Sidan uppdaterad 2013-06-18

Tentamensschema JTH

Mekanik 1 6 HP- T1MK18
T1MK18/1801 4 HP (1801 Tentamen)
Lördag 10 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-07-31)
Antal anmälda: 46
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Algoritmer 7.5 HP- TAIK12
TAIK12/2201 5 HP (2201 Tentamen)
Lördag 10 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-07-31)
Antal anmälda: 15
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Elektriska gränssnitt 7.5 HP- TEGK18
TEGK18/1801 4 HP (1801 Tentamen)
Lördag 10 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-07-31)
Antal anmälda: 2
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Introduktion till elektronik 7.5 HP- TIEK18
TIEK18/1801 5 HP (1801 Tentamen)
Lördag 10 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-07-31)
Antal anmälda: 13
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Beräkningsmetoder och optimering 7.5 HP- TNAK13
TNAK13/2301 7.5 HP (2301 Tentamen)
Lördag 10 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-07-31)
Antal anmälda: 7
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Grundläggande termodynamik och transportfenomen 3 HP- TGTK19
TGTK19/1901 2 HP (1901 Tentamen)
Söndag 11 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-01)
Antal anmälda: 6
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Matematisk statistik 6 HP- TMAK17
TMAK17/1701 6 HP (1701 Tentamen)
Söndag 11 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-01)
Antal anmälda: 23
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Tentamen skrivs på både svenska och engelska/The examination is given in both Swedish and English. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Matematisk statistik 7.5 HP- TMSK17
TMSK17/1701 7.5 HP (1701 Tentamen)
Söndag 11 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-01)
Antal anmälda: 21
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Tentamen skrivs på både svenska och engelska/The examination is given in both Swedish and English. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Matematisk statistik SSCM 7.5 HP- TMSK19
TMSK19/1901 - Matematisk statistik SSCM 7,5 hp 7.5 HP (1901 Skriftlig tentamen)
Söndag 11 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-01)
Antal anmälda: 6
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Tentamen skrivs på engelska/The examination is given in English. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Numerisk analys 7.5 HP- TNAR22
TNAR22/2201 5 HP (2201 Examination)
Söndag 11 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-01)
Antal anmälda: 2
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
CAD 1 med ritteknik 9 HP- T1CG13
T1CG13/1801 2 HP (1801 Tentamen Ritteknik)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 09:00 till 11:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Lokal: Lönnen
Fritext: Enbart för studenter vid Träcentrum, Nässjö. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Byggprocessen i anknytning till ljusdesign 6 HP- TBAN10
TBAN10/2001 4 HP (2001 Tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 1
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Envariabelanalys 9 HP- TEVG17
TEVG17/1701 3 HP (1701 Tentamen - Funktionslära och komplexa tal)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 85
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Del 1/1701 - Funktionslära och komplexa tal Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Hållbara Affärsrelationer 7.5 HP- THAN19
THAN19/1901 2 HP (1901 Tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 1
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Industriell marknadsföring 7.5 HP- TIMK11
TIMK11/2101 2 HP (2101 Tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 2
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Innovation 7.5 HP- TINN10
TINN10/2001 4 HP (2001 Tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 6
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Konsumentbeteende i online-sammanhang 7.5 HP- TKTS22
TKTS22/2203 4 HP (2203 Individuell tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Ledarskap och projektledning 6 HP- TLPG13
TLPG13/1401 3 HP (1401 Tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 8
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Marknadsföring och försäljning 6 HP- TMFK19
TMFK19/1901 4 HP (1901 Tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 09:00 till 11:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Lokal: Lönnen
Fritext: Enbart för studenter vid Träcentrum, Nässjö. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
IT-arkitektur 7.5 HP- TTAK19
TTAK19/1901 3 HP (1901 Tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 1
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Prototyptillverkning 6 HP- TPTK14
TPTK14/1401 4 HP (1401 Tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 13:00 till 15:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Lokal: Lönnen
Fritext: Enbart för studenter vid Träcentrum, Nässjö. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Arbete-Människa-Teknik 7.5 HP- TAMK12
TAMK12/2401 5 HP (2401 Tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 2
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Datastrukturer 7.5 HP- TDRK12
TDRK12/2201 4.5 HP (2201 Tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 6
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Enchipsdatorer 7.5 HP- TEDK18
TEDK18/1801 4 HP (1801 Tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 11
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Ekonomi och entreprenörskap 7.5 HP- TEPG14
TEPG14/2401 4 HP (2401 Tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 14:00 till 17:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 12
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Human Factors i produktframtagning 7.5 HP- TPEN11
TPEN11/2401 5 HP (2401 Tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 1
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Developing Sustainable Supply Chain Operations 7.5 HP- TSSS22
TSSS22/2201 3 HP (2201 Tentamen)
Måndag 12 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-02)
Antal anmälda: 9
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Datorverktyg i produktframtagningsprocessen 7.5 HP- TDPK10
TDPK10/2303 1.5 HP (2303 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 09:00 till 10:30
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Datorverktyg i produktframtagningsprocessen 7.5 HP- TDPK10
TDPK10/2403 1 HP (2403 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 09:00 till 10:30
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Datastrukturer och algoritmer 7.5 HP- TDSK17
TDSK17/1801 5 HP (1801 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 53
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Forskningsmetoder i datateknik och informatik 7.5 HP- TFIN14
TFIN14/2401 3 HP (2401 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 23
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Introduktion till konstruktion 3 HP- TIKK18
TIKK18/2001 1.5 HP (2001 Teroritest)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 09:00 till 10:30
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 1
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Introduktion till konstruktion 3 HP- TIKK18
TIKK18/2402 1 HP (2402 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 09:00 till 10:30
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 2
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Konstruktion 6 HP- TKOK10
TKOK10/2002 1.5 HP (2002 Teoritest)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 09:00 till 10:30
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Konstruktion 6 HP- TKOK10
TKOK10/2402 1 HP (2402 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 09:00 till 10:30
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 1
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Materialteknik och möbelkonstruktion 6 HP- TMKK15
TMKK15/1501 3 HP (1501 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 09:00 till 11:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 1
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Lokal: Lönnen
Fritext: Enbart för studenter vid Träcentrum, Nässjö. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Systemadministration - Linux 7.5 HP- TSLK13
TSLK13/2301 3 HP (2301 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 10
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Material i produkt och tillverkningsprocess 15 HP- TTSK10
TTSK10/2001 7.5 HP (2001 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 2
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Ytteknik 7.5 HP- TYTS22
TYTS22/2201 4 HP (2201 Examination)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 1
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Vetenskapligt arbetssätt och kommunikation 6 HP- TVEG13
TVEG13/1301 3 HP (1301 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 13:00 till 16:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 1
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Lokal: Lönnen
Fritext: Enbart för studenter vid Träcentrum, Nässjö. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Byggnadsmekanik 7.5 HP- TBHK18
TBHK18/1801 6.5 HP (1801 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 42
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Affärsplanering och entreprenörskap 7.5 HP- TBPG19
TBPG19/1901 2 HP (1901 Examination)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Affärsplanering och entreprenörskap 7.5 HP- TBPG19
TBPG19/2401 4 HP (2401 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 16
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Digitalteknik 7.5 HP- TDEK13
TDEK13/2301 4.5 HP (2301 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 13
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Digitalteknik med VHDL 7.5 HP- TDVK19
TDVK19/1901 4 HP (1910 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 13
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Diskret matematik ( 7.5 HP- TMMG11
TMMG11/2101 7.5 HP (2101 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 6
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Produktionsstyrning 6 HP- TPOK12
TPOK12/2201 4 HP (2201 Tentamen)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 3
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Human-System Integration 7.5 HP- TS4S22
TS4S22/2401 5 HP (2401 Examination)
Tisdag 13 augusti klockan 14:00 till 17:30
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-03)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
CAD 1 med ritteknik 9 HP- T1CG13
T1CG13/1802 3 HP (1802 Tentamen CAD)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 4
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Lokal: Lönnen
Fritext: Enbart för studenter vid Träcentrum, Nässjö. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Arkitekturhistoria 3 HP- TAHK18
TAHK18/1801 3 HP (1801 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 12
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Affärsplanering med kalkylering och tillverkning 9 HP- TAKK19
TAKK19/1901 6 HP (1901 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 2
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Lokal: Lönnen
Fritext: Enbart för studenter vid Träcentrum, Nässjö. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Entreprenörskap och affärsplanering 7.5 HP- TEAN11
TEAN11/2101 2 HP (2101 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 16
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Ekonomi, entreprenörskap och marknadsföring 6 HP- TEEG14
TEEG14/14H1 4 HP (14H1 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 13
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Fördjupad webbutveckling 7.5 HP- TFWN14
TFWN14/2402 2.5 HP (2402 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 2
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Fördjupad webbutveckling 7.5 HP- TFWN19
TFWN19/1902 2.5 HP (1902 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 9
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Implementation of Digital Technologies and the Construction Industry 7.5 HP- TIDR23
TIDR23/2301 4 HP (2301 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Konstruktionsmaterial 7.5 HP- TKMR22
TKMR22/2201 4 HP (2201 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 1
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Konstruktionsmaterial 7.5 HP- TKSK18
TKSK18/1801 6.5 HP (1801 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 11:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 5
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Ljus för hälsa och välmående 6 HP- TLVN12
TLVN12/2201 2 HP (2201 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 10:30
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Mätteknik och GIS 9 HP- TMGK18
TMGK18/1801 3 HP (1801 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 9
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Mjukvaruutveckling 7.5 HP- TMUK14
TMUK14/2401 3 HP (2401 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Objektorienterad programmering 7.5 HP- TOPK18
TOPK18/1801 4.5 HP (1801 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 86
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Projektledning 7.5 HP- TPLG14
TPLG14/2401 4 HP (2401 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 4
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Systemadministration – Windows 7.5 HP- TSAK13
TSAK13/2301 3 HP (2301 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 13
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Samhällsplanering: Det offentliga rummet 6 HP- TSDN18
TSDN18/1903 2 HP (1903 Övningsuppgift 3. Teori)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 10:30
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Skalbara och feltoleranta system 7.5 HP- TSFN14
TSFN14/2401 3.5 HP (2401 Tentamen)
Onsdag 14 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-04)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Produktionsteknik 1 7.5 HP- T1PK19
T1PK19/1902 4.5 HP (1902 Tentamen)
Torsdag 15 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-05)
Antal anmälda: 1
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
CAD 2 med Rapid prototyping 6 HP- TCRK18
TCRK18/1801 4 HP (1801 Tentamen)
Torsdag 15 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-05)
Antal anmälda: 6
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Lokal: Lönnen
Fritext: Enbart för studenter vid Träcentrum, Nässjö. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Cybersäkerhet 7.5 HP- TCYK14
TCYK14/2401 3.5 HP (2401 Tentamen)
Torsdag 15 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-05)
Antal anmälda: 4
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Datorverktyg i produktframtagningsprocessen 7.5 HP- TDPK10
TDPK10/2302 3.5 HP (2302 Inlämningsuppgift)
Torsdag 15 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-05)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Datorverktyg i produktframtagningsprocessen 7.5 HP- TDPK10
TDPK10/2404 1.5 HP (2404 Tentamen)
Torsdag 15 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-05)
Antal anmälda: 5
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Intelligenta mobila system 7.5 HP- TIGN13
TIGN13/2301 3 HP (2301 Tentamen)
Torsdag 15 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-05)
Antal anmälda: 4
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Introduktion till konstruktion 3 HP- TIKK18
TIKK18/2002 1.5 HP (2002 Laborationer och praktiskt test)
Torsdag 15 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-05)
Antal anmälda: 1
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Introduktion till konstruktion 3 HP- TIKK18
TIKK18/2403 1.5 HP (2403 Tentamen)
Torsdag 15 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-05)
Antal anmälda: 6
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Belysningsteknik och kvalitetssäkring 1 12 HP- TK1K11
TK1K11/2201 7 HP (2201 Tentamen)
Torsdag 15 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-05)
Antal anmälda: 1
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Konstruktion 6 HP- TKOK10
TKOK10/2003 1.5 HP (2003 Laborationer/Praktiskt test)
Torsdag 15 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-05)
Antal anmälda: 3
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad provmodul/Phased out exam module, 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Konstruktion 6 HP- TKOK10
TKOK10/2403 1.5 HP (2403 Tentamen)
Torsdag 15 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-05)
Antal anmälda: 4
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Linjär algebra 6 HP- TLJG17
TLJG17/1701 6 HP (1701 Tentamen)
Torsdag 15 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-05)
Antal anmälda: 115
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Microstructural Engineering 7.5 HP- TMES22
TMES22/2203 3.5 HP (2203 Examination)
Torsdag 15 augusti klockan 14:00 till 15:30
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-05)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Databasadministration 7.5 HP- TDAK10
TDAK10/2001 3 HP (2001 Tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 0
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Databaser 6 HP- TDRK18
TDRK18/2101 4 HP (2101 Tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 13
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Gruppdynamik 3 HP- TGYG19
TGYG19/1901 1.5 HP (1901 Tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 09:00 till 10:30
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 20
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Mekanik och hållfasthetslära 9 HP- TMLK14
TMLK14/1401 5 HP (1401 Tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 09:00 till 13:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 7
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Lokal: Lönnen
Fritext: Enbart för studenter vid Träcentrum, Nässjö. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Nätverksdesign - WAN och operatörsnät 7.5 HP- TNWK10
TNWK10/2101 3 HP (2101 Tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 25
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Produkt- och produktionsplattformar 7.5 HP- TPDS22
TPDS22/2210 2.5 HP (2210 Tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 1
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Försörjningskedjor och samhällsansvar 7.5 HP- TSCK12
TSCK12/2201 2.5 HP (2201 Skriftlig tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 6
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Vetenskapligt arbetssätt och kommunikation 6 HP- TVEG13
TVEG13/1301 3 HP (1301 Tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 19
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Visuell kommunikation 7.5 HP- TVKK12
TVKK12/2201 2.5 HP (2201 Tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 09:00 till 12:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 9
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Arbetsorganisation och arbetsmiljö 6 HP- TAAK10
TAAK10/2001 4 HP (2001 Tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 4
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Detaljhandel 7.5 HP- TDHN11
TDHN11/2101 2.5 HP (2101 Skriftlig tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 2
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Flervariabelanalys 7.5 HP- TFVK17
TFVK17/1701 7.5 HP (1701 Tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 94
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Skrivs på både svenska och engelska/The examination is given in both Swedish and English. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Grundläggande analys 7.5 HP- TGAG19
TGAG19/1901 7.5 HP (1901 Skriftlig tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 13
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Tentamen skrivs på engelska/The examination is given in English. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Byggmaterial och byggteknik 1 7.5 HP- TM1K18
TM1K18/1801 5 HP (1801 Tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 64
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Projektledningsmetodik 7.5 HP- TPLG10
TPLG10/2001 4 HP (2001 Tentamen)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 5
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Leading Sustainable Operations 7.5 HP- TSOR22
TSOR22/2301 3 HP (2301 Examination)
Fredag 16 augusti klockan 14:00 till 17:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-06)
Antal anmälda: 5
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Deliver: Strategy, Planning and Operations 7.5 HP- TDSS22
TDSS22/2201 4 HP (2201 Skriftlig tentamen)
Lördag 17 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-07)
Antal anmälda: 8
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Elektronik 7.5 HP- TELK13
TELK13/2301 4.5 HP (2301 Tentamen)
Lördag 17 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-07)
Antal anmälda: 6
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Logistik 7.5 HP- TLSN12
TLSN12/2201 4 HP (2201 Tentamen)
Lördag 17 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-07)
Antal anmälda: 4
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Reglerteknik och transformteori 7.5 HP- TRTN14
TRTN14/2401 5 HP (2401 Tentamen)
Lördag 17 augusti klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-07)
Antal anmälda: 14
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Linjär algebra och optimering 7.5 HP- TAOG19
TAOG19/1901 7.5 HP (1901 Skriftlig tentamen)
Söndag 18 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-08)
Antal anmälda: 20
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Teknisk fysik 7.5 HP- TEPK12
TEPK12/2201 6 HP (2201 Tentamen)
Söndag 18 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-08)
Antal anmälda: 3
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Envariabelanalys 9 HP- TEVG17
TEVG17/1702 6 HP (1702 Tentamen - Differential- och integralkalkyl)
Söndag 18 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-08)
Antal anmälda: 132
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Del 2/1702 - Differential- och integralkalkyl Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Linjär algebra ( 7.5 HP- TLAG19
TLAG19/1901 7.5 HP (1901 Tentamen)
Söndag 18 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-08)
Antal anmälda: 35
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Materialmekanik 7.5 HP- TMMS22
TMMS22/2201 5 HP (2201 Examination)
Söndag 18 augusti klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan är öppen! (stänger 2024-08-08)
Antal anmälda: 2
Tentamenstyp: Papperstentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination.
Advanced Building Information Delivery 6 HP- TADS28
TADS28/2101 2 HP (2101 Examination)
Söndag 8 september klockan 14:00 till 17:00
Anmälan öppnar 2024-08-09
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course - 5 av/of 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Arbete-Människa-Teknik 7.5 HP- TAMK12
TAMK12/2201 3 HP (2201 Tentamen)
Söndag 8 september klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan öppnar 2024-08-09
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad modul/Phased out module 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Dagsljusprojektering 15 HP- TDPN12
TDPN12/2001 4 HP (2001 Tentamen)
Söndag 8 september klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan öppnar 2024-08-09
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Forskningsmetoder i datateknik och informatik 7.5 HP- TFIN18
TFIN18/1801 3 HP (1801 Tentamen)
Söndag 8 september klockan 14:00 till 18:00
Anmälan öppnar 2024-08-09
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Utformning av försörjningskedjor 7.5 HP- TFKS22
TFKS22/2101 4 HP (2101 Tentamen)
Söndag 8 september klockan 14:00 till 17:00
Anmälan öppnar 2024-08-09
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad modul/Phased out module 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Knowledge Intensive BIM 6 HP- TKBS28
TKBS28/1801 3 HP (1801 Tentamen)
Söndag 8 september klockan 14:00 till 17:00
Anmälan öppnar 2024-08-09
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course 4 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Mjukvaruutveckling 7.5 HP- TMUK13
TMUK13/2301 4.5 HP (2301 Tentamen)
Söndag 8 september klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan öppnar 2024-08-09
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Objektorienterad programutveckling 7.5 HP- TOCK12
TOCK12/2201 4.5 HP (2201 Tentamen)
Söndag 8 september klockan 14:00 till 19:00
Anmälan öppnar 2024-08-09
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course 5 av 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link
Virtualisering och molntjänster 7.5 HP- TVMK11
TVMK11/2101 3 HP (2101 Tentamen)
Söndag 8 september klockan 14:00 till 17:00
Anmälan öppnar 2024-08-09
Tentamenstyp: Inspera – Digital tentamen Anonymt
Lokal: Campus Jönköping
Fritext: Utfasad kurs/Phased out course, 5 av/of 5 tillfällen/opportunity. Starting from 11 march, the doors to the examination halls will be closed and locked 10 minutes before the start of the examination. Please make sure that your JU account is active. Information about examination in Inspera, please follow this link


All tentamen vid Högskolan i Jönköping koordineras av en gemensam tentamensgrupp. Mer information

Hitta lokalen

Planskiss över Högskoleområdet

Hus A: Rektors kansli, Högskoleservice och Service Center
Hus B: Internationella handelshögskolan
Hus C: Biblioteket
Hus E: Tekniska högskolan
Hus G: Hälsohögskolan
Hus H: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation
Hus D: Högskolefastigheter
Hus J: Campus Arena