftlig tentamen i grammatik) |
Lördag 8 februari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-29) |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Svenska för ämneslärare III
30 HP- LSVN12
LSVN12/2205 4 HP (2205 Svenska språkets släktskapsförhållanden och språkförändringar över tid: Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift) |
Söndag 9 februari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-30) |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare III
30 HP- LSVN12
LSVN12/2207 4 HP (2207 Samtida litteratur ur vetenskapliga och didaktiska perspektiv: Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift) |
Söndag 9 februari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2025-01-30) |
Antal anmälda: 3 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematik för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LMÄK14
LMÄK14/2301 7.5 HP (2301 Envariabelanalys: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 15 februari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-16 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Engelska för ämneslärare IIIa
15 HP- LE3N15
LE3N15/2504 4 HP (2504 Lingvistik 2: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 17 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-18 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Historia för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LH1K12
LH1K12/2204 3.5 HP (2204 Forntiden, antiken och medeltiden, till år 1000: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 19 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-20 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSEK12
LSEK12/2204 2 HP (2204 Svenska språkets struktur i teori och praktik: Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift 1) |
Torsdag 20 februari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-21 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSEK15
LSEK15/2504 2 HP (2504 Svenska språkets struktur i teori och praktik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen 1) |
Torsdag 20 februari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-21 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för grundlärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFGG11
LFGG11/2102 4.5 HP (2102 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, del 2) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 0 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för grundlärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFGG11
LFGG11/2102 4.5 HP (2102 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, del 2) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG11
LFVG11/2102 4.5 HP (2102 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, del 2) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: Eksjö studenter skriver på I12 Eksjö Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG11
LFVG11/2102 4.5 HP (2102 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, del 2) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Nova Utbildning |
Fritext: Oskarhamns studenter skriver i Oskarshamn Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG11
LFVG11/2102 4.5 HP (2102 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, del 2) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Värnamo Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG11
LFVG11/2102 4.5 HP (2102 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, del 2) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG11
LFVG11/2102 4.5 HP (2102 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, del 2) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Ljungby studenter skriver på Campus Jönköping Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG14
LFVG14/2402 3.5 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, 2) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Nova Utbildning |
Fritext: Oskarhamns studenter skriver i Oskarshamn Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG14
LFVG14/2402 3.5 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, 2) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG14
LFVG14/2402 3.5 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, 2) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Ljungby |
Fritext: Ljungby Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG14
LFVG14/2402 3.5 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, 2) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: Eksjö studenter skriver på I12 Eksjö Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Förskola, skola och läraryrke på vetenskaplig grund för förskollärare (UVK)
10.5 HP- LFVG14
LFVG14/2402 3.5 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen, 2) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Värnamo studenter skriver i Värnamo Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Kommunikation och organisation
7.5 HP- LKOK13
LKOK13/2401 4 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSHK12
LSHK12/2205 6 HP (2205 Svensk politik och förvaltning: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- LERK12
LERK12/2201 6 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Fritidshemmets pedagogiska grunder
15 HP- LFPK15
LFPK15/2507 2.5 HP (2507 Fritidspedagogik I: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematik I för grundlärare F-3
7.5 HP- LM1K12
LM1K12/2301,2201 3 HP (2201, 2301 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 21 februari klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Inställd |
Arbets- och organisationspsykologi
7.5 HP- LAGG13
LAGG13/2301 2.5 HP (2301 Skriftlig och muntlig uppgift i grupp) |
Lördag 22 februari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-23 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Arbets- och organisationspsykologi
7.5 HP- LAGG13
LAGG13/2303 4 HP (2303 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 22 februari klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-23 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 24 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-25 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 24 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-25 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Eksjö |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 24 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-25 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Ljungby |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 24 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-25 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Oskarshamn |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 24 februari klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-25 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: VÄRNAMO |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska I för grundlärare 4-6
22.5 HP- L1SK12
L1SK12/2207 2.5 HP (2207 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 25 februari klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 28 februari klockan 14:00 till 15:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-29 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Ljungby |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 28 februari klockan 14:00 till 15:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-29 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 28 februari klockan 14:00 till 15:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-29 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Nova Utbildning |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 28 februari klockan 14:00 till 15:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-29 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 28 februari klockan 14:00 till 15:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-29 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare II
30 HP- LC2K12
LC2K12/2207 5 HP (2207 Delkurs 3: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 1 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Lärande och utveckling för grundlärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LLGG11
LLGG11/2103 5 HP (2103 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 1 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Medier, politik och samhälle
7.5 HP- LMEG12
LMEG12/2201 2 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 1 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Människa, samhälle och miljö
7.5 HP- LMSG12
LMSG12/2201 5.5 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 1 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällsorienterande ämnen för grundlärare 4-6 - Religionskunskap
7.5 HP- LORK12
LORK12/2201 4 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift) |
Lördag 1 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare II 7-9
30 HP- LS7K12
LS7K12/2207 5 HP (2207 Delkurs 3: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 1 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Svenska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSEK15
LSEK15/2505 6 HP (2505 Svenska språkets struktur i teori och praktik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen 2) |
Lördag 1 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för grundlärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVMG11
LVMG11/2101 3.5 HP (2101 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 1 mars klockan 09:00 till 10:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för ämneslärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVÄG13
LVÄG13/2301 3 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 1 mars klockan 09:00 till 10:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för ämneslärare II
30 HP- L2EK12
L2EK12/2211 4 HP (2211 Lingvistik 1: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 1 mars klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för lärare II: fortsatt språk-, läs- och skrivlärande (VAL)
7.5 HP- L2SN14
L2SN14/2404 2.5 HP (2404 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 1 mars klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematik II för grundlärare 4-6
7.5 HP- LMAK12
LMAK12/2201 2.5 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 1 mars klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Svenska för ämneslärare II
30 HP- LSÄK12
LSÄK12/2211 3 HP (2211 Äldre litteratur ur vetenskapliga och didaktiska perspektiv: Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift 2) |
Lördag 1 mars klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-01-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Lärande och utveckling för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LLFG14
LLFG14/2402 4 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 3 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-01 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Ljungby |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Lärande och utveckling för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LLFG14
LLFG14/2402 4 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 3 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-01 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Nova Utbildning |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Lärande och utveckling för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LLFG14
LLFG14/2402 4 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 3 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-01 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Lärande och utveckling för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LLFG14
LLFG14/2402 4 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 3 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-01 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Lärande och utveckling för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LLFG14
LLFG14/2402 4 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 3 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-01 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska som andraspråk I
30 HP- L1SG13
L1sg13/2306 3.5 HP (2306 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 6 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Religionsvetenskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LR1K12
LR1K12/2208 5.5 HP (2208 Etik och livsfrågor: individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 6 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Svenska som andraspråk 1, för lärare inom vuxenutbildning
30 HP- LV1G13
LV1G13/2306 3.5 HP (2306 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 6 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för grundlärare F-3
15 HP- LEGK12
LEGK12/2201 3 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 7 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Graphic Print Production
7.5 HP- LGPG18
LGPG18/1801 2.5 HP (2501 Individual written exam) |
Fredag 7 mars klockan 09:00 till 10:30 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Identitet, kultur och religion: ett globalt perspektiv
7.5 HP- LIKG11
LIKG11/2403 5.5 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 8 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Communication and Artificial Intelligence
7.5 HP- LAIK15
LAIK15/2501 2 HP (2501 Individual Written Exam) |
Onsdag 12 mars klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-10 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematik för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LMÄK14
LMÄK14/2304 7.5 HP (2304 Linjär algebra: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 15 mars klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Fritidshemmets pedagogiska grunder
15 HP- LFPK15
LFPK15/2507 2.5 HP (2507 Fritidspedagogik I: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 17 mars klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-15 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Historia för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LH1K12
LH1K12/2206 7 HP (2206 Medeltiden och tidigmodern tid 1000–1720: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 21 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Utforskande matematik i förskolan
15 HP- LUMK12
LUMK12/2202 4.5 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 21 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Utforskande matematik i förskolan
15 HP- LUMK12
LUMK12/2202 4.5 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 21 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: I12 Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Utforskande matematik i förskolan
15 HP- LUMK12
LUMK12/2202 4.5 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 21 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Värnamo Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Utforskande matematik i förskolan
15 HP- LUMK12
LUMK12/2202 4.5 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 21 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Ljungby |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Utforskande matematik i förskolan
15 HP- LUMK12
LUMK12/2202 4.5 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 21 mars klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Nova Utbildning |
Fritext: Oskarshamn Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Swedish Language, Culture and Society I
7.5 HP- LS1G15
LS1G15/2201 4.5 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen 1) |
Lördag 22 mars klockan 09:00 till 11:30 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-20 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Swedish Language, Culture and Society I
7.5 HP- LS1G15
LS1G15/2202 3 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig tentamen 2) |
Lördag 22 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-20 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematik för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LMÄK14
LMÄK14/2305 7.5 HP (2305 Matematisk statistik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 23 mars klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-21 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Engelska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LENK15
LENK15/2505 6 HP (2505 Grammatik och fonetik: individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 24 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Digitala verktyg för visuell kommunikation
7.5 HP- LDGG12
LDGG12/2203 1.5 HP (2203 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 25 mars klockan 09:00 till 10:30 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 6 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Marknads- och kommunikationsrätt
7.5 HP- LMKG17
LMKG17/2502 3 HP (2502 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 25 mars klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-23 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för ämneslärare IIIa
15 HP- LE3N15
LE3N15/2507 3 HP (2507 Akademiskt skrivande, vetenskapliga teorier och forskningsmetoder: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 27 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-25 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för grundlärare 4-6
30 HP- LE6K12
LE6K12/2210 4 HP (2210 Grammatik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 27 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-25 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska I för grundlärare 4-6
22.5 HP- L1SK12
L1SK12/2207 2.5 HP (2207 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 28 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematik II för grundlärare F-3
7.5 HP- L2MK12
L2MK12/2301,2201 3 HP (2201, 2301 Skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 28 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Budget och personalekonomi
7.5 HP- LBPK12
LBPK12/2204 5.5 HP (2204 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 28 mars klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-02-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Graphic Print Production
7.5 HP- LGPG18
LGPG18/1801 2.5 HP (2501 Individual written exam) |
Tisdag 1 april klockan 09:00 till 10:30 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-02 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Lärande och utveckling för grundlärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LLGG11
LLGG11/2103 5 HP (2103 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 1 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-02 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Naturorienterande ämnen och teknik för grundlärare 4-6 - Fysik
7.5 HP- LNFK12
LNFK12/2201 4 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 1 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan är stängd. |
Antal anmälda: 8 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska, 1-30 hp
30 HP- LE1G13
LE1G13/2303 1.5 HP (2303 Språkfärdighet 1: Språkfärdighetsprovet VOC/MCT) |
Tisdag 1 april klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-02 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Naturorienterande ämnen och teknik för grundlärare 4-6 - Teknik
7.5 HP- LNAK12
LNAK12/2201 2 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 1 april klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-02 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSEK15
LSEK15/2504 2 HP (2504 Svenska språkets struktur i teori och praktik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen 1) |
Tisdag 1 april klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-02 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare III
30 HP- LSVN12
LSVN12/2207 4 HP (2207 Samtida litteratur ur vetenskapliga och didaktiska perspektiv: Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift) |
Tisdag 1 april klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-02 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Historia för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LH1K12
LH1K12/2204 3.5 HP (2204 Forntiden, antiken och medeltiden, till år 1000: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 2 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSHK12
LSHK12/2205 6 HP (2205 Svensk politik och förvaltning: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 2 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för grundlärare 4-6
30 HP- LE6K12
LE6K12/2208 1.5 HP (2208 Fonetik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 4 april klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSHK12
LSHK12/2401 4 HP (2401 Sociologisk översiktskurs: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 4 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Socialpsykologi med grupprocesser
7.5 HP- LSGG16
LSGG16/2402 6 HP (2402 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Matematik III för grundlärare 4-6
7.5 HP- L3MK12
L3MK12/2201 3 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Söndag 6 april klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Matematik I för grundlärare F-3
7.5 HP- LM1K12
LM1K12/2301,2201 3 HP (2301, 2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 12 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Religionsvetenskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LR1K12
LR1K12/2510 4.5 HP (2510 Religionshistoria: individuell skriftlig tentamen I) |
Måndag 14 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-15 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällsorienterande ämnen för grundlärare 4-6 - Samhällskunskap
7.5 HP- LSSK12
LSSK12/2201 4 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 14 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-15 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Communication and Artificial Intelligence
7.5 HP- LAIK15
LAIK15/2501 2 HP (2501 Individual Written Exam) |
Tisdag 15 april klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-16 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- LERK12
LERK12/2201 6 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 15 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-16 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Kommunikation och organisation
7.5 HP- LKOK13
LKOK13/2401 4 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 15 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-16 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 15 april klockan 09:00 till 10:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-16 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Värnamo |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 15 april klockan 09:00 till 10:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-16 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Nova Utbildning |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 15 april klockan 09:00 till 10:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-16 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 15 april klockan 09:00 till 10:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-16 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus i12 |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder för förskollärare (UVK)
7.5 HP- LVFG11
LVFG11/2110 3.5 HP (2110 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 15 april klockan 09:00 till 10:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-16 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Ljungby |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Arbetsrätt I
7.5 HP- LA2G19
LA2G19/1902 5 HP (1902 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 16 april klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-17 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare II
30 HP- LSÄK12
LSÄK12/2208 3 HP (2208 Äldre litteratur ur vetenskapliga och didaktiska perspektiv: Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift 1) |
Onsdag 16 april klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-17 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Historia för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LH1K12
LH1K12/2208 5 HP (2208 Upplysning och revolution 1720–1880: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 17 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-18 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för ämneslärare IIIa
15 HP- LE3N15
LE3N15/2504 4 HP (2504 Lingvistik 2: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 25 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Naturvetenskap och teknik i förskolan
15 HP- LNVK14
LNVK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 25 april klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LENK15
LENK15/2512 1.5 HP (2512 Engelskspråkig litteratur & kultur 1: individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 28 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-29 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska som andraspråk I
30 HP- L1SG13
L1sg13/2306 3.5 HP (2306 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 29 april klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska som andraspråk 1, för lärare inom vuxenutbildning
30 HP- LV1G13
LV1G13/2306 3.5 HP (2306 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 29 april klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSHK12
LSHK12/2209 2.5 HP (2209 Kulturgeografisk översiktskurs: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 30 april klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-03-31 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska III - Kommunikation, flerspråkighet och mångfald för grundlärare F-3
7.5 HP- L3SK12
L3SK12/2501 3 HP (2501 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 2 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-02 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för grundlärare F-3
15 HP- LEGK12
LEGK12/2201 3 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 2 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-02 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSEK15
LSEK15/2507 2 HP (2507 Svenska språkets struktur i teori och praktik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen 3) |
Fredag 2 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-02 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Arbets- och organisationspsykologi
7.5 HP- LAGG13
LAGG13/2301 2.5 HP (2301 Skriftlig och muntlig uppgift i grupp) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Arbets- och organisationspsykologi
7.5 HP- LAGG13
LAGG13/2303 4 HP (2303 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 3 maj klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-03 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Swedish Language, Culture and Society I
7.5 HP- LS1G15
LS1G15/2201 4.5 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen 1) |
Söndag 4 maj klockan 09:00 till 11:30 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Swedish Language, Culture and Society I
7.5 HP- LS1G15
LS1G15/2202 3 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig tentamen 2) |
Söndag 4 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-04 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Communication and Artificial Intelligence
7.5 HP- LAIK15
LAIK15/2501 2 HP (2501 Individual Written Exam) |
Måndag 5 maj klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 5 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 5 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Eksjö |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 5 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Ljungby |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 5 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Oskarshamn |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 5 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: VÄRNAMO |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Fritidshemmets pedagogiska grunder
15 HP- LFPK15
LFPK15/2507 2.5 HP (2507 Fritidspedagogik I: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 5 maj klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Graphic Print Production
7.5 HP- LGPG18
LGPG18/1801 2.5 HP (2501 Individual written exam) |
Måndag 5 maj klockan 14:00 till 15:30 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Historia för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LH1K12
LH1K12/2204 3.5 HP (2204 Forntiden, antiken och medeltiden, till år 1000: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 5 maj klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Medier, politik och samhälle
7.5 HP- LMEG12
LMEG12/2201 2 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 5 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Religionsvetenskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LR1K12
LR1K12/2208 5.5 HP (2208 Etik och livsfrågor: individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 5 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Svenska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSEK15
LSEK15/2505 6 HP (2505 Svenska språkets struktur i teori och praktik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen 2) |
Måndag 5 maj klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSHK12
LSHK12/2205 6 HP (2205 Svensk politik och förvaltning: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 5 maj klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare II
30 HP- LSÄK12
LSÄK12/2211 3 HP (2211 Äldre litteratur ur vetenskapliga och didaktiska perspektiv: Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift 2) |
Måndag 5 maj klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-05 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Historia för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LH1K12
LH1K12/2206 7 HP (2206 Medeltiden och tidigmodern tid 1000–1720: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 6 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för ämneslärare II
30 HP- L2EK12
L2EK12/2211 4 HP (2211 Lingvistik 1: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 7 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-07 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Identitet, kultur och religion: ett globalt perspektiv
7.5 HP- LIKG11
LIKG11/2403 5.5 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 10 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-10 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Swedish Language, Culture and Society 2
7.5 HP- LS2K15
LS2K15/2201 5 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen 1) |
Lördag 10 maj klockan 09:00 till 11:30 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-10 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Swedish Language, Culture and Society 2
7.5 HP- LS2K15
LS2K15/2202 1.5 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig tentamen 2) |
Lördag 10 maj klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-10 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematikinlärning för förskollärare som undervisar i förskoleklass (Uppdrag av Skolverket)
15 HP- UMUN14
UMUN14/2405 2 HP (2405 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 12 maj klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-12 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska I för grundlärare 4-6
22.5 HP- L1SK12
L1SK12/2207 2.5 HP (2207 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 14 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-14 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Historia för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LH1K12
LH1K12/2210 5 HP (2210 Imperialism och världskrig: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 14 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-14 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Religionsvetenskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LR1K12
LR1K12/2511 4.5 HP (2511 Religionshistoria: individuell skriftlig tentamen II) |
Onsdag 14 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-14 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för ämneslärare IIIa
15 HP- LE3N15
LE3N15/2507 3 HP (2507 Akademiskt skrivande, vetenskapliga teorier och forskningsmetoder: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 22 maj klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för grundlärare 4-6
30 HP- LE6K12
LE6K12/2210 4 HP (2210 Grammatik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 23 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-23 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LENK15
LENK15/2505 6 HP (2505 Grammatik och fonetik: individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 23 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-23 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematik II för grundlärare F-3
7.5 HP- L2MK12
L2MK12/2301 3 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 24 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-24 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Matematik III för grundlärare 4-6
7.5 HP- L3MK12
L3MK12/2201 3 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 24 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-24 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Historia för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LH1K12
LH1K12/2208 5 HP (2208 Upplysning och revolution 1720–1880: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 24 maj klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-24 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Naturvetenskap och teknik i förskolan
15 HP- LNVK14
LNVK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 24 maj klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-24 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSEK15
LSEK15/2510 4 HP (2510 Ungdomslitteratur och multimodala texter ur vetenskapliga och didaktiska perspektiv: Seminarieserie och individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 24 maj klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-04-24 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska I för grundlärare 4-6
22.5 HP- L1SK12
L1SK12/2209 3 HP (2209 Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift 4) |
Torsdag 5 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematik III för grundlärare F-3
7.5 HP- LM3K12
LM3K12/2201 2.5 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 5 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-06 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Svenska som andraspråk I
30 HP- L1SG13
L1SG13/2306 3.5 HP (2306 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 7 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-08 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska som andraspråk för lärare åk 1-3, (1-30). Ingår i Lärarlyftet.
30 HP- US1G14
US1G14/2405 3.5 HP (2405 Delkurs 2 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuellt skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 7 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-08 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Svenska som andraspråk för lärare åk 4-6, (1-30). Ingår i Lärarlyftet.
30 HP- US4G14
US4G14/2405 3.5 HP (2405 Delkurs 2 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuellt skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 7 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-08 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska som andraspråk för lärare åk 4-6, (1-30). Ingår i Lärarlyftet.
30 HP- US4G14
US4G14/2405 3.5 HP (2405 Delkurs 2 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuellt skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 7 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-08 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Swedish Language, Culture and Society 2
7.5 HP- LS2K15
LS2K15/2201 5 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen 1) |
Måndag 9 juni klockan 09:00 till 11:30 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-10 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Swedish Language, Culture and Society 2
7.5 HP- LS2K15
LS2K15/2202 1.5 HP (2202 Individuell skriftlig tentamen 2) |
Måndag 9 juni klockan 14:00 till 16:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-10 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Eksjö |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Oskarshamn |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: VÄRNAMO |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Didaktik i förskola I
15 HP- LDFK14
LDFK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Ljungby |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematik I för grundlärare F-3
7.5 HP- LM1K12
LM1K12/2301,2201 3 HP (2301, 2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Samhällsorienterande ämnen för grundlärare 4-6 - Religionskunskap
7.5 HP- LORK12
LORK12/2201 4 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Project and Communication Management
7.5 HP- LPMK13
LPMK13/2303 4 HP (2303 Individual written exam) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Religionsvetenskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LR1K12
LR1K12/2510 4.5 HP (2510 Religionshistoria: individuell skriftlig tentamen I) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSEK15
LSEK15/2507 2 HP (2507 Svenska språkets struktur i teori och praktik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen 3) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSHK12
LSHK12/2401 4 HP (2401 Sociologisk översiktskurs: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Budget och personalekonomi
7.5 HP- LBPK12
LBPK12/2204 5.5 HP (2204 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska, 1-30 hp
30 HP- LE1G13
LE1G13/2303 1.5 HP (2303 Språkfärdighet 1: Språkfärdighetsprovet VOC/MCT) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Historia för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LH1K12
LH1K12/2206 7 HP (2206 Medeltiden och tidigmodern tid 1000–1720: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Marknads- och kommunikationsrätt
7.5 HP- LMKG17
LMKG17/2502 3 HP (2502 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Religionsvetenskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LR1K12
LR1K12/2208 5.5 HP (2208 Etik och livsfrågor: individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 10 juni klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-11 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Religionsvetenskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LR1K12
LR1K12/2511 4.5 HP (2511 Religionshistoria: individuell skriftlig tentamen II) |
Onsdag 11 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-12 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSHK12
LSHK12/2209 2.5 HP (2209 Kulturgeografisk översiktskurs: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 11 juni klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-05-12 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematik II för grundlärare F-3
7.5 HP- L2MK12
L2MK12/2301 3 HP (2301 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 18 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-19 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Introduktion till personalvetenskap, HR och organisation
7.5 HP- LIPG10
LIPG10/2002 5 HP (2002 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Onsdag 20 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-21 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Historia för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LH1K12
LH1K12/2208 5 HP (2208 Upplysning och revolution 1720–1880: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 21 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSHK12
LSHK12/2401 4 HP (2401 Sociologisk översiktskurs: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Torsdag 21 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-22 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Historia för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LH1K12
LH1K12/2210 5 HP (2210 Imperialism och världskrig: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 22 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-23 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Samhällskunskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSHK12
LSHK12/2209 2.5 HP (2209 Kulturgeografisk översiktskurs: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 22 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-23 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Budget och personalekonomi
7.5 HP- LBPK12
LBPK12/2204 5.5 HP (2204 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 25 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
7.5 HP- LERK12
LERK12/2201 6 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 25 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Kommunikation och organisation
7.5 HP- LKOK13
LKOK13/2401 4 HP (2401 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Måndag 25 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Religionsvetenskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LR1K12
LR1K12/2510 4.5 HP (2510 Religionshistoria: individuell skriftlig tentamen I) |
Måndag 25 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSEK15
LSEK15/2505 6 HP (2505 Svenska språkets struktur i teori och praktik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen 2) |
Måndag 25 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Religionsvetenskap för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LR1K12
LR1K12/2511 4.5 HP (2511 Religionshistoria: individuell skriftlig tentamen II) |
Måndag 25 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-26 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Marknads- och kommunikationsrätt
7.5 HP- LMKG17
LMKG17/2502 3 HP (2502 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 26 augusti klockan 14:00 till 17:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-27 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSEK15
LSEK15/2510 4 HP (2510 Ungdomslitteratur och multimodala texter ur vetenskapliga och didaktiska perspektiv: Seminarieserie och individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Tisdag 26 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-27 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LENK15
LENK15/2505 6 HP (2505 Grammatik och fonetik: individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 29 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-30 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska som andraspråk I
30 HP- L1SG13
L1SG13/2306 3.5 HP (2306 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 30 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-31 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska som andraspråk för lärare åk 1-3, (1-30). Ingår i Lärarlyftet.
30 HP- US1G14
US1G14/2405 3.5 HP (2405 Delkurs 2 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuellt skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 30 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-31 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Svenska som andraspråk för lärare åk 4-6, (1-30). Ingår i Lärarlyftet.
30 HP- US4G14
US4G14/2405 3.5 HP (2405 Delkurs 2 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuellt skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 30 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-31 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska som andraspråk för lärare åk 4-6, (1-30). Ingår i Lärarlyftet.
30 HP- US4G14
US4G14/2405 3.5 HP (2405 Delkurs 2 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuellt skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 30 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-31 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska III - Kommunikation, flerspråkighet och mångfald för grundlärare F-3
7.5 HP- L3SK12
L3SK12/2501 3 HP (2501 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 30 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-31 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSEK15
LSEK15/2504 2 HP (2504 Svenska språkets struktur i teori och praktik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen 1) |
Lördag 30 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-07-31 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LENK15
LENK15/2512 1.5 HP (2512 Engelskspråkig litteratur & kultur 1: individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 12 september klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-08-13 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för grundlärare 4-6
30 HP- LE6K12
LE6K12/2208 1.5 HP (2208 Fonetik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 19 september klockan 09:00 till 11:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-08-20 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för grundlärare 4-6
30 HP- LE6K12
LE6K12/2210 4 HP (2210 Grammatik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 26 september klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-08-27 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska som andraspråk I
30 HP- L1SG13
L1SG13/2306 3.5 HP (2306 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 27 september klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-08-28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska I för grundlärare 4-6
22.5 HP- L1SK12
L1SK12/2209 3 HP (2209 Individuell skriftlig inlämningsuppgift 4) |
Lördag 27 september klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-08-28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska III - Kommunikation, flerspråkighet och mångfald för grundlärare F-3
7.5 HP- L3SK12
L3SK12/2501 3 HP (2501 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 27 september klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-08-28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Historia för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LH1K12
LH1K12/2210 5 HP (2210 Imperialism och världskrig: Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 27 september klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-08-28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematik III för grundlärare F-3
7.5 HP- LM3K12
LM3K12/2201 2.5 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 27 september klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-08-28 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
Naturvetenskap och teknik i förskolan
15 HP- LNVK14
LNVK14/2403 4 HP (2403 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 27 september klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-08-28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSEK15
LSEK15/2507 2 HP (2507 Svenska språkets struktur i teori och praktik: Individuell skriftlig tentamen 3) |
Lördag 27 september klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-08-28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska som andraspråk för lärare åk 1-3, (1-30). Ingår i Lärarlyftet.
30 HP- US1G14
US1G14/2405 3.5 HP (2405 Delkurs 2 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuellt skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 27 september klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-08-28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Inställd |
Svenska som andraspråk för lärare åk 4-6, (1-30). Ingår i Lärarlyftet.
30 HP- US4G14
US4G14/2405 3.5 HP (2405 Delkurs 2 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuellt skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 27 september klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-08-28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska som andraspråk för lärare åk 4-6, (1-30). Ingår i Lärarlyftet.
30 HP- US4G14
US4G14/2405 3.5 HP (2405 Delkurs 2 Det svenska språksystemet i ett andraspråksperspektiv: Individuellt skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 27 september klockan 09:00 till 12:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-08-28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Off campus |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Svenska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LSEK15
LSEK15/2510 4 HP (2510 Ungdomslitteratur och multimodala texter ur vetenskapliga och didaktiska perspektiv: Seminarieserie och individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 27 september klockan 14:00 till 19:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-08-28 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Engelska för ämneslärare I
30 HP- LENK15
LENK15/2512 1.5 HP (2512 Engelskspråkig litteratur & kultur 1: individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Fredag 14 november klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-10-15 |
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link https://ju.se/student/en/e-exams.html |
Matematik III för grundlärare F-3
7.5 HP- LM3K12
LM3K12/2201 2.5 HP (2201 Individuell skriftlig tentamen) |
Lördag 15 november klockan 09:00 till 13:00 |
Anmälan öppnar 2025-10-16 |
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt |
Lokal: Campus Jönköping |
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. |
All tentamen vid Högskolan i Jönköping koordineras av en gemensam tentamensgrupp. Mer information
Hitta lokalen
Planskiss över Högskoleområdet
Hus A: Rektors kansli, Högskoleservice och Service Center
Hus B: Internationella handelshögskolan
Hus C: Biblioteket
Hus E: Tekniska högskolan
Hus G: Hälsohögskolan
Hus H: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation
Hus D: Högskolefastigheter
Hus J: Campus Arena